气候学代写 It's nothing but a wonder by Fisher Stevens who made the world realize the fact . It has become important to act seriously upon ……
It's nothing but a wonder by Fisher Stevens who made the world realize the fact . It has become important to act seriously upon climate change otherwise the world as we know it is going to change forever. The director took some help from a prominent face i.e. Leonardo DiCaprio to tell the world. The director made DiCaprio visit various regions of the world. Where Leonardo DiCaprio is seen meeting the world leaders and showing. The world from the lens of a camera the real impact of climate change.
费舍尔·史蒂文斯(Fisher Stevens)使世界意识到这一事实,这不过是一个奇迹。 认真应对气候变化已变得很重要,否则我们所知道的世界将永远改变。 导演从醒目的面孔(例如莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio))向世界做了一些帮助。 导演让迪卡普里奥(DiCaprio)参观了世界各地。 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)见到世界各国领导人并展示的地方。 从照相机的镜头看世界对气候变化的真正影响。电影反应代写

Before the Flood shows how glaciers are melting fast, but what the director focused more is addressing the climate change denial.
There are people who don't believe that climate change is real . I believe that addressing this issue added more weight in the film but it failed to convince people who don't really believe in it or are in denial mode. The documentation of visual evidence does reflect an effort to show the world the real impact of climate change, but the film has its own demerits.
The first being meeting the world leaders who are capable of taking meaningful actions . But are not doing so due to pressure from the corporate world and the fear of affecting their country's economic growth. For instance. Barrack Obama was the president of the United States when the documentary was shot and seeing him acknowledge . That climate change is real may have been comforting to some. But a person holding that office only acknowledging it add a bit of cosmetic element in the film. When the director and producers had the opportunity to meet business persons, lobbyists, politicians. And religious leaders they could’ve better utilize it by making them commit something .Which would have paved the way for another part of the film . That could’ve documented the changed come from implementing policies to prevent environment pollution.
首先是与有能力采取有意义行动的世界领导人会面。但是由于企业界的压力以及担心影响其国家经济增长的恐惧,所以没有这样做。例如。纪录片被枪杀并表示承认时,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barrack Obama)是美国总统。气候变化的真实存在可能使某些人感到安慰。但是担任该职位的人只承认这一点,这在影片中增加了一些装饰性的元素。当导演和制片人有机会与商人,游说者,政治人物见面时。宗教领袖们本可以通过让他们做出一些事情来更好地利用它。这将为电影的另一部分铺平道路。可以证明,变化来自实施预防环境污染的政策。电影反应代写
It’s a film that has presented the global warming case in the best possible way. Al Gore, being a prominent, respected and notable figure in the United States and in the world has presented the arguments. About global warming really well using the help of slide-show and re-enacted incidents from his past. The documentary which earned many accolades nationally and internationally. The director of the documentary Davis Guggenheim did everything he possibly could to cover this major issue in a way .That conveys Al Gore’s message across – which was the prime objective of making this documentary. The film has raised many thought provoking questions. Which are considered its strong points. The film makes people think and believe in climate change – even if you watch it today. The issue has only gotten worse after the release, due to which a sequel of this documentary was released.
这是一部以最好的方式介绍了全球变暖情况的电影。 阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)是美国乃至全世界的杰出,受人尊敬和著名的人物,他提出了论点。 借助幻灯片放映和重演过去的事件,全球变暖真的非常好。 这部纪录片在国内和国际上赢得了许多赞誉。 纪录片导演戴维斯·古根海姆(Davis Guggenheim)的导演竭尽所能,以某种方式解决这一重大问题。这传达了阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)的信息-这是制作这部纪录片的主要目的。 这部电影提出了许多令人深思的问题。 这被认为是它的强项。 这部电影使人们思考并相信气候变化-即使您今天观看也是如此。 该问题在发行后才变得更加严重,因此发行了该纪录片的续集。电影反应代写
Al Gore can be seen telling people about climate change and the science behind it with his PowerPoint presentation.
Irrespective of a person’s stance of climate change, An Inconvenient Truth really raises a lot of questions. However, the director’s attempt to make this documentary less like a boring lecture and to humanize Al Gore, they reenacted some of Al Gore’s childhood memories about nature. Which at some instances seem odd in an otherwise very smooth documentary. The addition of Gore’s usual humor to keep the audience engaged did the job, since he had been the vice president of the United States. Overall, this is a masterpiece with few downs. But it conveys the message of climate change very effectively and makes people aware . That they can do their part only to make the world a better place.
通过PowerPoint演示,可以看到Al Gore向人们介绍了气候变化及其背后的科学。
不管一个人的气候变化立场如何,“不便的真相”确实引发了很多问题。 但是,导演试图使这部纪录片不再像无聊的演讲那样,并且使戈尔(Al Gore)人性化,他们重新演绎了戈尔(Al Gore)童年时对自然的一些回忆。 在某些情况下,这在一部非常平稳的纪录片中显得有些奇怪。 自从戈尔(Gore)担任美国副总统以来,他通常会表现出幽默感以保持观众的参与度。 总的来说,这是几经失败的杰作。 但是它非常有效地传达了气候变化的信息并且使人们意识到。 他们只能发挥自己的作用,才能使世界变得更美好。电影反应代写

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