essay写作方法分享 70+的论文段落是怎么样的
essay写作方法分享 3⃣️ Analysis and evaluation▪️provide relevant analysis-comparing/contrasting sources, asking questions, making evaluation
1⃣️Topic sentence
▪️topic of the paragraph
一般是由linking phrase连接承上启下,引出本段内容,比如表转折用despite/conversely,表并列递进用in addition/Furthermore
✔️例句:Despite the focus on hard skills, it appears that the biggest benefit of going to university is not necessarily what you learn, but the people you meet there and the networks that you create.
2⃣️Supporting evidence and examples
▪️cite reputable sources
-summaries, paraphrases or quotes of all sources
3⃣️ Analysis and evaluation
▪️provide relevant analysis
-comparing/contrasting sources, asking questions, making evaluation, etc.
4⃣️Concluding sentence
▪️a final sentence that summarises the whole paragraph or links to the following paragraph

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