


【句式62】先行词 关系代词 从句


1. The child who is reading there is the monitor.


2. The child whom you met at the gate is the monitor.


3. The child whose mother died in the war is now the monitor.


4. The film which we saw last night was wonderful.


5. He lives in a room whose window opens to the south.


6. He is not the man that we can trust.


7. The book that you lent me yesterday is very interesting.


8. This is the best film that I have ever seen.


9. They thought over all that the professor had said.



定语从句所装饰的先行词如果是「人」,则从句得用who, whom, whose, that来正确引导;假如定语从句所装饰的先行词是「物」,则从句要用which, whose, that 来正确引导。 that 或 which可通用性,但要留意二点:

  1. 非约束性定语从句不能用 that 正确引导,只有用 which 指物,用 who/whom 指人。

  2. 代词后的关系代词指物时只有用 which,指人时只有用 whom,都不能用 that替代。

当先行词有下述三种状况时,定语从句一般 用关系代词 that 正确引导:

  1. 当先行词有最高级别形容词修饰时,之后的定语从句常见 that 正确引导。

  2. 当先行词有表明「惟一」定义的形容词修饰(如 the only, the very, the first, the last等)时,之后的定语从句常见 that 正确引导。

  3. 当先行词以前有不定代词all, any, every, no, little 等装饰,或是先行词自身便是不定代词all, anything anybody, everything, everybody, nothing, nobody 等的情况下,之后的定语从句常见that 正确引导。

Exercise 62

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 你走在路上碰到的哪个路人是世界著名的演唱家。

  2. 我相见一见你刚刚说起的那人。

  3. (这些)有单车的人能够骑单车去。沒有车的人能够坐公交车去。

  4. 罗伯特·密特朗(John Kennedy)是英国最年青的美国总统,他的名字为大部分外国人所了解。

  5. 它是大家都很感兴趣的一个题型。

  6. 大家都会讨论今日早上产生的那一场安全事故。

  7. 他早已干了他可以做的一切。

  8. 我将将我所了解的每一件事都对你说。


  1. The stranger(whom)you met on the way is a world-famous singer.

  2. I』d like(want)to see the man of whom you talked just now.

  3. Those who have got bikes may go by bike. Those who haven』t got bikes may go by bus.

  4. John Kennedy was the youngest president in America, whose name is known to most Americans.

  5. This is a subject which we are interested in.

  6. People are talking about the accident which happened this morning.

  7. He has done all(that)he can do.

  8. I will tell you everything(that)I know.

【句式63】先行词 prep. which/whom 从句


1. The child with whom you talked just now is the monitor.


2. This is the workshop in which he used to work.


3. He teaches in a school, at the back of which there is a river.


4. In our class there are 63 students, of whom near 40 come from the country.



代词(语句)后的关系代词指物时只有用 which,指人时只有用 whom,都不能用 that替代。

Exercise 63

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 这就是我们以前说起过数次的那人。

  2. 我们班有56名学员,在其中35名是男孩子。

  3. 这就是他出世的哪家医院门诊。

  4. 图书店是一个大家能够从里边购书的店铺。

  5. 她讲到过一本杂志期刊,其名字我忘记了。


  1. This is the man of whom we talked several times.

  2. In our class there are 56 students, of whom 35 are boy students.

  3. This is the hospital in which he was born.

  4. A bookshop is a shop from which people can buy books.

  5. She mentioned a magazine, the title of which I』ve forgotten.

【句式64】such/the 从句


1. Such people as you described are rare now.


2. Children should read such books as are recommended to them by their teachers. 小朋友应当读她们教师所强烈推荐的这些书。

3. I like the same music as you(do). 我很喜欢的歌曲跟你喜爱的一样。

4. It』s not the same bag as I lost. 这一包装袋同我遗失的包装袋不一样。

【创作点津】 作「仿佛……那(这)样的」解,the same...as作「与(跟)……一样」解。这两个构造中的 as全是关系代词,正确引导一个定语从句,装饰它的先行词,另外在从句中当做主语或宾语。

Exercise 64

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 和你刚刚歌曲如今很时兴。

  2. 请赠给大家一些和你昨日送过来的那类iPhone。

  3. 他喜爱我的妈妈做的那般的食材。

  4. 他的觉得同我的觉得一样。

  5. 这一颈链和她遗失的哪个不一样。


  1. Such songs as you just sang are very popular.

  2. Please send us such kind of apples as you did yesterday.

  3. He likes such food as my mother prepares.

  4. He has the same feeling as I have.

  5. This is not the same necklace as she lost.


【句式65】...two...:one...,(and)the other/another...


