ECON573 — Replication exercise Baylis
经济作业代写 Read Auffhammer and Kellogg (2011). As we do in class, describe the motivation for the paper, its central research question(s)
Instructions: This exercise asks you to work with data from a published paper to learn more about the underlying dataset and to replicate the findings in the paper. The paper is Auffhammer and Kellogg (2011), which appeared in the October 2011 issue of the American Economic Review. It can be accessed here: 经济作业代写
For this exercise, you will start with a partly-cleaned version of the dataset available here1: Your tables and figures do not have to look pretty, but they should roughly resemble the shape of the tables and figures in the paper. I expect you will have some trouble exactly matching all of their numbers.2
Please submit your code along with your written assignment. 经济作业代写
- Read Auffhammer and Kellogg (2011). As we do in class, describe the motivation for the paper, its central research question(s), the empirical approach(es), main results, and any other comments, questions or critiques you have about the paper. I expect 1-2 paragraphs here.
- Keep only observations where all of the following variables are present: ozone8Hr, ozoneMax,urban, income, censusRegion, tMax, tMin, rain, snow and where ozone8Hr and ozoneMax are
nonzero. Following the instructions in the paper (middle paragraph on p. 2694), apply the same sample limitations the authors use. While doing this, create the lagged variables tMinL1 and tMaxL1. - Create treatment dummies for the four treatments ((ii)-(v) on page 2698).
- Recreate Table 1 (Summary statistics).
- Recreate Table 2 (DID analysis).
- Recreate Figure 6b (RD analysis), but also include confidence bands.3
Auffhammer, Maximilian, and Ryan Kellogg. 2011. “Clearing the Air? The Effects of Gasoline Content Regulation on Air Quality.” American Economic Review 101, no. 6 (October): 2687–2722.
- The replication data on the AER website have already taken care of some of the more interesting parts of this exercise, which is why I require that you start with my replication data. You may use that as a useful reference, but your code must start with the dataset I provide above. I recommend that you use either R or STATA for this exercise. You can (and probably should) refer to the author’s original code but you should write your own for the assignment.
- If you are hell-bent on reproducing their exact tables, you’ll need to refer to their code, since the order in which you apply variable transformations and drop observations matters.
- This question is meant to be challenging, but getting the confidence intervals right may be especially difficult — particularly if you’re using R. 经济作业代写
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