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专家教授专家学者们一般 会标准创作规范,制订怎样编写硕博士论文与学术研究文章内容及其文件格式规定。学界所鉴定的规范植根据以哪种编写方法会被认同,哪种编写方法则会被拒绝。
The community of scholars has rules that govern how dissertations, theses and other academic papers are composed and formatted. Academic convention has established what is acceptable and what is not.
Wanted: Formal, unambiguous expression 创作规定-宣布、确立的表述
This is the third tip devoted to language. To “precise word choice” and “appropriate voice” is added another writing consideration: tone. The word refers to the type or manner of expression required in academic papers. In a word, the tone is to be “formal.” Another word for it might be “professional,” in the sense that a writer conforms to a standard of the academic profession.
“Formal writing” does not imply the use of pretentious language, which can be characterized as stilted or pompous or stiff. Rather, formal writing acknowledges a paper's seriousness of subject and gravity of purpose. Formal language does not pretend to do anything beyond communicate clearly . Adjectives that merely adorn are unwelcome; florid prose is particularly inappropriate.
Informal writing violates these principles because its purpose is entirely different. Informal language entertains, or casually conveys a message. It exaggerates for literary or humorous effect and otherwise embellishes a central thought with whimsical flourishes. All of this is laudable when in character. However, it is entirely out of character for a purposeful academic paper.
Nor is scholarly writing marked by emotional intrusions. Scholarship, after all, is an intellectual exercise. Academic papers are dedicated to ideas, not feelings. Thinking, not emoting, should drive a serious academic writer. The language employed in the paper should have the tensile strength of a tempered thought, rather than the ductile strength of an emotional appeal.
As a rule, shorthand expression is not acceptable in an academic paper. Therefore, contractions are out. Abbreviations should be avoided. Jargon is inappropriate, whether elevated, as in specialized technical language, or demeaning, as in a pejorative gibe. Any truncated or colloquial expression invites ambiguity. For a paper to endure, it must be expressed in enduring language.
All of this should come naturally for a writer whose sole purpose is to honestly share insight and discovered truth. The substance of a paper should be enough to induce in a reader the hoped-for sense of pleasure and revelation. Attempts to artificially convey such sensations through artful word choice usually boomerang. Clear, unadorned writing lets a reader see a paper's real worth.
期刊论文创作者的管理中心目地,要是忠诚表述与众不同洞悉与发觉新的实证研究事实论据,那麼他的创作顺理成章会符合所述一切标准,仅凭文章内容描述的內容就足够使阅读者甘之若饴一样的愉悦与遭受启迪。假若尝试以绮丽做作的言辞来追求完美这类愉悦与造就,一般 是自曝其短、难以实现的。清晰、质朴的艺术手法,便足够让阅读者体会毕业论文的真实使用价值。