NGOs Boards And Minority Groups
essay代写 The issues of inclusion and diversity have been taking center stage in NGOs executive leadership. This research paper,
The issues of inclusion and diversity have been taking center stage in NGOs executive leadership. This research paper, the question of whether there is a disproportionate representation of African Americans in the board of directors in non-government organizations will be evaluated through literature reviews. The paper begins with an in-depth introduction and background information about NGOs leadership in the U.S.
Then thorough and clear statement of the problem is given together with the justification of the research before outlining the research questions and hypotheses on which the research will be based. The paper continues with a detailed review of literature which will assist derive the conclusion on the research question.
The paper found a lack of enough representation of African Americans in the board of directors in NGOs which have impacted on their orientation to mandates of supporting the minorities and underserved communities in U.S. society.NGOs Boards and Minority Groups.英国代写
The non-profit organizations in the United States are experiencing leadership gaps in as far as minority representation is concerned. Although the racial diversity has tremendously increased in the U.S., the ratio of African American in the executive positions have remained below 20 percent for the last one and half decade,
and it is not expected to rise any time soon Suarez (2017).
This is regardless of the efforts and legislative campaigns for minority groups inclusion. Based on a report from “Race to Lead: Confronting the Racial Leadership Gap” by Building Movement Project, Suarez (2017) concluded that efforts to support, train and inspire as well as mold African American leaders to take up roles in executive positions in NGOs are lacking although not enough towards achieving diversity in leadership.
It also found that the color people are not only ready to take leadership of their white counterpart, but they are interested. Besides, it found no significant difference in background experience and qualifications between the white and color people. In this regard, there is a disproportionate representation of African Americans on the board of directors in non-profit organizations.essay代写
Statement of the Problem![essay代写](
There have been efforts towards increasing color people inclusion in the executive leadership in NGOs. Nevertheless, the number and rate of inclusion have stagnated for the last one and half decades. If the trend is allowed to persist, the U.S. will have disengaged African Americans from critical decision making in NGOs particularly those affecting the minority groups.
Therefore, this research paper seeks to answer the question of whether there is a disproportionate representation of African American on the board of directors in non-profit organizations.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this research paper is to evaluate the inclusion of the African American minority group in the board of directors in non-governmental organizations. According to the article by Medina, “The diversity gap in the Nonprofit sector” she noted that although diversity NGOs has been a popular debate, they are faced with race homogeneity
She further stated that whites occupy 87 percent of executive directors with a few representations of African American at 6 percent. The rest were Asian Americans and Hispanics represented by 3 and 4 percent respectively. Therefore,
it becomes ironical as one would expect that nonprofits and foundations especially those aimed at supporting marginalized and underserved communities and minority groups are supposed to prioritize the inclusion of those groups in leadership for better engagement diversity in finding local solutions.
Low or lack of representation of these African Americans in NGOs particularly those intended to support the black community and underserved is loss of clear orientation to local issues of the NGOs in its programs. As such, this paper will review the literature to find out the diversity in NGOs has been implemented and if African Americans have been represented in the executive boards.
The results will be crucial in identifying the recommendations for affirmative actions which will ensure racial diversity in leadership
Research Questions![essay代写](
The research will be based on the following primary research question and minor research questions.
Major Research Question:
Is there a representation of African American on the board of Directors in non-profit organizations?
Minor Research Questions:
a.To find out whether there is diversity in NGOs.
b.What are the impacts of the lack of African American representation on the board of directors?
c.What needs to be done to increase inclusion and diversity in NGOs leadership?
The research will be based on the hypotheses that there is not enough representation of African Americans on the board of directors in non-profit organizations.
Literature Review
In this section, varessay代写