坚信Personal Statement大家都了解,可是Personal History Statement是啥?又要怎么写呢?Personal History Statement(下通称PHS),是专业为了更好地院校提高学员的diversity(即人种、资产阶级、性别认同等多样性)而涉及到的一篇公文,关键规定学员叙述自身的社会背景,比如极少数族裔情况等,国外申报人有时候不用写PHS。针对我国的申报人来讲,好像一部分博士研究生只必须一篇SoP叙述学术研究兴趣,也有许多学士学位只必须一篇Personal Statement,这类PS大概有点儿类似SoP和PHS的化合物。
Personal History Statement 范例
I am impressed by the anomaly I have become: a female student of Mexican descent specializing in early modern European history. My undergraduate curriculum, which consisted mainly of English classes on Shakespeare or Milton and history courses on the Enlightenment and the Reformation, belied my ethnic origins. In fact, I can recall those uncomfortable moments in class when I would pause to glance around the room, realizing that I was the only brown student in a lecture hall of sixty or eighty students. Despite these occasional setbacks, I continued, headstrong, to pursue my passion for all things early modern. And I credit my academic success and accomplishments to my firm resolve to study only that which interested me and not that for which I was intended.
Yet there comes a time when an amateur scholar becomes a professional, at which point she must reconcile somehow her personal life and past with her new career and future. Finding myself on the verge of that transition, I feel it is an adequate time to reflect on how my scholarly interests intersect with my cultural upbringing. It is this odd but unique relationship between my identity as an historian of Renaissance Europe, my developing feminism, and my Mexican origins, that I want to discuss in this essay.
For reasons beyond my immediate grasp, I have always harbored special fondness for the period roughly described as the European Renaissance. I can recall briefly studying this era during a world history class in my elementary years. But any interests that may have been ignited were soon squelched in high school by the curriculum's necessary emphasis on American history, government and politics. My interests in early modern Europe did not truly blossom until I chanced upon a Western Civilization class my first year of college. Immediately, larger-than-life characters like Henry VIII and Leonardo da Vinci, and mass movements such as the Reformation and the French Revolution, took hold of my imagination in ways not anticipated. Though I tested my enthusiasm for history by exploring other epochs and geographies--even taking a course on race in Latin America--I always returned to that period which so held me spellbound.
Yet I had no one with which to discuss my newfound passion. Far too timid to talk to my professors about anything other than homework and writing assignments, I turned to my father, a history enthusiast like myself. But my father, who knew much about the Mexican history and important Latin American figures like Porfio Diaz and Che Guevara, could hardly be expected to sustain a conversation about my growing infatuation for the likes of Catherine de Medici and Louis VIV. Sadly, I experienced difficulty relating my background and identity to the people whose history I studied. My concept of history had always entailed a special, patriotic bond between the people of the past and their descendants. And I, the daughter of a Mexican immigrant, had no immediate ties to the fathers of Western civilization. Never had I even visited London, Rome, or Paris; only Mexico City, Guadalajara, and the tiny village where my father was born, Churintzio.
As my understanding the early modern period matured, however, my poetic concept of history changed dramatically. Indeed, there exists marked disparity between the history inculcated in grammar and high school which is heroic and uncritical and the analytical history university professors require students to practice. I eventually realized that I could study the early modern period from the position of a scholar interested in the ways that people of the past interacted with one another and reacted to the events that shaped their lives. In a sense, I assumed the role of an anthropologist who studies and dissects a foreign culture not only to better comprehend that culture and its symbols, but to gain unorthodox perspective on the world we inhabit today. Regardless of my ethnic background and origins, my analytical skills and flair for writing are strictly my own. However, my work ethic, I am proud to say, derives from my family, from a father who doggedly pursued the American dream, and from field-laboring grandparents.
Yet every academic needs his or he own niche, and I discovered mine when I stumbled upon the nascent but promising field of women's history. Though distanced somewhat from its original political agenda, feminism in academe remains strong and vibrant, evident especially in emerging works of history that not only detail women's historical struggles and realities, but forcefully argue that such experiences demand attention and incorporation into the historical record. My first encounter with this fascinating area of scholarship occurred during my junior year of college when I enrolled in a course on early modern women writers, and was inspired by stories of feminist scholars who were devoting their time and effort to rescue the works of women authors like Christine de Pizan and Elizabeth Cary from relegated obscurity. I soon realized that I had a real and honest investment in women's history and women's issues, for I, much like the women I studied, came from a culture where traditional patriarchal values were and continue to be upheld. Indeed, there is much to be said about the similarities between early modern patriarchy and contemporary Mexican machismo. Both rely on the hierarchy of the family to achieve social and moral stability. Both enforce the subordination of women's bodies through gendered codes of honor.
