经济发展分析代写 [20 marks] What is meant by the term ‘demographic transition?’ Make sure to explain how the term relates to the birth, death
Time allowed: 2 hours
Candidates must answer 2 questions
All questions carry equal weight
The paper consists of 5 questions
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- Answer allparts (a) – (d) of this question.
- [8 marks] List and define the four principles of measuring income inequality that are satisfied by a Lorenz curve.
- [12 marks] Let A and B be two countries with three people in each of them. Let A=(150, 350, 500) and B=(20, 35, 45) be the income profiles for the two countries. Draw the Lorenz curves for each country. Which country has less inequality? Explain.
- [10 marks] When comparing income inequality across countries, do Lorenz curves always provide a complete ranking? Explain. Define a measure of income inequality that provides a complete ranking and is related to Lorenz curves. Show how this measure graphically relates to a Lorenz curve.
- [20 marks] Discuss three models that show how income inequality may affect the per capita growth rate of a country. Do these models say that income inequality is harmful for growth? Explain. What does the empirical evidence say about how income inequality affects growth?
Answer allparts (a) – (c) of this question. 经济发展分析代写
- [20 marks] Consider the Harris-Todaro model. What are the main assumptions of the model? How realistic are those assumptions? Explain. In the context of the model what is one policy that will decrease unemployment in the urban sector? In the context of the model what type of policy will lead to the socially optimal outcome? Explain.
- [20 marks] What are the main assumptions of the Lewis model? What drives growth in the Lewis model? Explain. Discuss how the Lewis model differs from the Harris-Todaro model. Which model is more realistic? Explain. In the context of the Lewis model, what is one policy that could increase growth? Explain.
- [10 marks] Should a policy maker care about rural to urban migration? What effect can rural to urban migration have on the economic growth of a country? Use appropriate economic arguments in your answer.
Answer allparts (a) – (c) of this question.
- [20 marks] What is meant by the term ‘demographic transition?’ Make sure to explain how the term relates to the birth, death, and population growth rates of a country as the country transitions from being extremely poor to being developed. What does the demographic transition imply about the age distributions in developed and developing countries? Explain.
- [20 marks] Discuss how missing markets, externalities, and opportunity costs can affect the population growth rate. Refer to specific examples and use appropriate graphs in your answer.
- [10 marks] Is a high population growth rate bad for the economic development of a country? Use appropriate economic arguments in your answer.
Answer allparts (a) – (c) of this question. 经济发展分析代写
- [20 marks] Consider the Harrod-Domar model of per capita income growth. What are the assumptions of the model? Discuss two critiques of these assumptions. What are the four factors that determine growth in the model? Discuss how these factors determine growth. Explain two policies that would increase per capita income growth in the model.
- [20 marks] Consider the Solow growth model with technological progress. What are the assumptions of the model? What determines long-run growth in the model? Explain. What is one policy that would increase per capita income growth in the context of the model? Explain. Is the model supported by the data? Make sure to reference empirical evidence in your answer.
- [10 marks] Explain why policy makers who are focused on development should care about per capita income growth in a country. Use appropriate economic arguments in your answer.
Answer allparts (a) – (c) of this question.
- [20 marks] Discuss why asymmetric information, moral hazard, and limited liability can cause banks not to lend to poorer people in rural areas of developing countries.
- [20 marks] Discuss and illustrate, using appropriate graphs, the standard share-cropping and fixed rent contracts that exist in rural areas of developing countries.
- [10 marks] Explain why policy makers should care about credit and rental contracts in rural areas of developing countries. Use appropriate economic arguments in your answer.
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