Strategic Brand Management of Starbucks Corporation
品牌管理分析代写 In this paper, is the evaluation of the Starbucks brand management. The paper will evaluate the brand inventory which includes the
In this paper, is the evaluation of the Starbucks brand management. The paper will evaluate the brand inventory which includes the company’s brand portfolio, and current market positioning. The brand inventory will also address brand history, products and services offered, their positioning, main elements, and financial value in the market. The report will also inquire about the brand analysis which includes consumer brand knowledge structure based on the consumer-based brand equity framework. Finally, the report will give recommendations to Starbucks corporations on its brand management.
本文是对星巴克品牌管理的评价。 本文将评估品牌库存,其中包括公司的品牌组合和当前的市场定位。 品牌库存还将处理品牌历史,提供的产品和服务,其定位,主要元素以及市场财务价值。 该报告还将询问品牌分析,其中包括基于基于消费者的品牌资产框架的消费者品牌知识结构。 最后,该报告将向星巴克公司提供品牌管理方面的建议。品牌管理分析代写
Brand Inventory 品牌管理分析代写
The brand was founded in 1971 by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker (Starbucks Blog, 2016). Initially, coffee beans were the main product and did not have premium services and products it is known for today. The company logo was inspired by Norse woodcutting that contained a siren the mermaid-like figure (, 2016). Starbucks was then sold in 1986 to its former manager Howard Schultz. Since then, Schultz has built an empire of a brand that has become a coffee behemoth it is today. In 1996, Tokyo was opened before entering the United Kingdom and Latin American store in Mexico City in 1998, and 2002 opened respectively.
该品牌于1971年由Jerry Baldwin,Zev Siegl和Gordon Bowker创立(星巴克博客,2016年)。 最初,咖啡豆是主要产品,没有优质的服务和今天众所周知的产品。 公司徽标的灵感来自北欧木刻,其中包含一个像美人鱼一样身形的警报器(,2016年)。 然后,星巴克于1986年被出售给其前任经理霍华德·舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)。 从那时起,舒尔茨就建立了一个如今已成为咖啡巨无霸品牌的帝国。 1996年,东京开业,然后在1998年进入英国和墨西哥城的拉丁美洲商店,并分别于2002年开业。品牌管理分析代写
Starbucks has been tremendously growing with footprints in Russia in 2007 and later in 2013 to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
In 2014, Brunei store was opened as the 15th and 64th markets in the Asian Pacific Region and globally respectively. Panama stores were opened in 2015 after reaching the milestone of offering ethically sourced coffee. The company currently has more than 26,000 stores and is present in more than 75 countries and is still expanding.
The prosperity of Starbucks is the product that it sells under its brand. The company innovativeness in brand strategy has made it possible to capture more market for food and beverages. The various product lines aimed at expanding market share. The main categories of products that the company deals with include coffee, tea, baked goods, Frappuccino, smoothies, other foods, and beverages and merchandise include mugs. Starbucks does not only sell this product mix but also offers an intricate lifestyle that gives the feel of home away from home.
On the other side of the product mix the overall brand positioning. 品牌管理分析代写
According to Blankson and Kalafatis (2007), market position is very critical in defining and modifying the tangible features of the products and brand perception. Starbucks has positioned itself as a brand of premium.
Customers buy expensive products of high quality, which is a tangible feature, which complemented by the personalized in-store experience offered by the customized products and services through staff training, as well as merchandise and architectural design (which are intangible features). As a result, Starbucks has become a premium brand of choice and highly ranked relative to its competitors.
Additionally, Starbucks has a unique selling proposition to its customers which also helps in differentiating its products and services from other brands in the market and hence gain competitive advantage. The company has a good reputation in customer services and in-store experience. Customers have choice to either spend some time in the stores to enjoy the friendly and expensive atmosphere with WiFi or do quick purchase on their way. In either of the customer choices customers are able to experience the serenity of Starbucks’s unique experience. The strategy is especially essential in the fast-moving world with dynamic technologies that have personalized lifestyles and social interactions.
