SS 345 CRN 17812 Section 802 Fundamentals of Finance
Finance Assignments代写 Any student with a disability who needs academic accommodations can meet with me privately. Students requesting any
Course Description Finance Assignments代写
This course is aimed at students wanting a foundation in finance. It is particularly relevant to those students in fashion related disciplines that wish to grasp the basic principles and main concepts of global finance as it pertains to their own interests and the interests of the fashion industry. (G4: Social Sciences)
Course Goals/Objectives
The course has been developed to introduce the student to the global financial system and the many institutions that operate within it. A particular emphasis is placed on the financial system in the United States being that it is the center of global finance. The course dives deeply into the financial instruments used to facilitate the movement of money and why, from a practical standpoint, are necessary. The role of monetary policy and central banks are a key concept in this course as is the “Time value of Money.” The focus on corporate finance in the latter part of the semester will give the student a solid understanding of the financial management principles and concepts in the business sector. An emphasis will be placed on fashion related industries and global business. The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times will be used as primary sources to learn how financial markets operate and to facilitate classroom discussions and assignments.
Textbook and Pearson Mylab Finance Assignments代写
Textbook: Keown/Martin/Petty Foundations of Finance 10th edition Pearson Education (Included in Pearson Mylab)
Pearson MyLab: Pearson MyLab is a helpful online, homework, tutorial and assessment system that accompanies your textbook. Students can take assessments and receive personalized study plans based on their results. The study plan diagnoses weaknesses and links students to tutorial exercises for objectives they need to study.
You must register and purchase Pearson MyLab to fulfill the requirements of the course. All learning material needed for this class are included in Pearson MyLab. You will find in Blackboard a registration guide to get Pearson Mylab and access to all the Pearson MyLab links.
The course will use Blackboard as the default learning platform. You should be familiar with the platform or get acquainted as soon as possible if you are a first-time user. Everything you need to complete the course and do well will be found on Blackboard. Please log in and navigate the content section to find registration information and links to Pearson MyLab, other course information and your weekly assignments, which can be found in Pearson MyLab Assignments. You should also download the phone app, which will notify you of any new postings.
Learning Outcomes Finance Assignments代写
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Understand the role of money and banks in the broader economy.
- Specifically, students should garner an understanding of the unique role of banks, financial intermediaries, and securities markets in the financial system.
- Learn how financial tools are used to determine the time value of money, assess risk, and perform financial analysis.
- Students will also have an appreciation for the money markets and bond market.
- Understand the fundamentals of equity, derivative, and foreign exchange markets.
- Be able to perform various corporate finance analysis such as forecasting and cash budgeting.
- Students will also learn the relevance of the Federal Reserve and related central banking topics, including the causes, policy responses, and lessons associated with the financial market crisis.
Learning Objectives
During this semester, you can expect to have developed or improved:
- The ability to think rationally and abstractly, utilizing skills such as model building and decision-making techniques.
- Analytical techniques such as logical inquiry, comparative analysis, and basic quantitative and graphic skills.
Grading Policy* Finance Assignments代写
Final Exam 35%
Quizzes 35%
Homework Assignments 30%
Final Exam
There will be a final exam, which accounts for 35 percent of your grade, consisting of 50 multiple choice questions that will be given the last week of the semester. I will provide the chapters to study and further information as the end of the semester approaches.
Quizzes and Homework Assignments Finance Assignments代写
There will be 4 quizzes and 8 homework assignments to accompany each unit of the course that are worth 35 and 30 percent, respectively. Each unit of the course will comprise at least two chapters of readings. All homework assignments and quizzes must be completed by the end of the term in Pearson MyLab and all will be held open for the duration of the semester. Please finish in a timely manner by following the course outline in the syllabus. This will prevent a stressful end-of-course rush to finalize the course work.
Student Disability Services
Any student with a disability who needs academic accommodations can meet with me privately. Students requesting any accommodations will also need to meet with FIT Student Disability Services. If appropriate, they will provide an academic accommodation notification letter that you will bring to me. At that point, we will discuss these accommodations in relation to the course. Provided is a link to Student Disability Services: https://www.fitnyc.edu/fitable/index.php.
Academic Honesty Finance Assignments代写
There will be serious consequences for any form of academic dishonesty. Provide below in the link to the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy:
Resource Links
Course Schedule
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