<p style="text-align: center"><img src="https://paperdaixie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/20210112063910-5ffd440e14a85.jpg" title="1.jpg" alt="1.jpg" /></p>
因为since含有時间及缘故的双向实际意义,怎么使用才可以防止含意上的搞混?Since 能用来表明缘故或時间,而这两个含意在应用上常常被弄混,请见下列词组:
- A1 Since it was Saturday, I stayed in bed longer.
A2 Since she arrived, everything has been different.
- Since的含意:无论是做为连词或者介系词,since的含意在于句子成分和语态。
Since做为连词:附设子句的形容词为过去时时,since一般 表示时间。
Since做为连词:附设子句的形容词为如今式时,since一般 表明缘故。
Since 和for 做为介系词:当恶性事件产生于某一時刻时,应用since;当恶性事件与一段时间有关时,则应用for。这时关键子句的形容词一般 全是现在完成式。
Since :表示时间
Since一般 做为连词(带入一个子句)或介系词(带入一个片语),有时候也作为介词(单独存有)。
1. 假如since子句表示时间,子句中的形容词务必是过去时。
- B1 We haven't drunk anything since we got here.
B2 We haven't drunk anything since we've been here.
B3 I have been feeling sick (ever) since I ate that cake.
2.在一个含有since子句(since you arrived)或since片语(since Tuesday)的语句中,若关键形容词指涉一段包括如今的期内,则该形容词务必为现在完成式。
- C1 See examples B1 – B3.
C2 I have been there since seven o'clock.
C3 Since winning the award, he has been really happy.
3. 假如全句指涉以往的時间,则关键子句能以过去完成式。这时,since 子句的形容词一般 为简易过去时。
- D1 We hadn't drunk anything since we arrived .
D2 I had been feeling sick ever since I ate that cake.
D3 I hadn't drunk anything since seven o'clock.
4.下列状况中的since皆表示时间:(1) since为介系词时(词组C2、D3)、(2) since后边接现在分词时(词组C3)。
5. Since 還是 for ?
做为介系词时只有与某一時刻配搭:这儿的時刻以介词(如:yesterday)、副词片语(如:the start of term)或姿势形容词(如:I ate …)表明。
E1 I've been here since last week.
大家不能说since three hours,它是不正确的使用方法。
E2 I've been here for three hours.
当Since 做为连词时,便可与一段期内或某一特殊時刻做配搭。假如表明一段期内,since子句的形容词一般 是如今过去时(词组E3a、E4a);假如表明某一時刻,since子句的形容词则为简易过去时(词组E3b、E4b)。
E3a I've felt much better since the window has been open.E4a He has lost weight since he has been running every day.
E3b I've felt much better since I opened the window.
E4b He's lost weight since he stopped eating chocolate bars.
Since :表明缘故
- F1 Since it is raining, we are staying indoors.
F2 We will stay indoors since it is raining.
F3 Since he lives in Peru, he doesn't often visit us.
2.若关键子句及since子句中的形容词皆为简易过去时,则since一般 表缘故,并非時间。
- G1 I ate all the chocolates since you left them behind.
G2 Since he was poor, he never took taxis.
Since 表時间时,关键形容词一般 为如今过去时。
- G3 I've eaten all the chocolates since I got home.