MIS611作业代写 Subject Code and Title MIS611 — Capstone

MIS611 — Capstone

MIS611作业代写 You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with the criteria for grading the assignment.

Subject Code and TitleMIS611 — Capstone
AssessmentProject Plan
Individual/GroupGroup (five people)
Length1,500 words (+/– 10%)
Learning OutcomesThe Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:

a)   Analyse relevant industry challenges to support the development of IS solutions for addressing specific organisational problems.


b)   Produce the appropriate documentation aligned to the      project delivery methodology to evidence project progress with project stakeholders.

c)    Integrate professional and SMART skills to complete individual and team tasks in collaboration with team members to develop a robust solution that meets     stakeholder needs.

SubmissionDue by 11.55 pm AEST/AEDT, Sunday, end of Module 2.2 (Week 4)
Total Marks100 marks

Assessment Task  MIS611作业代写

This assignment is designed to provide you with a true-to-industry business-project experience. This project plan will form the basis of the client report you will produce by the end of the trimester. All  successful projects should begin with a plan and resource allocation, which have been agreed to by  all team members.

In this 1,500-word document, you will establish the parameters of your report, including the milestones.

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.



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-    DommuniO6了ion 2北ill2‘ inOlubin且 6n 6dili了V 了o 2uOOinO了lV 6nb 6OOu16了9lV b9liv91 19Oomm9nb6了ion2 6nb ou了Oom92:

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-    D196了iv9 q1odl9m-2olvin且 2北ill2: 6nb

-    q1oO922in且 6nb imql9m9n了6了ion 2北ill2‘ inOlubin且 6n 6dili了V 了o q1oO922 6nb 6O了ion n9w into1m6了ion in 6 了im9lV m6nn91 了o q1obuO9 ou了Oom92.

Task Summary

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All status reports and meeting minutes (from weeks 2– 10) must be included as attachments to this assignment.



Task Instructions  MIS611作业代写

To complete this assessment task, you must complete the following sections and deliver a project  plan based on the client case study or brief provided. The word limits are provided as a guide only.

  1.    Formandregister a team.

  •  Form a team comprising five members

  • The  deadline for team  registration  is  11.45  pm AEST,  Friday, end  of  Module  1.2 (Week 2).

  • To register your team, send your lecturer an e-mail with ‘MIS611 Team Registration’ in the subject line. In the body of the e-mail, list the names and student identification numbers of all the members in your team.

  •    Youarerequired  to  send  the  registration  e-mail  to  your  facilitator  before  the registration deadline.

  •    After the registration deadline, those students who are not in a team will be allocated toateam by the lecturer.

  • Youmust complete a team contract detailing the roles and responsibilities of each team  member. This  is to  be signed  by each team  member and  provided to your lecturer no later than the end of module 2.1 (Week 3).


  1. 2.    Reviewyoursubject notes to establish the relevant area of investigation that applies to the case. Reread any relevant readings for this subject.


  1.    Readthecase organisation/client brief provided by the lecturer


Review your subject notes from the course to establish the relevant area of investigation that applies to the case. Re-read any relevant readings for this subject. Before you start writing, refer back to Assessment 1 in which you planned your approach for the assessments. MIS608 Agile  Project  Management  and  PROJ6000  Project   Management  may  contain  relevant information.  MIS611作业代写

  1.  Consider using graphical representation. The graphical representation of ideas and diagrams in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams and models is encouraged. These must be anchored in the context of the material and explained and justified if they are to be included. No executive summary is required.


  1.    EnsureyourProject Plan adopts the following structure:


  • Titlepage

State the subject code and name, assignment title, students’ names, students’ numbers and your lecturer’s name.




Provide an overview of the client. Describe their current business operations, including both the external and internal context (e.g., In which industry do they operate? What is the business structure?).

  •    Problem,Objective& Deliverables (300-400 words)

Answer the following questions: What is/are the problem(s) the client needs to solve?  What is the purpose of your project (i.e., what is your project providing to your client)? What will your project produce for the client?

  •    AnExistingInformation Systems and Technologies section (200–250 words)           Outline existing Information systems and/or technologies that are relevant to your client, their product or service. This should include both the technologies the client currently has in place and those within industry that may affect the client.


  •    StakeholdersandCommunications (200-250 words)

Provide a stakeholder and communications plan that addresses the following questions: Who has a vested interest in the project that you will undertake both internally and        externally? What is their role and what data and technology do they need to support      their work at present? How will this project affect their work? What level of interest do  they have in the project?

The communications plan should be mapped to the stakeholders and provide an          overview of when, how often and through which channels you will communicate with them.

List the team members in your team and their roles. Provide a brief summary of each member and what skills they have that are appropriate to the role. Include an outline detailing the:

  •      Project manager

  •      Product Owner

  •      Domain Expert (nominate the field in which they are an expert)

  •      Customer Representative

  •      Lead Business Analyst



  •    KeyDates& Milestones (300 words or less with visual articulation of ideas)

List the start and finish date for your project alongside all the milestones (i.e., the due dates) associated with the project; a Gantt Chart would be appropriate.


Format of the Report

The report should use 11-point Arial or Calibri font, be 1.5– line spaced for ease of reading and       display page numbers at the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, attention should be given to pagination to avoid the loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting           information over two pages. Any diagrams must be appropriately captioned.



Referencing  MIS611作业代写

It is expected that you reference any lecture notes used and any additional sources in the relevant subject area based on your readings and further research. It is essential that you use appropriate

APA style for citing and referencing research. For more information on referencing, visit:


You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with the criteria for grading the assignment. This will give you a clear picture of what a successful report looks like.


Submission Instructions

Submit this task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS611 Information       Systems Capstone. MIS611作业代写 The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Please note that during the submission process, if you would like to include appendix items in your submission, once your first item has been uploaded, click ‘Browse Your Computer to attach your   extra documents as an appendix. Then, click the Final Submit button.

Academic Integrity  MIS611作业代写

All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately   referenced and academically written according to theAcademic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure

and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These areviewable online.

Students must also keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

Special Consideration

To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or examination due to    unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult theAssessment Policy for Higher        Education Coursework and ELICOSand if applicable to your circumstances, submit a completed

Application for Assessment Special Consideration Formto your learning facilitator.


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