Perhaps the greatest testament of my promise as an historian of early modern women's history is my senior thesis, which earned me the 2003 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research. Entitled "Chaste, Silent, and Hungry: The Problem of Female Appetite in Early Modern England, 1550-1700," this project argued for the prevalence of a cultural discourse in early modern England concerned with regulating women's bodies and sexuality through regimented diet. A slew of conduct books which aggressively cautioned women against the dangers of food indulgence and satiation served as the foundation for this thesis. Unsurprisingly, at the heart of this study of the relationship between food mores and gender ideologies, was my own conviction in the power of culture and custom to inform women's experiences and self-perceptions.
My background, I would argue, has molded me into the scholar I am and the feminis historian I am in the process of becoming. Growing up within a male-dominated culture and family has made me keenly aware and sensitive to the contextual confines that oppress women's actions and desires; it has also made me appreciative of the imaginative and courageous ways in which women have collaborated and conspired sometimes tacitly, other times quite overtly to challenge and subvert patriarchal authority. I am fortunate to have known generations of resilient Mexican women, beginning with my grandmother who told fascinating stories of her life as an impoverished immigrant mother, ending with myself who struggles to straddle the liberal world of academe and the traditional domain of home and family. I channel my respect and admiration for female forbearance into my own work, and I bring an uncommon but insightful perspective to early modern history because of my unique Mexican origins.
我的见解是,真实出色的PHS,决不尝试根据黑你周边的人来突显你的出色。实际上,许多申报人都一不小心走入了那样的招数,说确实的它是一种非常容易吸引住目光的书写,但它远远地并不是最好是的。一切的系院都期待招生刚正不阿、信心、开朗、往上的学员,没人期待招生对自身的情况填满怨气、对自身周边的人不屑一顾的申报人。Political Correctness这一定义便是外国人创造发明的的,它预示着即便 你没愿意你周边的人的作法,你也应当尝试跟她们和睦相处。尽管黑周边的人非常容易表明出申报人自身坚持不懈的奋斗精神和出污泥而不染的高雅心态,可是在这些学识渊博、对社会文化掌握得很深入的阅读者(which are 你的招收联合会的专家教授们)眼里,会看起来十分naive。
可以看上边本文,全篇中哪里表露了“西班牙裔是一个拥有许多错误认识的族裔,我科学研究文艺复兴时期说明我不会与之狼狈为奸”这类构思?——说真话在国外这一政治敏感的我国也没人敢那么多。正好相反,她毫无疑问了她爸爸这一西班牙乡村出世的香港移民的见识、主要表现出对她族裔文化艺术的赏析、而且恰当地把西班牙族裔的文化的特点与欧州文艺复兴时期融洽到一起。又如,这名创作者大学本科读过文学类和历史时间2个学士学位,她都没有叙述自身感觉怎样文学类不太好因此 才改投历史时间,只是一再强调自身的文学类情况能给历史研究产生什么好处。这才算是PS中应当出現的逻辑性,是正脸的、积极主动的逻辑性,而不是负面信息的、以否认其他选择项来做到目地的逻辑性。如果我是招收官,我只想要找一个对自身的真实身份十分引以为豪的学员,而不是要想一个对自身的来处觉得不满意的学员。假如你需要专业、假如你要去做非主流女生的事儿,你应该突显你的“与众不同”而不是突显“跟我不一样的全是不够的”。有千千万万好原因可以为你的个人行为做出表述,黑你周边的人肯定并不是在其中之一。
随后再转过头来请大伙儿不断细读本文的第一自然段。PHS和PS的第一自然段非常非常关键,一定要吸引住目光,反过来SoP的第一自然段就尽量直截了当小结自身的科学研究兴趣爱好。此篇第一句就气壮山河,下面根据多个意愿的排序,描绘出一个不同寻常但又奋发向上的“我”的品牌形象,最后一句wrap it up。一个多月前我第一次赏析完此篇的第一自然段以后,一瞬间就感觉这全世界全部别的的PS和PHS都碉堡了TAT……
针对非英文汉语的软文写手而言,一定要不断proof read和找伙伴peer review你的公文才行。