2020年,Common App在公文一部分加上了205词的公文,容许学员叙述新冠肺炎疫情对她们的日常生活造成的危害。它是Common App的官网叙述:

Community disruptions such as COVID-19 and natural disasters can have deep and long-lasting impacts. If you need it, this space is yours to describe those impacts. Colleges care about the effects on your health and well-being, safety, family circumstances, future plans, and education, including access to reliable technology and quiet study spaces.
Do you wish to share anything on this topic? Y/N
The question will be optional and will appear in the Additional Information section of the application. The response length will be limited to 250 words.
1.评定标准和现行政策Grading scales and policies
2.硕士研究生录用规定Graduation requirements
3.具体指导方式Instructional methods
4.课程计划和课程内容整体规划Schedules and course offerings
5.考试要求Testing requirements
6.校历Your academic calendar
1. 临床医学主题活动(临床医学服务项目;照料亲人)
叙述:clinical services; patient care during COVID-19 pandemic
2. 科学研究主题活动(参加和肺炎疫情相关的科学研究主题活动)
叙述:status of research and research-related output during COVID-19 pandemic
3. 课堂教学(肺炎疫情期内山区支教)
叙述:teaching and preparation for teaching during COVID-19 pandemic
4. 高校/公共文化服务(在肺炎疫情期内做志愿者)
叙述:service related to COVID-19 pandemic efforts
5. 创造力的主题活动(如,公布博闻造成社会发展关心、建立本人服务平台)
叙述:podcasts or Blog posts (COVID-19 related) with # views or listens; Platform and metrics for specific examples (Twitter threads or posts); media appearances on TV, print or radio

a) Challenges Faced Impacts on Me遭遇的挑戰 一件事造成的危害
b) What I Did about It 我做了哪些
c) What I Learned 我从这当中学了哪些
Below is an example of what this might look like. (It’s not an actual example, but was written by a former student to illustrate how you can write yours)
Example 1 (faced significant challenges):
Living in rural North Carolina, I have limited access to a consistent, high-speed internet connection. During the pandemic, my family did not have the means to upgrade to a higher internet speed and were working hard around the house trying to make ends meet. This meant I was often unable to access the internet in time to turn in assignments when they were due. It was also difficult to concentrate because our house is very small and everyone was working in close proximity. (在家工作,互联网技术没法升級,网络速度比较有限的状况下难以提交作业和集中精力)
Although I found it hard to focus on schoolwork, I communicated these problems to my family so that we could work together. I organized a rotating schedule for my parents and my older sister. We marked off the blocks of time during which we would need to be online and created a system in which only two family members would be on the internet at the same time. The people who were not busy would stay quiet indoors or go outside to talk. This made it so that the internet was faster and there was less noise inside the house.(为了更好地处理学业难题,和亲人沟通交流上网时间、噪声)
I am proud to say that I used what I had at my disposal to make the best out of a difficult situation. The unusual conditions instilled in me the value of the organization and clear communication. I found ways of adapting my work to fit new time constraints and will bring this knowledge with me to college. (240 words)(了解到机构整体规划和沟通交流的必要性)
Example 2 (did not face significant challenges):
I live in Marfa, Texas, where an important part of the local economy is the restaurant industry. Many businesses in the area were forced to shut down or operate in a more limited capacity. To support these people and their contributions to our community, I started an online blog to write reviews about the takeout my family and I ate during the quarantine. I made sure to include details about how food could be ordered and what options they had for different dietary restrictions. As someone who has a very restrictive diet, I understand the importance of finding food that is healthy, delicious, and conscious of different dietary needs. I also wanted to encourage people to support their local businesses.(对餐饮业的危害,创作防护期内的外卖送餐评价,激励大伙儿协助小区里的经济发展)
In addition, to keep myself physically active despite limited mobility, I created a makeshift gym in my house. I fashioned “dumbbells” out of old milk cartons filled with dirt and took an online class about weight training to build a balanced workout schedule. I even got my parents to join me once a week!(在家里锻炼身体)
I stayed connected with friends during weekly sessions on Zoom and Discord. We often spent hours playing online board games like Bananagrams and Codenames. Because I enjoyed bonding over these games and being intellectually stimulated by the puzzles they posed, I ended up taking an online course in Python and am working on coding my first video game. (231 words)(和盆友网上游戏,上网课)
Example 3 (faced significant challenges):
“Jose, turn down the TV. MOM, THE STOVEWON’T TURN ON! Be quiet, I’m on a call. Zuli, have you seen the scissors anywhere?!”
Life in quarantine was actually four lives squished together. The pandemic forced my parents, my older sister, and me into a space that wasn’t built for all of our preferences and professions. Living in a small, one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles meant that internet speed was often slow and privacy was minimal. We were constantly yelling, stepping on each other’s toes.
Although I was discouraged, I knew that the tension in our house came mostly from fear of uncertainty, not a lack of love. I kept a level head and called a family meeting. Together, we organized a rotating schedule, marking off when we needed to be online. With this information, we created a system in which only two family members would be on the internet at any time. The people who were not busy would keep quiet or go outside to talk. In a matter of days, the internet was faster and the noise had gone down.
I did what I could to make the best out of a difficult situation. The unusual conditions instilled in me the value of the organization and clear communication. And I learned how to hit pause when things got intense. We’re still squished, but our love is louder than our yelling.(231 words)(防护产生的亲子关系危機,及其沟通交流怎么让大伙儿越来越更为密不可分)
Quick Notes Tips:
Using a slightly more creative approach is also fine. In fact, some readers may find it refreshing. But note that the “slightly more creative” opening is really just 24 words long. The rest is pretty straightforward. So don’t spend too much time obsessing over this. The information you share is what’s most important here.你需要留意,反映出小量一部分的创造力,你共享的信息内容才算是最重要的。
Notice how, in this example, the author takes the framework of the first example essay and bends it into a more cohesive narrative. It still follows the same path (i.e., identifying the challenges/effects, how you dealt with them, what you learned), but smooths the edges between those sections. It also gets a bit more creative with the intro, hooking readers with some intriguing sentence fragments. If you want to do something a little unconventional, this is a good framework you can use.
Also notice that the author still keeps all the relevant information here. It’s still crucial for her to communicate that the internet speed was slow and the house was crowded because that’s essentially the answer to the prompt. Those are challenges that will help admissions officers contextualize the author’s transcript. Remember, important information like that should be included no matter which of these formats you use.