根据布兰克森和卡拉法蒂斯(Blankson and Kalafatis,2007)的观点,市场地位对于定义和修改产品的有形特征和品牌认知度至关重要。星巴克已将自己定位为高级品牌。
The company brings people together away from their daily isolation where they can socialize in person every day every time.
Moore (2006), observed that Starbucks is the leader of the industry it has created. Despite its industry leadership, the company has several criticisms on customer services. According to Sanburn (2012), when the company opened its several stores in 2010, there was lose of its magic feel and personalized services delivery to its customers. It appeared that Starbucks customers began to feel neglected and felt like regular fast-food customers. The observations when juxtaposed with the previous consumer experiences showed the company has lost its unique selling proposition. As a result, it has decreased its competitive advantage.
Moore(2006)观察到,星巴克是其创建的行业的领导者。 尽管在行业中处于领先地位,但该公司在客户服务方面仍有一些批评。 根据Sanburn(2012)的说法,当公司于2010年开设数家商店时,就失去了其魔幻的感觉和向客户提供个性化服务的机会。 似乎星巴克的顾客开始感到被忽视,就像普通的快餐顾客一样。 与先前的消费者体验并列的观察结果表明,该公司已经失去了其独特的销售主张。 结果,它降低了竞争优势。品牌管理分析代写
Furthermore, Starbucks has three main elements that define its including coffee, people and stores (Schulz, & Yang, 1997).
The company has installed stringent measures and control of the quality and processing of coffee beans to ensure the premium quality of the final products. The company has invested massively on personnel through employment and training to have upscale knowledge of its products and customer service. The top niche store design, atmosphere and aroma contribute significantly toward the customer experience and competitiveness.
The company constructs and owns its customized stores. This ensures that the company goes beyond offering quality beverages to giving customers a friendly environment. The stores have combinations of features including aroma, lighting, music and décor that together deliver the unique ambiance. Other elements include its logo and packaging. Starbucks uses personalized plastic containers that are both customers and environmentally friendly in terms of usage and disposal. The company logo is unique and distinguishes itself from other competitors. The logo is an image of “twin-tailed mermaid” or siren. The company uses the logo and packaging to lure coffee lovers.
Brand Analysis

According to Lindemann (2010), Tong and Hawley (2009), and Kapferer (2005), customer-based brand equity has been essential to success for Starbucks. It has made it gain financial value and customer value which are gained from premium prices and customer loyalty respectively. However, the brand equity can be affected by criticism it receives from Chinese media claiming the company offers very expensive products (Kamenetz, 2013) or the claim of tax evasion as outlined by Bergin (2012).
根据Lindemann(2010),Tong and Hawley(2009)和Kapferer(2005)的观点,基于客户的品牌资产对于星巴克的成功至关重要。 它使其分别从溢价和客户忠诚度中获得财务价值和客户价值。 然而,品牌资产可能会受到中国媒体的批评而受到影响,这些批评指称该公司提供非常昂贵的产品(Kamenetz,2013年)或Bergin(2012年)概述的逃税主张。品牌管理分析代写
Nonetheless, according to Guzman (2012), positive brand equity will have value and gain customer preference in the market.
However, the company needs to respect these values to sustain market preference and competitiveness. Brand equity is directly related to effective customer management. Strong customer-based brand equity creates larger community support.
Kotler and Keller (2006) observed that Starbuck's success is attributed to its branding that has for long generated a pool of customer loyalty. As such, the company was provided with a sense of security, predictability, and limit new entrants into the industry. A research conducted by Sisodia, Sheth, and Wolfe (2007), identified the highly ranked and valued company's world with Starbucks taking position 25.
