PACC6008 T2 2023 Online
会计作业代做 Design a quantitative study and prepare a report on your research project. Descriptive statistics, at least TWO DIFFERENT ……
Purpose: The group project is an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of the specific issues pertaining to quantitative research covered in the course. Based on the objectives of the study, the group will use appropriate statistical techniques discussed in the class in analysing the data. 会计作业代做
Group Formation: Students may self-form their own groups to work on this assessment throughout the trimester. This is NOT an individual assessment. Group member names are required to be submitted in writing in the lecture or in the email by the start of WEEK 4.
Report Length and Format: The report should be between 2000 and 2500 words typed using MS Word and 1.5 line spacing with at least 2.5cm margins, excluding the tables, figures, and appendices.
The following is an indicative structure of your report: 会计作业代做
} Introduction
} Research Design
} Hypothesis Development
} Results and Discussion
} Conclusion and Implication
} References
} Appendices
Report Submission: The Group Project Report is to be submitted in the electronic form to Turnitin before 11:59 pm on Friday 14th July 2023. Remember, only one member of the group needs to submit to Turnitin, but all members of the group are responsible for any incorrect matching text that may result. 会计作业代做
The following items need to be included in the order listed:
- ‘Group Project Marking Rubric’ (see page 3), completed Group No. This marking sheet will summarise your mark for each question and may provide a form of additional feedback; and
- Your written assignment.
Marking Rubric: The marking rubric used to mark this assessment is attached at the end of this document.
Note that it is each student’s responsibility to keep a copy of each assessment task submitted.
Required 会计作业代做
Design a quantitative study and prepare a report on your research project. Descriptive statistics, at least TWO DIFFERENT bivariate tests and multiple linear regression tests are required to be used in your project. In particular, you are required to:
- Identify your research questions
- Develop the appropriate hypotheses associated with each of the above research questions
- Apply the appropriate statistical techniques to test these hypotheses
- Use Microsoft Excel to produce the results
- Interpret your results from Excel and form the conclusions
- Make useful recommendations to the relevant users of your report.
- Only provide descriptive statistics for variables used in multivariate analysis (only tables required, no need graphs).
- Bivariate tests include two independent samples t-test, paired-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, chi-square test, correlation, and simple linear regression. 会计作业代做
- The research topics/scenarios covered in our lecture notes cannot be used in the group project.
- You must clearly state in the report how you collect your data and measure your variables. If it is a dummy variable, please specify which category is your benchmark. If it is a metric variable, you are required to specify the unit of the variable.
Dataset: You are required to collect at least 100 observations for your sample based on your research questions and conduct statistical analyses based on the data you collected. You are also required to submit your raw data in Microsoft Excel format together with your report through Turnitin.
Checklist for assignment submission: 会计作业代做
- Group Report
- Raw dataset used to conduct statistical analysis