Failure Essay怎么写?如何写才能出彩?_essay代写

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一. 哪些的failure不可以写

Failure Essay可能是大伙儿十分头痛的一篇Essay,因为我那么觉得!在许多 情况下,我认为,在正脸想不清楚一个难题的情况下,能够考虑到从背面来想一想,究竟什么叫不可以写的。因此,在设计构思Failure Essay的情况下,提示大伙儿留意一下好多个忌讳:






太过诚挚和挑明,也不是件好事儿。终究,我们在申请办理国际商学院的情况下,也要留意商业利益啊。例如看海外的一些不成功Essay的实例,有些人居然写自身性侵犯而坐牢的历史时间。没有错了,这一的确是个极大地failure,可是,能想起用那样的事例来做failure essay的主题风格的人,可能仅有这些心里极其强劲和信心的老外吧。大家应当不容易那样吧?!


在failure的essay中,千万不要把关键放到叙述Failure小故事的自身了。写这篇essay的一个非常大的方法便是,多写你的lessons learned,多写你改善后的个人行为。假如要“敷衍了事”得话,这可能是敷衍了事最好是的突破口了。


在挑选failure essay的素材图片的情况下,一定要掌握好熟度。别写很小的情况下的事儿,会让adcom的人感觉你一直在有意躲避直面问题自身;也别写离申请办理时太近的事例,促使你的essay里沒有充足的space来给a better you和lessons learned留有空间。

二. Failure Essay要怎么写


在Failure Essay的这一大架构下,有很多和failure有关的Essay题型,例如,HBS问的难题是:three setbacks in your life。而Wharton的这个问题问的是:writeabout a failure or setback。Adcom Committee问那样相近的难题,包含:mistakes, setbacks and failures等,是十分类似的难题。在这里一类难题中,Adcom期待根据那样的题型来分辨你的self-awareness, resiliency, 及其在挫折下的反应能力。


- Mistake 和 Failure:一般 是由你的个人行为而造成 的。

- Setbacks:而setbacks能够是外部造成的对你的危害。

举个事例,例如:failing to consider all aspects of your business strategy beforestarting a business,这就是一个mistake。可是,being laid off when your business fails to gain VC funding这就是一个setback。

而二者的联络取决于什么?一般 一个mistake能够造成 一个setback的造成。因此那样来看,setback的范畴就比mistake和failure更广些。



许多 future leaders很有可能在一切顺利的情况下,能够很信心的应对;而一旦碰到困难和挫败的情况下,就被揍回了原型。因此,Adcom是想把这一种类的“leaders”去除掉。因此,它是一篇从另一个侧边来展现你的strength,你的信心的文章内容。假如说,这些典型性的achievement的题型是“阳”得话,那麼这一题型便是“阴”了。

3,注重Lessons learned 与你的发展才算是重要

Applicants在写这篇Essay时,易犯的不正确是:花很多的墨笔去表述failure,更槽糕的是,去给自己的failure开展答辩。这并并不是个聪慧的作法。而非常值得强烈推荐的书写,反倒是把这种墨笔生出来,去写你的lessons learned,你是怎样从这种failure中获得发展,不断进步的。


4,Show initiative andresilience

假如本文问的是有关setbacks的难题得话,那麼应当在本文中主要表现出你的initiative and resilence。假如你的setbacks是又他人的出错,或是自然环境的不太好导致的,那麼干万要记牢,不必去blame外部自然环境和他人。应当把墨笔花在,你是怎样create positive change in your organization的。在由并不是自身的不正确导致的setback中,应当更为的注重自身就算并不是难题的制作者,也想要去负责任,帮助解决困难这些。

3. 哪些的failure essay才算是好essay

举一个事例协助大伙儿了解哪些的failure essay才算是好essay;

申请人正提前准备set up一个全新升级的manufacturing unit,随后订购收到了来源于顾客的预订单。可是,十分悲剧的是,这第一笔订单信息的运输就晚了两个礼拜。这一短故事看上去,应该是个真实实际意义上的failure了吧!那使我们看一下,究竟什么叫好的Failure Essay的书写,哪些并不是。


1. Weak:

I did everything flawlessly on my end tosuccessfully launch the manufacturing unit but due to circumstances outside ofmy control, I was unable to launch on my targeted start date and lost 70% ofthe business from pre-booked orders.

2. Average:

Despite my best efforts, I was unable toconvince the supplier to deliver the machinery in time and was faced withcustomers who wanted to cancel their orders. Realizing the erosion in brandthat could result from such a move, I offered to discount each pre-booked orderby 50% in order to compensate my customers for the inconvenience.

3. Strong:

Despite my best efforts, I was unable toconvince the supplier to deliver the machinery in time and was faced withcustomers who wanted to cancel their orders. Realizing the erosion in brandthat could result from such a move, I offered to discount each pre-booked orderby 50% in order to compensate my customers for the inconvenience. As a result,I was able to salvage 80% of the orders and mitigate the loss of brand value.This incident taught me the importance of adhering to project schedules andhaving contingency plans in place to provide for extenuating circumstancesoutside of my control.