个性化与热情(identity and passions):你的一部分情况、个性化、才可以十分更有意义,你的申请办理要是没有这一部分,便会丧失竞争能力。如果你是这样的人,请共享你的故事。
摆脱挑戰、窘境和不成功(Overcomingchallenges, setbacks, and failures):大家从挫败初中到的工作经验,可以变成日后的取得成功的基础。追忆你遭遇挑戰、挫败与不成功的時刻,你从初中到哪些?
批判性思考地思索(Thinking critically):想起一个你对某一信心造成提出质疑的時刻。你怎么会造成那样的思索,結果怎样?
解决困难(Solving problems):叙述你处理过的一个难题,或是就是你要想处理的难题。这能够是一次智商的挑戰、一次科学研究、一次道德困境。表述它对你的必要性。
个人提升(Personal growth):探讨一次造就、主题活动或是自我价值,及其他们怎样协助你完成个人提升,并对自身和别人造成新的了解。
设计灵感与好奇心(Inspiration and curiosity):叙述一个十分吸引住你的话题讨论、见解、定义,吸引住到你的是啥?
之上便是有关COVID-19填补留学申请写作技巧详细介绍,热烈欢迎阅读文章,假如大伙儿所申请办理的院校假如必须递交这类填补公文,坚信文中会给大伙儿许多 协助。假如大伙儿缺乏留学申请写作水平又想起被成功录用,提议大伙儿选择专业类留学申请代笔服务项目,paperdaixie.com论文网做为技术专业第三方学术研究组织,有别于传统式留学机构,肯定无需套入模版,大家会依据每一位顾客的成长历程量身定做留学申请,保证独一无二,热烈欢迎扫描仪右边二维码资询在线客服。