
  许多留学人员在进行Essay创作时针对文章段落中间的构造不清楚如何去操控,因而写到后边就造成 结构混乱,拿不上高分数乃至会fail。今日paperdaixie.com我就给学生们共享有关essay创作中的文章段落剖析。一起来瞧瞧吧!






  主题风格文章段落的一种规范构造是TRIAC构造,这类构造的文章段落按序得出主题风格句子(Topic Sentence)、重述或限定(Restatement or Restriction)、质证(Illustration)、剖析(Analysis)和结果(Conclusion)。TRIAC即是Topic Sentence、Restatement、Illustration、Analysis和Conclusion的首写字母组合。














  (主题风格句子)虽然素食主义常常与伦理道德和动物权利难题联络在一起,但对很多人 而言,它只是代表着更健康的生活方法。(重述或限定)素餐能够减少健康问题的风险性,如胆固醇高、主动脉堵塞,乃至癌病。(质证)近期的直接证据说明,饮食搭配中含有墨绿色蔬菜水果的人患肠癌的概率减少了40%。除此之外,切肉能够明显降低饱和脂肪酸的摄取。阿里是一名学生,也是一名七年素食者,她讲,“由于我的基因遗传史,我了解到我患癌病的概率;当我们爸爸的医师使他严苛节食减肥时,我打算现在是时候舍弃汉堡包和意大利香肠了”。(剖析)挑选降低牛羊肉和禽畜能够协助很多人 更为意识到她们已经消費哪些,这相反会造成 整体上更健康的烹制和饮食搭配方法。除此之外,沒有必需变成严苛实际意义上的素食主义者;对一些人而言,这只是代表着降低肉类摄入量,提升每顿饭的水果和蔬菜的摄取量。(结果)这种调节自身是有利的,但不容易彻底更改本人的饮食结构,这种更改很有可能会避免 日后出現成千上万健康问题。




  TRIAC:Topic Sentence,Restatement,Illustration,Analysis and Conclusion


  TRIAC is a writing pattern you can use at both the essay and paragraph level for strong organization and argument.You can also use it for revision,particularly as a method for bringing focus and coherence to your work.


  T:Topic Sentence.The first sentence introduces the subject of the paragraph.Answers the question,What are you writing about?


  R:Restatement or Restriction.Narrows the focus.The second sentence can restate or restrict what was written in the first sentence,making the subject more specific.


  I:Illustration.Give examples/evidence.This portion of the paragraph consists of the illustrations(evidence,data,facts,quotes,reasoning,etc.)that support your topic sentence.You can have more than one I in a paragraph.


  A:Analysis.Comment,explain,interpret,or contextualize the illustrations that have been made.Never leave illustrations by themselves;their effectiveness lies in your analysis.Show value,significance,problems,or impact.You should have one A for each I in the paragraph.The more As and Is,the more fully developed your essay will be.


  C:Conclusion.Repeat or reflect topic.The final sentence might review what the paragraph has discussed,or it can re-emphasize what the illustration and analysis suggest.The portion might also identify or evaluation connections.Keep in mind that you are also setting yourself up to smoothly move into the next paragraph.


  Model TRIAC paragraph(举例说明):


  [T]Although vegetarianism has often been associated with issues or ethics and animals rights,for many people it is no more than means to a healthier lifestyle.[R]A vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of health problems such as high cholesterol,arterial clogging,and even cancer.<I>Recent evidence indicates that people with a diet rich in dark green vegetables had a 40%less chance of developing colon cancer.In addition,cutting meat out can dramatically reduce saturated fat intake.Alice,a university student and a seven-year vegetarian,says,“I recognized my potential for cancer because of my genetic history;when my father’s doctor put him on a strict no-meat diet,I decided it was time to give up burgers and pepperoni.”[A]Choosing to cut down beef and poultry can help many people to become more aware of what they are consuming,and it turn leads to overall more healthful style of cooking and eating.In addition,it is not necessary to become a vegetarian in the strictest sense of the word;for some people,it simply means cutting down on meat intake and increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables included in each meal.[C]These adjustments alone can be beneficial without completely altering the individual’s eating habits,and these changes may prevent a myriad of health problems later in life.