1. Response #1


2. Response #2

这一小短文比上面一个就发展了许多 。从文章内容中,我们都是可以看得出applicant的社会正能量的。他积极主动勤奋的在做一些事儿,去给自己的failure承担,去挽留局势。


3. Response #3

这篇小短文,不仅写成了他是怎样直面问题的,并且,更关键的是,写成了从这一事儿中学习培训到哪些。文章内容中反映的精神实质恰好是Adcom的人想见到的,always go better,make things happen。因此,它是个取得成功的书写,非常值得效仿和学习培训。

期待上边的这3个小的snippets,能让大伙儿对要怎么写好Failure Essay有一个非常好的切身体会。

4. 一篇详细的failure essay 剖析

使我们先看一下这篇取得成功申请人是要怎么写Failure Essay这一烫手的山芋的,随后,我再和大伙儿一起剖析下这篇Essay究竟好在哪儿!   

Question: Describe a failure that you haveexperienced. What role did you play, and what did you learn about yourself?(500 words)

Absolute US was an annual event inSingapore that helped prospective students meet those of us who were alreadyschooling in USA. It is now defunct, but I’d once tried- and failed- toresurrect it.

When I took this up, Absolute US had beenon the brink of death, and I’d begun the project by formulating a three-facetedrevival plan. First, it’d previously been held at Singapore’s largest club, andI decided on a smaller and cozier venue instead.

Second, some games would be organized tospice things up. Finally, a team of motivated shareholders- rather thanlow-energy volunteers- would be assembled by pitching Absolute US as amoney-making venture. Besides arming myself with a good plan, I also workedextremely hard, playing whatever role was necessary- be it the leader who’dformulated the entire plan; the more hands-off project consultant; or theevent’s game designer- to make my re-conceptualization a reality.

I had a good plan, a dedicated team, andhad been doing whatever it took to succeed. But in spite of this, Absolute US2006 boasted historical attendance lows and didn’t make a profit. What’d gonewrong?

Having reflected upon the affair, I nowrealize that the project had been doomed from the start, because of threeerrors in execution.

First, we’d ignored local contexts. Makingplans from abroad left the project without proper intelligence on the ground.I’d designed the new, apparently perfect, plan and organized the team when Iwas in Chicago in April 2006. When my team returned to Singapore in June afterschool had ended, I went to Thailand for a month of social work. As studentswho’d spent the year abroad, we eventually picked a venue that turned out to bea has-been so past its popularity peak that it folded a month after our event.A better appreciation of the need for ground-level research would have servedus well.

Second, as leader I’d failed to strike abalance between involvement with the project vision and its details. I’d workedhard, involving myself in all the project nitty-gritty’s. However, my trying togo it alone working out every detail, rather than trusting others to execute,not only caused a breakdown in communication of the project vision to my team,but also left them without a leader for a short period when I was in Thailand.Though I’d immediately stepped down and become a project consultant insteadafter realizing the problem, it’d been too late. The leaderless period hadalready demoralized my team.

Third, I’d lacked a backup plan. I’d takenfor granted that no hiccups would occur, and when one did, I was caughtunprepared. In particular, I’d planned to communicate from Thailand via email,but this eventually proved unfeasible because I’d unexpectedly lacked Internetaccess.

What I’d learnt, in short, was that havinga neat idea is no guarantee of successful execution. This had been a painfulbut educational experience, and I look forward to doing things differently- andsucceeding- in future endeavors.


"Describe a failure that youexperienced."文章内容在第一段清晰的交待了事儿产生的情况,并且在第三段里也明确指出来啦:“historical attendance lows and didn't turn a profit”这是一个相关Failure的小故事。这儿没为自己留一切的托词,说的十分的干净利索。

"What role did you play"在文章内容的第二段,创作者又十分确立地讲出了自身在这个故事中的positioning,及他的Role和Responsibility是啥 "playing whatever role was necessary- be it the leader who’d formulatedthe entire plan; the more hands-off project consultant; or the event’s gamedesigner- to make my re-conceptualization a reality."

"What did you learn aboutyourself?"



  1. 创作者对自身很“狠”在做“自我剖析”的情况下,一点也没有轻饶。它用了立即的自我剖析的方式,例如:"I'd failed".. "I'd lacked"...,而并沒有选用"Becauseof this, I chose to... Unfortunately it failed". 那样间接性的方法来看待自身以前的failure。那样做并沒有给他们扣分,只有使我们了解这名申请人是个诚信的,信心的,有胆量而且谦虚的人。并且,他也使我们坚信,在将来的Project中,他将做的非常好。

  2. 文章内容的剖析性很强创作者用十分logical而且structured的方法剖析了自身的不成功,使我们了解到他是个很有逻辑性,而且坚信他可以将在这一件事儿上的learning apply到将来的工作上。

  3. 写Failure Essay的方法写FailureEssay的方法便是,向Adcom的人show你早已干了好多好多的事儿,可是最后你還是screw things up了,可是你并沒有stop在那里,只是可以借此机会开展了思考和学习培训。并且,创作者在最终的learning的汇总也很贴心。一个好的创作者不仅可以go detail的告知大伙儿他干了哪些,并且,还可以根据1-2句话把自己的反思总结到一个很高的高宽比。