但是,公司需要尊重这些价值观,以维持市场偏好和竞争力。 品牌资产与有效的客户管理直接相关。 强大的基于客户的品牌资产创造了更大的社区支持。
Kotler和Keller(2006)观察到,星巴克的成功归因于其品牌塑造,长期以来一直积累了客户忠诚度。 因此,该公司具有一定的安全性,可预测性,并限制了新进入该行业的人员。 Sisodia,Sheth和Wolfe(2007)进行的一项研究确定了星巴克排名第25位的公司的高度评价和高度评价。
Many customers have made Starbucks brand a brand of choice and necessity and could not imagine living without it.
The company has created a good working environment for its employees. The friendliness is then transferred to the customers through quality products and services.
However, Shaughnessy (2013), noted that Starbucks has been losing reputation in the market and other similar brands like McDonald's are dominating the market. The main reason for the loss in consumer preference is a breach of customer trust that was the initial selling point, violation tax laws and deteriorating personalized services. When the company began its expansion strategy, customers felt neglected due to the decline in personalized services. despite the differentiation and high-quality products offered by Starbucks, customers began to shift to McDonald's or Costa coffee with similar products and services but cheaper prices.
公司为员工创造了良好的工作环境。 然后,通过优质的产品和服务将友善感传递给客户。
但是,Shaughnessy(2013)指出,星巴克一直在市场上失去声誉,而其他类似品牌(例如麦当劳)正在主导市场。 失去消费者偏好的主要原因是违反客户信任,这是最初的卖点,违反税法和恶化的个性化服务。 当公司开始实施扩张战略时,由于个性化服务的下降,客户被忽略了。 尽管星巴克提供了与众不同的优质产品,但客户开始转向使用具有类似产品和服务但价格更便宜的麦当劳或科斯塔咖啡。品牌管理分析代写
Suggestions and Recommendations 品牌管理分析代写
Brand equity is the surest way to remain competitive in the market. Despite the fact that research on this, there also exist other issues including global recessions and focus on pricing as the strategies to wining customer loyalty which has largely impacted on Starbucks brand. As such, when there changes in the macro-environment, the question remains whether Starbucks should remain true to its strategic global objective or adapt to the environment to remain competitive. Also, in the context of brand equity vulnerabilities by the external forces, Starbucks is challenged on the decision to continue building its product mix amid uncertainties, recession, and market unsustainability. In this regard, the main challenges facing Starbucks include increased competition, constant need for innovation, need for diversification and brand consistency, as well as pricing as a strategy.
品牌资产是保持市场竞争力的最可靠方法。 尽管对此进行了研究,但仍然存在其他问题,包括全球经济衰退以及将定价作为赢得客户忠诚度的策略的重点,这已对星巴克品牌产生了重大影响。 因此,当宏观环境发生变化时,问题仍然存在,即星巴克是否应该忠实于其全球战略战略目标或适应环境以保持竞争力。 同样,在外力造成品牌资产脆弱性的情况下,星巴克面临在不确定性,衰退和市场不可持续性的情况下继续建立其产品组合的决定所面临的挑战。 在这方面,星巴克面临的主要挑战包括竞争加剧,对创新的持续需求,对多元化和品牌一致性的需求,以及将定价作为战略。
Nevertheless, Starbucks can overcome these hurdles in both domestic and global markets.
The biggest potential for growth for Starbucks is the international market. The company should focus on emerging markets like BRICS. These markets have growing middle-class population and demand premium products and services and hence present opportunities for the company. Besides China, the other untapped markets that Starbuck should invest and increase its brand equity. The company should transfer its core competencies and capabilities to its subsidiaries so as to build on its financial and customer value that is dwindling.
Additionally, Starbucks needs to diversify its tea and fresh juice product mix which has high growth potential compared to coffee. These product lines should be built at the same level as coffee products. Most importantly, the company should focus on retaining customer loyalty by maintaining the initial value proposition that has for the last few years been declining. In so doing, it needs to invest in the personalized services and pricing strategy. When these steps are considered the company will begin to get the hold on the market it has lost for the last decade.
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