1. There are two books on the table: one is Chinese and the other is English.


2. Every time you breathe, you breathe two different breaths. You take in one and give out another.

每每你吸气气体,拥有 二种不一样的方法:一是吸入,一是呼出。

3. There are three balls. One is black and the others are white.



two表明明确提出了2件事或两人,后边然后各自多方面表明。在二者之中不限制依次顺序,只是随意先强调一个多方面表明,再聊另一个。在第一个语句后边一般 用灶具,也能用分号、句点。假如用句点,则 One用英文大写字母开始另起一句。因为这种词句在句中所出任的成份较为灵便,能够作主语、表语、定语或宾语,因此在句式中不标出句子成分,而只强调这种具有明显性的词句。

Exercise 65

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 班里有两个学员,一个是汤母,另一个是玛丽莱。

  2. 如果你去李甜甜家的情况下,你能看到两只猫,一只是白的,一只是灰黑色的。

  3. 给你二种挑选,一是去,二是留下。

  4. 世界上有二种人,一种是善人,另一种是坏蛋。

  5. 她们有两个孩子,一个北京,另一个上海市区。


  1. There are two students in the classroom:one is Tom and the other,Mary.

  2. When you go to Li Tiantian』s you』ll find two cats:one is white and the other,black.

  3. You have two choices:one is to go, the other is to stay.

  4. There are two kinds of men:one is good and the other, bad.

  5. They have two children:one is in Beijing and the other, in Shanghai.

【句式66】,(and/but)... another...


1. To say is one thing, but to do is another.


2. It is one thing to learn, and another to teach.


3. To know is one thing, to practise is another.


4. I can』t go. For one thing, I have no money; for another, I have no time.


5. I don』t want to buy the coat. For one thing, I don』t like the colour, and for another, the price is too high.



本句式中的俩件事情表层来看类似,而登记区别,通常带有「比照」的寓意。中文常译者「……(是)一回事儿,……(是)另一回事」或「……(是)一个层面,而 ……(是)另一个层面」。第二分句前能用连词,也可无需连词;比照实际意义极强的用 but 联接,不太强的用 and。

Exercise 66

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 做这一件工作中是一回事儿,不做也是另一回事。

  2. 听闻是一回事儿,坚信也是另一回事。

  3. 去那里是一回事儿,没去也是另一回事。

  4. 理解是一回事儿,误会也是另一回事。

  5. 哭是一回事儿,笑也是另一回事。


  1. To do this work is one thing, but not to do it is another.

  2. Hearing is one thing, believing is another.

  3. To go there is one thing, but not to go is another.

  4. Understanding is one thing, but misunderstanding is another.

  5. Crying is one thing, smiling is another.

【句式67】On(the)one hand...,and on the other(hand)...


1. On the one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other, I am also your friend.


2. On the one hand, you shouldn』t be shy, on the other hand, you mustn』t forget your manners.


3. On the one hand, there must be great enthusiasm in work, and on the other, labour must be alternated with rest.



本句式常指一件事情的2个层面。结构类型留意:on the one hand 和 and on the other,一般是作插入语对待的,前后左右要用分号分隔,on the other hand 如在句末,则前边能够无需逗点。 on the other hand 还可另起一句。

Exercise 67

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 一方面就是我的爸爸,另一方面我是你的朋友。

  2. 一方面大家是盆友,另一方面大家也是竞争者。

  3. 一方面你需要认真工作,另一方面你又要释放压力。

  4. 一方面你需要考虑小孩化学物质上的必须,另一方面你也要教他怎样做人。

  5. 不成功有时候是错事,有时候也是好事儿。


  1. On the one hand, I』m your father, and on the other hand, I am also your friend.

  2. On the one hand, you are friends, on the other, you are enemies.

  3. On the one hand, you should work hard, and on the other hand, you should also relax.

  4. On the one hand, you should offer your son money, and on the other hand, you should also tell him how to act.

  5. On the one hand, failure is bad, and on the other hand, it is also good.



1. Some say yes, and some say no.


2. Everyone of us has an engine, it is the brain. Some people can use it, some people cannot.


3. Some like to play football, others are fond of basketball.


4. After we finish school, some of us will enter the universities to study, some of us will work in the factories; some of us will go to the countryside, and some of us will be PLA men.



