FINC6013经济 FINC6013 Workshop 9 Questions

FINC6013 Workshop 9 Questions

FINC6013经济 How do fundamental analysis and technical analysis differ?Would technical analysis be useful if the international parity

Chapter 10 questions  FINC6013经济

  1. How do fundamental analysis and technical analysis differ?

  2. Would technical analysis be useful if the international parity conditions held? Why or why not?

  1. Describe three statistics you should obtain from a currency-forecasting service in order to judge the quality of its currency forecasts.

  2. Does a large increase in the domestic money supply always lead to a depreciation of the currency?

  3. What is chartism?

What is an x% filter rule?

  1. What is a moving-average crossover rule?

Chapter 10 problems FINC6013经济

  1. You were recently hired by the Doolittle Corporation corporate treasury to help oversee its expansion into Europe. Blake Francis, the CFO, wants to hire a foreign exchange forecasting company. Blake has asked you to evaluate three different companies, and he has obtained information on their past performances. Out of a total of 50 forecasts for the $/€ rate, the companies reported the number of times they correctly forecast appreciations and depreciations:


 Correct Down ForecastsCorrect Up Forecasts
Morrissey Forex Advisors205
Pixie Exchange Land204
FOREX Cures1212


There are a total of 35 dollar appreciations (down periods) and 15 dollar depreciations (up periods) in the sample. Blake wants to know two things:

  1. Can anything be said about the companies’ forecasting ability with the available data?

  2. What additional information should Blake try to obtain in order to form a better judgment?


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