


cv怎么写?在写英文简历的情况下,总觉得怎么写英语水平都蛮低的,但是又不太了解要怎么翻译才会听起来较为励害。我想问一下 这类情况除开找外国人给我改变以外,有哪些方式能够自主改动?'s Answer:

英语CV要听起来技术专业励害,很重要的一环是形容词的应用方法。工作经历、科学研究工作经验这些內容一般 是用小圆圈点来写,每一个小圆圈点一般 是用形容词开始。




另一种方式是到英语的征才网址,看一下她们的征才广告宣传上边写的 job responsibilities 或者 qualifications ,改变以后融合到你的CV当中。

我这里用 tour guide 的工作职责当一个表明案例。

Tour guide 的內容可能英文水平较为一般的老同学聚会写 showed tourists around, offered customer service, booked hotels and transportation,再写更深层次很有可能写不下来。

到美国一个很常见的征才网址 Prospects 找一下 tour guide 的征才广告宣传:

例如她们的 summary 写:

Tour managers, sometimes known as tour directors, organise and accompany groups of holidaymakers on tours to a variety of UK and overseas locations. They are responsible for ensuring travel arrangements run as smoothly as possible and provide holidaymakers with practical support throughout their trip.

An in-depth knowledge of a particular area or region is essential and tour managers may act as tour guides during the tour. On overseas tours, they use their language skills and knowledge, for example of the culture or history of an area, to ensure the tour goes smoothly and that holidaymakers enjoy themselves.


  • Responsible for ensuring travel arrangements ran smoothly

  • Provided holidaymakers with practical support throughout their trip

  • Acquired in-depth knowledge of [country or region]

  • Acted as tour manager/tour guide

  • Used language skill and knowledge of culture of [country or region] to ensure tour went smoothly

再看一下征才网址上写的 job responsibilities:

As a tour manager, you'll need to:

  • accompany groups travelling by coach, or in some cases this may be by car, boat, train or plane

  • welcome groups of holidaymakers at their starting point and announce details of travel arrangements and stop-over points

  • check tickets and other relevant documents, seat allocations and any special requirements

  • help with passport and immigration issues

  • assist holidaymakers with check-in and settle them into their accommodation

  • communicate a range of information on itineraries, destinations and culture

  • inform passengers of arrival and departure times at each destination on the itinerary and ensure that all members of the group are back on the coach before departing from each stop

  • develop a specialist area of knowledge

  • use professional knowledge to answer questions from holidaymakers and to fulfil their expectations of the tour

  • make sure all travel arrangements run according to plan and that accommodation, meals and service are satisfactory

  • organise entry to attractions and transport, such as car hire

  • ensure that the tour is running smoothly for individual members of the group

  • respond to questions and offer help with any problems that arise, ranging from simple matters, such as directing a member of the group to the nearest chemist, to more serious issues, such as tracing lost baggage

  • deal with emergencies, such as helping a holidaymaker who is ill or those needing to contact family members urgently

  • make contact in advance with places to stay or visit to check details and arrangements

  • liaise with hotels, coach companies, restaurants and other clients

  • advise about facilities, such as sights, restaurants and shops, at each destination

  • occasionally make accommodation bookings on proposed dates

  • organise and attend tourism events, conferences, workshops, seminars and exhibitions

  • write reports and maintain records

  • provide feedback after a tour as part of a debrief session.








