EC 386—Introduction to Health Economics and Policy
EC 386 This module covers the economics of health and healthcare. This year there will be a special focus on applications of health economics
Overview EC 386
This module covers the economics of health and healthcare. This year there will be a special focus on applications of health economics concepts to understanding the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
The aim of this module is to understand how methods developed in other economics classes can be applied to understand health and the healthcare sector. Using standard microeconomic tools, and informed by empirical analysis, we will discuss arguments and evidence which seek to answer questions such as:
- Did the standard tuberculosis vaccine BCG cause some countries to not have Coronavirus outbreaks? EC 386
- How do social distancing and other policies change transmission dynamics of infectious disease?
- Why do people with more years of schooling live longer on average?
- Why do government provide health insurance, and it improve peoples’ health?
- Do doctors respond to financial incentives when choosing types of care?
- How do we assess the (marginal) cost and (marginal) benefit of particular treatments? EC 386
We will pay special attention to problems that arise when trying to make reliable empirical inferences based on non-experimental data (eg. omitted variables bias); and to the types of research designs that can address these issues. You should also gain comfort in critically evaluating empirical claims in health economics, and in the social sciences more broadly.
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