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题型Contest Sentence:
“It became clear that to rid the clamoring crowd of its most vocal spokesman would be to enhance the meeting’s effectiveness.”
恰当解释 Answer: Clearly, silencing the clamoring crowd’s most vocal spokesman would enhance the meeting’s effectiveness.
We believe the best revision is… “Clearly, silencing the clamoring crowd's most vocal spokesman would enhance the meeting's effectiveness.” This word choice and structure improves the sentence in several ways. First, it reduces the word count to 13 from 21 without diminishing the impact of the sentence or changing its meaning or tone. The statement remains impersonal—which usually is preferred in academic writing—but is invigorated through use of a gerund (“silencing”) instead of a full infinitive (“to rid”).
大家坚信最好书写应是“Clearly, silencing the clamoring crowd's most vocal spokesman would enhance the meeting's effectiveness.” 改变后的语句在汉字与句式上几个益处,包含篇幅从21个字减缩为13个字,而不危害语句实际意义与语调;语句依然维持客观性—它是学术研究创作中较适度的语调;而动名词silencing替代了不定词to rid,使语句更具有魅力。
Use of a full infinitive is appropriate in some instances—for example, to convey an abstract thought (“To be or not to be…”). However, as part of an impersonal sentence beginning with “It,” such infinitive usage nearly always produces a statement long on words and short on vigor. Just as enervating are sentences beginning with the impersonal “there,” as in “There is justification for testing it again.” Academic writers wanting to avoid either construction can follow this general guideline: The most active, direct, and compelling language is the surest way to connect writer and reader.
在一些情况下,应用不定词并无不当—比如表述抽象性念头时 (“To be or not to be…”)。但语句既没有人称,开始又用了It,那麼不定词会迫使语句展现冗杂,了无做生意。 there开始的句式一样有减弱语句语调的危害,比如 “There is justification for testing it again.”。期刊论文的创作者倘若想防止写成这类语句,能够遵照下述规则:积极、立即、具感染力的措辞与汉字,最能变成相互连接创作者与阅读者意见沟通的公路桥梁。
Some writers might wonder about using “silencing the clamoring crowd's…” instead of the more derivative “ridding the clamoring crowd of its…” However, besides being more succinct, “silencing” refers directly to the issue of speech. While ridding an audience of a verbal person and silencing the verbal person produce the same result, “ridding” usually means removal from an audience. On the other hand, “silencing” mostly suggests a cessation of talk, which is the central issue. After all, a vocal person can be silenced through persuasion, shaming, or removal from the scene.
一些创作者很有可能会疑虑,为何要用silencing the clamoring crowd’s替代较普遍的“ridding the clamoring crowd of its…”。那样的书写除开较简约外,silencing与演说此项主题风格也较有关系。从观众之中去除一名演讲者,及其,让这名演讲者没法出声,虽然这二种书写目地都同样,但前面一种ridding一般 代表着要这个人离去观众群。另一方面来讲,silencing大部分喻指终止讲话,恰好是原话要表达的意思。终究要让一个人静下心来有很多方式,比如说动、使其觉得惭愧、或者请其立即退席全是可考虑到的方式。