本句式主要是用于各自例举一些人做啥事,它是最常见的方法,只例举两一部分人。中文常译者「有些人……,有些人……」。如果有第三一部分人必须表明,可在others 后边加「and still others」;如果有四一部分人必须各自表明,最好是多次重复使用第一式,即「Some...,some...;Some ...,and some...」。

Exercise 68

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 一些同学们是恰当的,一些同学们是不正确的。

  2. 有的人想去野餐,有的人想要开个个晚会节目。

  3. 有的人颇具,有的人贫困。

  4. 一些花是红的,一些花是黄的。

  5. 有的人在一棵大树下边玩游戏,有的人围住圆形在舞蹈;另一些人到湖中划艇,也有一些人在操场上歌唱。


  1. Some students are right, and some are wrong.

  2. Some persons want to have a picnic, others want to have a party.

  3. Some people are rich, some are poor.

  4. Some flowers are red, others are yellow.

  5. Some are playing games under a big tree. Some are dancing in a ring. Others are rowing on the lake, and still others are singing on the playground.



1. First, I wish both of you good health. Second, I wish both of you success in your work; and third, I wish both of you good luck in everything.


2. Tom Brown is well known in this city. Firstly he has been a member of the city council for many years. Secondly, and far more importantly, he is a football player of national reputation. 汤母·布郎是这一大城市知名的角色。第一他做了很多年的市议会立法委员;第二,更关键的是,他是全国各地知名的足球队工作人员。


本句式用于表明叙述的顺序,也能用以表明层级,意思是「第一、……;第二、……;第三、……;最终……」。 「第一」常见 first,非常少用 firstly。在叙述中也可省去first,第二点用 second,在具体語言中可熟练掌握,不一定彻底受句式的管束。表广论的词句也有用 「The first point」,「The second point」……,「The final point」即「第一点、第二点、……最终一点」。

Exercise 69

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 作为一名士兵,第一你务必服从安排,第二务必服从安排,第三還是务必服从安排。

  2. 玛丽莱有三个孩子,第一个是女孩儿,第二个是女孩儿,第三个還是女孩儿。

  3. 假如你要取得成功,第一拼搏,第二拼搏,第三還是拼搏。

  4. 一个人想过一种美好的生活,务必的三件事便是:第一钱财,第二取得成功,第三理想。

  5. 为了更好地真实取得胜利,大家必须什么?大家必须三件物品:第一是武裝,第二是武裝,第三也還是武裝。


  1. As a soldier, first you should obey rules;second, you should obey rules; and third, you should also obey rules.

  2. Mary has three children, first girl;second girl;third also girl.

  3. If you want to succeed you should do these things, first work hard;second work hard;third work hard again.

  4. It is very necessary for a man to lead a happy life, the first point, money, the second point, success, the third point, dream.

  5. What do we need in order to really win? We need three things: first—arms, second—arms,third—arms and arms again!

【句式70】First/At first/First of all...,then/soon/later/lately...,finally/at last...


1. First think, then speak. 先思索,后讲话。

2. At first you may find it hard, but it will soon become easy.


3. I think this first day of our vacation is going to be very enjoyable for us. We』ll first play a game of tennis. Afterwards we』ll take a shower. Then we』ll do some sun-bathing on the beach. Finally, we』ll take a walk into town.



本句式关键用以表明叙述的顺序。中文翻译一般均可作「最先……;随后……;次之……;再度……;最终……」。能够只表明2件事,常见「first...then...」;也能用「first...soon」等;超过二项之上的才用 at last 或finally。句式中的词语一般都能够交叠应用,正中间各类还可以无需别的词句,仅用 then一词多次重复使用。

Exercise 70

Put the following sentences into English.

  1. 如果你用餐的情况下,要先用刀,后用叉。

  2. 先取出书,再打开,随后阅读文章。

  3. 作为一名学员,最先要了解学习什么,随后是如何学,最终好好学习。

  4. 他最先到法国巴黎,随后到纽约,之后拿定主意再到法国巴黎,最终决策回家了。

  5. 第一用感观,次之用记忆力,最终则用理解能力和判断能力。


  1. When you have a meal, first you should use a knife, then a fork.

  2. First take out your book, then open it, finally read it.

  3. As a student,first you should know what you learn, later how to learn, at last work hard.

  4. First he goes to Paris, then he goes to London,then he makes up his mind to go to Paris again,and then finally decides to come home.

  5. First, the senses are to be set to work; then, memory; and, at last,understanding and judgment.


