Rhetorical analysis的目地是来教阅读者有关文学著作中存有的因素。 它表明了这种因素怎样危害著作期待传递给阅读者的信息内容的总体能量。

Main considerations
The right questions. 在开展rhetorical analysis时,您必须明确提出有关的questions. 仅当您已彻底阅读文章并了解该著作时,才能够问这种难题。
这种难题的回答将组成rhetorical analysis的thesis. 不用剖析著作的最少因素-您只必须关心这些您觉得立即对著作的能量和取得成功刑事追究的因素。
沒有一切著作不是受外界要素的危害而单独存有的。著作的rhetorical situation指的是:
1) the background in which the author had written it
2) the reasons why the author wrote it
3) the aim of the work
4) the author’s intention.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos.
在rhetorical analysis的情况下, modes of persuasion便是说白了的rhetorical appeals.
因为创作者应用多种多样方式说动阅读者,因而掌握著作的rhetorical appeals将有利于您发觉创作者怎么使用他们来危害著作的能量。
在rhetorical analysis中,还包含另一种方式-kairos。 Kairos指的是著作出版发行的时效性。
Ethos是创作者的信誉度。 为了更好地创建信誉度,我想问一下自身一些难题。
Does he wish to persuade, to enlighten, to teach, or just to narrate?
Whatever your answer is, do you think the writer can be trusted?
Evaluate the language in which the work is written? Does it change your perception of the writer?
Does he have enough knowledge or background about the subject?
Does he make an effort to discuss other points of view?
Pathos means appeal to emotion. Ask these questions:
What kind of audience does the author want?
Does the author succeed in making the reader emotional? If yes, in what manner?
Does the author assume about the characteristics, knowledge, and background of the readers?
Logos is the appeal to logic.
Does the author do a good job in interconnecting the points of the work’s message?
Does he have enough material to support his arguments? If yes, what kind of material is used?
Is the author’s main argument in line with the effectiveness of the text?
Kairos refers to the work’s appeal to timeliness.
Does the year of the work’s publication and the events of the time play a positive or a negative factor in the work’s success?best essay writing service on www.lxws.net
Does the work reflect people’s attitudes towards the issue during that particular time?
Rhetorical analysis要怎么写?
The topic. 请记牢,著作的topic决不应变成rhetorical analysis的关键。 rhetorical analysis探讨HOW 而不是 WHAT。 如前所述,这仅有在您细读并了解了本著作的状况下能有可能。 对创作者怎样persuades阅读者的了解将使您有可能明确提出自身的arguments并发觉别的点评家发布的论点论据中的缺点。
Introduction. 在下一句中出示一些关键的情况信息内容。introduction的最终几句话应包括thesis statement. 您务必紧紧围绕简述创作者的修辞方法对策。 最好简洁明了的summary,便于不了解此著作的阅读者还可以了解。
Thesis statement. 您的thesis不可以简易地回复或适用创作者的argument. 您的thesis应该是探讨有关创作者所应用的rhetorical strategies的成功与失败是否。一篇好的thesis statement的事例:“Through the use of struggles of immigrant Italians against the excesses of organized crime, Mario Puzo’s argument about the importance of loyalty and familial ties within the early 20th century Italian-American community possesses validity.”
Body. 这些包括您对创作者应用的rhetorical strategies的指责和剖析。 针对相关特殊修辞方法对策的每一个论点论据,您务必从著作中取出直接证据来适用或反驳它。
Conclusion. 这不但是thesis statement的事后。 应用结果来表述全部rhetorical analysis的必要性。 它是不是戳穿了之前发布的有关著作的观点? 它会进一步推进此前发布的剖析結果吗? 您的结果应说动阅读者掌握创作者怎样表述自身见解的必要性。
开展rhetorical analysis很有可能很艰难。有时候,文学著作的信息内容很有可能较为神密,以致于难以剖析。paperdaixie.com论文网集团旗下 他超出400位本硕博精锐writer,她们熟练各种各样课程(包含rhetorical analysis),专为留学人员出示学术研究创作服务项目,从100%量身定做的原創essays,research papers和term papers,到essay help 和 general academic help,您都能够享有考虑您学术研究要求的一系列创作輔助服务项目。