Discursive essay也是留学人员普遍的工作种类之一,文中paperdaixie.com我为大伙儿共享Discursive Essay写作技巧及常见表述,期待对不清楚Discursive Essay要怎么写的学生们有一定的协助。
Discursive Essay创作目地
大家先要掌握Discursive essay的创作目地,那样才可以采用合适的文章内容和语言表达能力方法。
Discursive essay 的目地是对一个有引起争议的主题风格开展客观性的讨论。
To explore a controversial topic in an unbiased manner.
引起争议:表明话题讨论一定是沒有准确回答的,具备探讨的使用价值,这和argumentative essay一样。
Ø客观性:与argumentative essay不一样的是,discursive essay的探讨要正反两面均衡,不可以有明显的本人观点。You must examine the arguments FOR and the arguments AGAINST in equal weighting.
Discursive Essay创作构造
1. 个人见解只在最终一段明确提出,introduction的中心句和body的探讨都需要客观性。
2. conclusion一部分必须先小结之上的见解,再明确提出自身的见解。
Discursive Essay创作常见表述
最终另附一些discursive essay常见的表述:
- To support, add or continue:
Besides; Also ; Further; Furthermore;
Moreover; In a like manner; Too;
In addition; Next; Again;In the same way
- To compare and contrast:
Like; Similar(ly); Whether or not; Conversely; Even though;
Both; As well as; On the other hand; Yet; Rather than.
- To introduce details or exemplify:
For example; As evidence; In this case; In any case;
In fact; In support of; As stated in / by.
- To show cause and effect:
Since; Thus; This results in; Brought about;
Because of; To this end; Consequently; Made possible.
之上便是有关Discursive Essay写作技巧及常见表述所有内容,根据此次的共享,师姐期待大伙儿可以把握这类创作方法的基础构造,而且掌握有关的措辞并娴熟应用。