Economic growth 是微观经济学科学研究的关键,在大家的Alevel考試中也是必学內容。那麼有关economic growth的essay要怎么写?此次我以真名为例,跟大伙儿一起剖析下Turkey相对性迅速的economic growth的缘故。
立意时,大家肯定是先泛读题型,在沒有明确key words 或是key sentence时必须对figures的数据信息开展简易掌握。
一般分析会在文字中有一定的涉及到,那麼大家看了figure1以后能够简易叙述出Turkey自2008年至2015年的real GDP growth rate,在其中2010年上下real GDP growth rate做到8%-9%,2013-2015为4%上下。
除此之外,figure 1也有有关current account balance的往年转变数据信息,能看的出去从2011年逐渐Turkey的current account deficit展现逐渐下降趋势。
figure2 表明2008年-2015年Turkey关键经济发展indicator 的数据信息转变,大伙儿必须保持警惕了,这儿很有可能涉及到economic growth的reasons,终究AD包含C、I、G、X-M。
大家先将每一个指标值过一遍吧,inflation的时高时低,可是总体是decreasing,household consumption转变很少,可是占GDP比例很大吧,大约70%上下!Investment 占有率相对稳定,大约20%。
下边大家看来Extract1,extract1题目即是economic growth,较为简洁明了的几段材料表明了Turkey的经济发展情况,这种我们可以做为APPLICATION 一部分的参照,例如,在2015,the Turkish economy grew by 4%,高过EU均值growth rate,及其原材料中提及的Turkey在2016年变成世界经济中第七个提高更快的economy,可是我们在Extract1中沒有寻找实际的缘故,这时大家意识到,我们无法立即寻找立即的原材料用于剖析,因此 大家只有自身依据原材料开展深入分析了!
剖析即从consumption、investment、current account下手,也要涉及到inflation、unemployment等indicators。
下边大家看来下教师写的一篇Economic growth essay范例:
Turkey's real GDP grew by 9.1% in 2010 and 8.6% in 2011. After several years of decline, it was still as high as 4% in 2015, significantly higher than the average economic growth rate of the eu.According to the text message, Turkey's rapid economic growth may depend on the following reasons:
First,figure2 shows that Turkey's household consumption expenditure accounts for about 70% of GDP, which is a high proportion. Consumption is an important component of total demand, which always includes investment, consumption, government purchase and net export.A higher consumption level indicates that residents have a higher demand for domestic goods. Therefore, domestic employment will rise, people's income will increase, people's consumption will still increase, and the living standard will also improve.
Second, investment is also a part of total demand. Figure2 shows that the investment in Turkey accounts for about 20% of GDP, which can improve future productivity, such as infrastructure improvement and lower transportation costs.In the graph, aggregate supply moves to the right in the long run, so economic output increases, inflation decreases, and employment increases.
Third, figure 1 shows that Turkey has a current account deficit, which will lead to the decline of its currency exchange rate.When the exchange rate goes down, Turkey's exports will go up, its imports will go down, so its imports and exports will go up, and that will increase AD, so the AD curve will move to the right, so the economic output will go up.
However, Turkey's economic growth depends on consumption, and as economic growth increases people's income, households also increase their consumption of imported goods and services, thus reducing imports and exports, possibly increasing the current account deficit, and ultimately reducing economic growth.
Although the current account deficit may lead to the decline of the Turkish exchange rate, the decline of the exchange rate may also lead to the increase of the cost of Turkey's imports of bulk commodities, such as oil and rice, which may aggravate the current account deficit and cause cost-push inflation.
While investment increases output, it also causes inflation, so supply-side policy is a good way to solve Turkey's economic problems.As extract 2 puts it, economic growth can be stabilized by accelerating labor market reforms, increasing productivity, and reducing corporate taxes to stimulate manufacturers' investment, thus improving the international competitiveness of Turkish products.