
            <p style="text-align: center"><strong><img src="https://paperdaixie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/20210112061126-5ffd3d8e5b6b6.jpg" title="1.jpg" alt="1.jpg" /></strong></p>


【句式25】Be 主语 宾语 ……?


  1. Are you a doctor? 你是医师吗?

  2. Is Ma Mimi good at singing? 马咪咪头会歌唱吗?

  3. Are they in Grade Three? 她们是三年级学员吗?

  4. Is there a post office near the building? 这座大厦附近有邮政局吗?

  5. Were you born in Anhui? 你出世在安徽省吗?


它是「主系表」构造的一般疑问句的句式,在其中的系动词 be 应放置主语以前,换句话说系动词 be和主语应错乱部位。

在处于被动构造和开展语态中,be并不是系动词,只是助动词,但他们的一般疑问句也仅仅将 be 增至主语以前,别的词序不会改变。比如:

Was she scolded by her mother? 她遭受她妈妈的责怪吗?

Is she coming to the meeting? 她来参加会议吗?

连系动词 be 的将来时(shall/will be)或过去进行时(have/has been)的语句,变为一般疑问句时,只需将 shall/will 或 have/has 增至主语前。如:

Will you be at home tonight? 你今夜在家里吗?

Have you been to Beijing? 你到过北京市吗?

Exercise 25

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 她们是好盆友吗?

  2. 这一礼拜天有聚会活动吗?

  3. 你可以准时进行这一方案吗?

  4. 他正在办公室里寄信吗?

  5. 如果你考虑时天在下雨吗?


  1. Are they close friends?

  2. Will there be a party this weekend?

  3. Will you be able to complete the design on time?

  4. Is he writing in his office?

  5. Was it raining when you started?

【句式26】Do(Does/Did) 主语 宾语 ……?


1. Do you know Deng Xin』s address? 你了解邓昕的详细地址吗?

2. Does Yang Jian do his homework every evening? 杨剑每天晚上做课外作业吗?

3. Did they arrive in Wuhan yesterday? 她们是昨日抵达武汉市的吗?

4. Have you an English-Chinese dictionary? 给你英汉词典吗?

5. Do you often have breakfast at 6︰30 a.m.? 你经常在早上六点半吃早饭吗?


本句式是行为动词一般疑问句的句式。假如陈述句的谓语动词是行为动词,变为一般疑问句时要凭借助动词 do,并将助动词do 放置主语以前。留意,助动词 do 要随尊称和语态而转变。第一、二人称及第三人称复数的现在时用 do,第三人称奇数现在时用 does,过去式则无论尊称怎样一律用 did。

在本句式中,除开将 do,does,did放置句首外,还应留意把原陈述句的行为动词修复成它的原型(即动词原形)。

在美国英语中,不管 have作「有」解或者作行为动词用,其一般疑问句都需要凭借助动词 do。而在英国英语中,仅有当 have作行为动词用时,其一般疑问句要用助动词 do;当其作「有」解时,则将have/has增至主语前。

Exercise 26

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 她喜爱游水吗?

  2. 倪景斌报名参加此次比赛了没有?

  3. 该辆公交车将我送到东湖公园吗?

  4. 上星期大家有锻炼身体的话吗?

  5. 你是六点钟吃晚餐吗?


  1. Does she like swimming?

  2. Did Ni Jingbin join in the competition?

  3. Does this bus take me to the East Lake Park?

  4. Did you have sports meeting last week?

  5. Do you have supper at six?

【句式27】情态动词 主语 宾语 ……?


  1. May I come in? 我能进去吗?

  2. Can you swim across the river? 你可以游过这一条河吗?

  3. Must we hand in the exercise today? 大家今日务必订正作业吗?


情态动词的一般疑问句应将情态动词(can, may, must)放到主语以前。有的形容词(如 dare, need)既能够作情态动词,又可以作实义动词,因而他们的一般疑问句能够有二种方式。比如:

Dare he go there alone?(情态动词)

Does he dare to go there alone?(实义动词)

Need he go there alone?(情态动词)

Does he need to go there alone?(实义动词)

Exercise 27

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 我能用你的单车吗?

  2. 假如不可以准时看了,我务必来续借吗?

  3. 你可以用英文写信吗?

  4. 我能使用您的电话吗?

  5. 大家务必在二天内进行此项工作中吗?


  1. May I use your bike?

  2. Must I come and renew it if I can』t finish it on time?

  3. Can you write(letters)in English?

  4. May I use your telephone?

  5. Must we finish the work in two days?


【句式28】特殊疑问词 宾语 ……?


1. Who cleaned the classroom?


2. Which book is yours?


3. Which goes faster, a car or a train?



它是向主语或主语修饰语提出问题的句式,提出问题时疑问代词 who, whose, what, which放置句首,其词序为一切正常词序(主语和宾语不必错乱)。

Exercise 28

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 谁获胜,李灿還是贺培?

