1、 欲穷千里目,下笔如有神。
创作是一种训炼,必须日积月累,要坚持不懈每日写点物品,选个话题讨论就可以写,你见到的,听见,感慨万千的,或是就是你自身编的小故事,什么都的,最重要的就是坚持。写好的物品,即便是同一个话题讨论,能够写几回,不一样的视角,不一样的角色,有时時间赶不及,先用个文稿,随后再渐渐地雕刻。有标准得话,找一个英语好的笔友 (pen pal),使他/她帮助提提反馈意见,你能提升更快。
防止反复(Eliminate the repetitive word or phrase)少用文不对题 (cliche)创作要多展现(showing),不一定非得说动(convincing)阅读者要尽可能应用生动形象的語言(descriptive)、新鮮强有力的語言、不一样句式的交叉式应用Essay尽量少用被动语态 (passive voice),要用主动语态(Active voice)迅速写成第一版,不断调用要用日常用词、和蔼可亲的语汇(use simple words)可用短词就不能用长的。
含糊地说,用被动语态实际上并不是拼写错误,可是用得过多会造成 essay过长(唠叨),非常容易留有疑惑,不吸引住阅读者。
The door was left open. (As reader, we are left wondering who left the door open)Active: Bob left the door open. (As reader, we know that Bob is the one who performed this action)Passive: The soccer ball was kicked into the goal by Ronaldo. (Ronaldo is the one who did the kicking, but he isn't in the subject position in the sentence)Active: Ronaldo kicked the soccer ball into the goal. Or we can simply say "Ronaldo scored" (note that the active form of the sentence is shorter and more engaging)
在上面这一事例里,创作者在描述一场关键的赛事里边一个十分栩栩如生的時刻,假如用了被动语态,剧情就拖拉了,又长又像温开水。用主动语态能够那么写As the opposing team approached the goal, Ronaldo kicked the ball towards the upper right corner, VIVA! He scored another goal! 是不是较为简约栩栩如生,把握住阅读者的心。
用一个英语单词替代一组实际意义同样的英语单词,比如:a. do not remember => forgetb. do not pay attention to => ignorec. at this point in time => nowd. due to the fact that => because
省去近义词,比如:The project is important and significant => The project is significant.
用更简约的表述:The cover of the book => The book cover
University malls must be accessible and free from congestion in order that students, faculty and employees may have unobstructed passage through the areas of the campus.=>University malls must be free from congestion to allow people to walk through easily.