

看了许多 出国留学文档或英文作文,随便应用英文大小写,或者沒有全文用一致的方式应用英文大小写,看上去全文杂乱无章,西方国家阅读者见到那样的文章内容,对你的英语水平的印像立刻受到非常大影响。

下列提及的「用英文大写」意思是第一个英文字母用英文大写,并不是全部字每一个英文字母都用英文大写。如果是一整串英语,一般 介系词及冠词 (a/an/the) 无需英文大写。

1. 姓名

John Smith told me that he had to leave early.

The great poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, published his collection of poetry.

My supervisor, Professor William Chen, instructed me on how to do economic analysis.

2. 称呼

如果是姓名的一部份的称呼,称呼的部分用英文大写,如Mr. Chen或 Professor Chen。要不是姓名的一部份,是单纯性写岗位,无需英文大写,如 Professor Chen is a professor at National Taiwan University.

特别注意有一些「称呼」只出現于汉语当中,不可以直翻为英语变成姓名的一部份,好像大家讲「刘老师」,不必写Teacher Chen,要称之为Mr. Chen,「李负责人」,要称作Mr. Lee,不必写Manager Lee,而「朱研究者」,不必写Researcher Zhu,假如另一方有博士研究生,要称作Dr. Zhu,要是没有博士研究生,称作Mr. Zhu。


I worked with Dr. Zhu on this research project for two years.

My colleague, Mr. Lee, was in charge of the auditing process, while I was in charge of marketing.

3. 前言


My mother told me, "Remember to pick up some vegetables on the way home."

My mother told me to pick up some vegetables on the way home.

My mother told me to remember to "pick up some vegetables on the way home."

The paper claimed that "childhood trauma played a significant role."

The paper claimed, "Childhood trauma played a significant role."

4. 专业名词


The famous architect build many bridges. He built the San Francisco Bridge.

I graduated from university in 2010. I graduated from National Taiwan University.

I collaborated with the National Science Council and reported to the Ministry of Education.

5. 课程、研究领域


I studied Computer Science in university.

I studied computer science in university.

I took courses in Engineering in university.

I took courses in engineering in university.

I took engineering courses in university.

6. 课程内容



I took the courses, Economics, Microeconomics, and Accounting in university.

I took courses in economics, microeconomics and accounting in university.

I took courses in Economics, Microeconomics and Accounting in university.

6. 灶具接事例

接2个之上语句,用英文大写。接一个语句用小写字母。接多个 phrases (非语句的词)用小写字母。

We analysed the following: birth rate, death rate, and age.

We analysed the following: birth rate affects population growth.

We analysed the following: Birth rate affects population growth. Death rate affects the economy.

7. 小说名字

可每一个字都英文大写也可仅有第一个字英文大写其他小写字母,灶具以后的第一个字可英文大写也可小写字母,按照引文格式要求并需全文一致。我一般 是用英文大写(除开介系词、冠词)并且用斜体字。

How Declining Birth Rates Affect the Economy

How declining birth rates affect the economy

How declining birth rates affect the economy: A case study of France in the 1960s

How declining birth rates affect the economy: a case study of France in the 1960s

How Declining Birth Rates Affect the Economy: A Case Study of France in the 1960s