  2. 你爸爸怎么啦?

  3. 房屋后面是什么?是毛驴還是马?

  4. 哪一个是陈静的亲姐姐?高的還是矮的?

  5. 谁将我的伞取走了?


  1. Who won,Li Can or He Pei?

  2. What has happened to your father?

  3. What』s behind the house, a donkey or a horse?

  4. Which is Chen Jing』s sister, the tall one or the short one?

  5. Who took away my umbrella?

【句式29】特殊疑问词 助动词 主语 宾语 ……?


1. When do you go to school? 你何时念书?

2. Where did you go last night? 昨天晚上你上哪里来到?

3. How long have you been in China? 你到我国多长时间了?

4. Why didn』t you visit the museum? 为何你没参观博物馆?

5. Whom did you see on the way? 走在路上你看到谁了?


它是向语句的状语或宾语等(除主语外)提出问题的句式,一般 用疑问副词(when, where, how, why等)提出问题状语,而用疑问代词(whom, what, which等)提出问题宾语或定语。疑问词放置句首,其词序为部分倒装词序(主语和宾语中的助动词要错乱)。

Exercise 29

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 你是谁呀?是做什么的?

  2. 你是如何来武汉市的,乘火车還是坐船?

  3. 为何你跟我说那样一些难题呢?

  4. 你学英语多长时间了?

  5. 你也要过多长时间才可以提前准备好呢?


  1. Who are you? And what are you?

  2. How did you come to Wuhan, by train or by ship?

  3. Why do you ask me such questions?

  4. How long have you studied English?

  5. How soon will you be ready?


【句式30】陈述句 简洁明了疑问句?


1. You know his telephone number, don』t you? 你了解他的联系电话,对不对?

2. He has come back, hasn』t he? 他早已回家了,对不对?

3. You aren』t using the dictionary, are you? 你如今无需词典了,对不对?

4. We can』t take the books out, can we? 这种书我们不能取出去,对不对?


反意疑问句由2个一部分组成。前一部分是一个陈述句,明确提出状况或观点;后一部分是一个简洁明了疑问句,问另一方同不同意上述情况的状况或观点。如前一部分为毫无疑问方式,则后一部分一般 用否认方式。如前一部分是否认方式,则后一部分为毫无疑问方式。两一部分在语态需要一致。后一部分常用的助动词或情态动词要与前一部分的谓语动词一致。

回应这类难题时,回答若是毫无疑问的,则答语前得用 yes;回答若是否认的,则答语前得用 no。留意,当陈述句是否认方式时,英文的答语和中文的答语不是一致的。

假如陈述句中含有否认实际意义的词,如 no, never, hardly, seldom等,那麼这些就应算否认方式,因而,简洁明了疑问句就需要用毫无疑问方式。比如:

You have never believed him, have you? 你从不坚信他,对不对?

He had nothing to say against Guo Jing, did he?


Exercise 30

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 你早已把信寄了,是不是?

  2. 公共图书馆八点开关门,是不是?

  3. 她是一周以前离去大城市的,是不是?

  4. 道上有一些足印,是不是?

  5. 学员们之前沒有听闻过这个故事,是不是?

  6. 大家基本上沒有想起他会在此次入学考中获得成功,是不是?


  1. You have posted your letter, haven』t you?

  2. The library opens at eight, doesn』t it?

  3. She left the city a week ago, didn』t she?

  4. There were some footmarks on the way, weren』t there?

  5. The students haven』t heard the story before, have they?

  6. We hardly expected him to succeed in the entrance examination, did we?

【句式31】祈使句 简洁明了疑问句?


1. Open the window, will you? 打开窗户,怎么样?

2. Let』s go swimming, shall we? 我们游水去,好么?

3. Let him be here by 10 o』clock, shall we? 叫他十点前去这里,好么?


祈使句一般 带有指令语气,但假如后面再加上一个简洁明了疑问句,便会使一口气越来越婉转客套一些。本句式便是「祈使句 简洁明了疑问句」的反意疑问句句式。如果是第二人称祈使句,后边用「will you?」;如果是第一或第三人称祈使句,后边就用「shall we」,这儿无须遵照「前侧毫无疑问,后侧否认」的标准。在毫无疑问方式的祈使句后面,也仍旧用 「will you?」或「shall we?」。

Exercise 31

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 再来个饮品,好么?

  2. 打开收音机,好么?

  3. 我们征询一下教师的提议,好么?

  4. 把这件白衬衫帮我,好么?

  5. 别这样高声发言,好么?


  1. Have a little more drink, will you?

  2. Turn on the radio, will you?

  3. Let』s ask the teacher for advice, shall we?

  4. Bring me the white shirt, will you?

  5. Don』t speak so loud, will you?



