<p style="text-align: center"><img src="https://paperdaixie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/20210112063904-5ffd440836446.jpg" title="4.jpg" alt="4.jpg" width="500" height="396" border="0" vspace="0" style="width: 500px;height: 396px" /></p><blockquote>「Such as 和including中间有哪些区别?」
这周的电子报要带您掌握:怎样在语句中恰当应用such as和including?
Such as和including的使用方法常随意的交叠应用,这是由于所举的事例常被包括在某很大范畴的群聊中。实际上,including与inclusion的定义类似,而such as则是用于引介案例,彼此之间仍一些微的差别。
She has many powerful friends , including an ex-cabinet member and a high court judge.
这里谈及的二人是很大的群聊「powerful friends」的组员之一,该很大范畴群聊的别的组员则不用两者之间二人归属于同样类型。
- I have only ten more days , including weekends, to get my house painted.
Everybody is upset with me , including my dog.
仅有在including 表明「将…列入考虑到时(if/when we include)」的含意时,including才可以出現在关键子句以前。
Including taxes and airport fees, the fare is still quite reasonable.
Such as有点儿不一样,其作用与including类似,最大的不同取决于,such as是用于引介在同一类型、人事情归类当中的组员,明确提出很大类型中的单一或好几个案例。
标点使用方法:应用such as引介某类型中的案例时,一般 会在such as正前方加分号。
- She has made a great many people nervous , such as her grandmother, her uncles, and her husband-to-be.
Our nursery offers a large selection of fruit trees , such as peach, plum, and apple.
Several long-time friends of the groom , such as his two college roommates and his football buddy Jake, were surprised that he actually went through with the ceremony.
有时,such as 会弄出一全部子句,这时喻指「这类的…(of a/the kind that)」。表明此词意时,such as前不用分号。
- This will be a disaster such as the world has never seen.
Countries such as Sweden have a long record of welcoming refugees from all over the world.
Car companies such as Toyota and Ford manufacture their automobiles in many different countries around the world.
值得一提的是,including 和such as都能够与另一个类似的片语for example融合:
- The University also has many years of experience in providing undergraduate and postgraduate programs in related areas including , for example , those provided mainly through the Faculties of Informatics, Business and Management, and engineering.
Some people might want to consider the political figure who made the greatest positive impact, such as , for example , United States President John F. Kennedy.
Including和such as尽管经常能够互动应用,但有时并相去甚远,应用时请尽量要多留意。