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俗语(Proverbs)实际上并不会太难学,不如你先试着了解下列优选的 proverbs,逐渐丰富多彩你的英文会话!
- “Speak of the devil and the devil comes”(一讲三国曹操,曹操就到)
例:“Speak of the devil and the devil comes. Bill just arrived as we were talking about him.”
2. 要形容一个人「全身刀,无张利」?英语是 “Jack of all trades, master of none”
例:“There is no way you will be good at everything. So rather than being a Jack of all trades, focus on your one or two skills!”
3. 有道在线「好事不出门,龌龊事传万里」,”Bad news travels fast!”
4. 不论是项目投资或者为人处事为人处事,孤注一掷全是很高危的个人行为喔! “Never put all your eggs in one basket!”
5. 要知彼知己,才可以百战不殆 “You should always keep your friends close and your enemies closer!”
6. “Once bitten, twice shy”=「一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳绕树干」- 你能因为英文基石打得不太好,而躲避再学英文吗?
7. Leopard(豹)的身上的黑斑是不容易变的,而 ”a leopard cannot change its spots ”便是形容一个人江山易改。
8. 正所谓「佛要金装,佛要金装」- Fine feathers make fine birds – 求职应聘时记重要衣着得齐整喔!
9. 要取得成功打进销售市场,便要在风潮褪去前行资! “If you want to enter the market successfully, you will need to strike while the iron is hot(打铁趁热)!”
10. “If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.” 一切还要竭尽全力!
有试着去应用吗?何不再学下列 10 句,提升你对 proverbs 的了解!
1. “It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back” – 一切皆有極限,就如太多的麦草也会出现伤到大象的一天。例:“I hate my roommate! He has parties every night and now he broke my TV! – that’s the last straw!”
2. “Birds of a feather flock together”(物而类聚,物以类聚)
例:“Birds of a feather flock together – they share the same interest and lifestyle, no wonder they can get along so well.”
3. 弄一碗汤 (broth) 又怎必须太多名主厨 (cook) 呢?人多个会手和脚乱,“too many cooks spoil the broth!”
4. “When it rains, it pours”(一发一发不可收拾)
例:“The problems are piling on top of each other. Well, when it rains, it pours.”
5. “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” – 别要在生鸡蛋还未孵前,数你有多少只雏鸡!此句是要叫人别激动得过早,太过开朗!
6. “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”(各有所好)
例:“One man’s meat is another man’s poison – she is simply not my cup of tea.”
7. “A monkey in silk is a monkey no less” – 一个人的积淀与内函是不容易因他的服装而更改的,就如不管小猴子穿上了哪些,它仍是那只小猴子。
- “A bad workman blames his tools” – 手艺未够的人,始终也总是抱怨专用工具不足好(劣工尤器)例:“A bad workman always blames his tools – stop making excuses for the mistakes now! ”
“No smoke without fire”(无稽之谈,不一定无因)
例:No smoke without fire – there has to be a reason why people believe in the news.”
- “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” – 如要吃过布甸才知道它是不是美味,许多 事儿也一样,沒有亲自试过,是不可以决定的。