The biggest misconception out in College Essay-Writing Land is that college essays are complex, tricky undertakingsyou can only get through with hours of painful labor. Goodnews: that's dead wrong.
在高校论文撰写界,较大 的误会是,大学论文是繁杂的、繁杂的每日任务,你只有根据好多个钟头的痛楚劳动者来进行。喜讯:它是彻底不正确的。
The truth is that the college essay is simple. It doesn't need to be creative. It doesn't need to bewitty. It doesn't require fancy vocabulary. What it does needis to show you'll be SUCCESSFUL in college and beyond. (This blog post walksyou through how to make the case you'll succeed by aligning your essaywith the 5 traits colleges look for in applicants.) And, it's got to answer all the partsof the prompt. But that's about it.
To show why this is actually astraight-forward process — in fact, one you can ace in just aboutfour hours for your longest one (see Myth 8 below) — we're goingto debunk the top eight myths about college essays. All the myths are relatedto that fundamental misconception about essays being complex — isn't it niceknowing that, for once, the truth is much simpler?
Myth 1: CollegeEssays Are About Showcasing Excellent Writing Skills
Reality: Essays are about showcasing your abilityto succeed in college and beyond. This means content matters: Your growth, whatyou've learned and why it makes you an ambitious, creative, motivated personwith great values.
What doesn't matter is style — with theexception of clarity. Clear writing scores points. "Creative" writingalmost always costs points. That includes beautiful metaphors, clever analogiesand the rest of the literary arsenal that many students worry about showingoff. Time and energy devoted to this extraneous style stuff is leading youastray: Stay focused on clearly illustrating the experiences that prove you'llbe successful in college and beyond.
Myth 2: ReadingStrong Example Essays Will Set You on the Right Path
Reality: Please don't. Here's what's most likelygoing to happen — and we say this because we've seen it so many times: You'regoing to latch on to the flashy parts in the essay that are actually extraneousto what makes it work.
As we said in Myth 1, descriptive languageis a distraction. It's the content that matters. But it's really hard not tolet a lovely turn of phrase turn your head when reading someone else's words.If you must read a sample essay, put on your Admissions Officer hat, and lookfor evidence that the student will be successful and exemplify the five traits.
Myth 3: ThePersonal Essay Is the Place to Tell Your Life Story
Reality: Your family background is rarely the most compellingthing about you. Instead, focus on experiences related to the five traits.
Myth 4: First YouChoose Your Prompt, Then You Write Your Essay
Reality: Nope. The first thing you need to do isthink through what experiences in your life show you can succeed in college andbeyond. Once you've figured out what you want to say, scroll through yourprompt choices, and select the one(s) that let you say it. (In fact, even ifthe college doesn't give you a choice, this is a good method to make sure youranswer focuses on what matters.)
实际:不。你需要做的第一件事是思索你在日常生活中什么历经能使你在高校或之后获得成功。一旦你想说什么,翻转你的提醒选择项,并挑选一个(好多个)让你觉得。(实际上,即便 院校不让你挑选的机遇,这也是一个让你的答案集中化在关键的事儿上的好方法。)
Myth 5: Strong Essays Use Formal Writing and Impressive Vocab Words
Reality: Think of a college admissionsofficer. Think of all the essays they have to read. So many!! Now, give thatpoor soul a break. Stand out by being that essay that gets straight to thepoint, and wins their heart in the process. Great essays use a conversationaltone, including contractions (ex: "don't,""can't"), everyday words, the first person (I, me, my), and short,easy-to-follow sentences. Even sentence fragments, on occasion. Their focus ison succinctly telling a powerful story. A general rule of thumb – only use acomplex or compound sentence once every three sentences (max).
实际:想一想大学招生官。想一想她们需读的文章内容。这么多! !如今,饶了哪个可伶的生命吧。写一篇震撼主题风格的文章内容,进而获得另一方的好感度,进而出类拔萃。优秀的文章应用会话式的语调,包含简称(比如:“don’t,”“can’t”),日常用词,第一人称(I, me, my),及其简洁明了、便于理解的句子。有时候乃至是语句精彩片段。她们的关键是简约地叙述一个强有力的小故事。一个基础的工作经验规律——每三句话只应用一次复合句或复合句(数最多)。
A note on adjectives: As Mark Twain once said, "If youcatch an adjective, kill it." Adjectives tend to weaken writing. In anydraft, go through and cut every instance of very, great,extremely, amazing and other superlatives. They just don't add value.The only adjectives you should keep are descriptive ones (ex: secretive, blue, box-shaped).
Myth 6: InSomething as High-Stakes as a College Essay, Students Always Answer the Promptin Full
Reality: Admissions officers invariably tell us howoften they get essays that leave parts of the prompt unanswered. Colleges don'task questions they don't want the answers to. Yet smart, motivated studentsleave critical parts out all the time. Avoid this mistake by carefullyoutlining your answer to each prompt with clear notes for each part of thequestion. And, double check that you fully answered each question every timeyou review a draft.
Myth 7: It'sAlways a Great Idea to Get Feedback from the Smart, Wise Grown-Ups Who Know You Well
Reality: This is a great way to go on a wild goosechase. Most grownups — like most students — buy into that big misconception weled with in the intro. The one about college essays being complex, and needingbeautiful, much-polished language to succeed. If left to their own devices,these adults can lead you down language-y rabbit holes that do you more harmthan good.
Instead, choose one or two smart, kindadults, and ask them to focus on whether you've shown you can succeed in collegeand beyond. How? By having them answer three specific questions:
1.What did you learn about me? (e.g.personality traits, values, strengths)
2. How could the content be more compelling?(i.e. what didn't you learn that you wanted to?)
3.Is the essay well structured? How could itbe improved?
Myth 8: College Essays Should Take Forever to Write and Rewrite
Reality: Honing. Crafting. Refining. Yeah, thoseare great skills. You just don't need them here. As insane (andtoo-good-to-be-true) as it might sound, the entire process of writing yourlongest essay — the personal essay — should take about four hours spread acrossone week. Here's Prompt's process in a nutshell:
Day 1: Brainstorm content (45 minutes).
Day 2: Create an outline (30 minutes).
Day 3: Write the first draft (30 minutes).
Day 4: Revise, based on feedback (75 minutes).
Day 6: Get more feedback, and revise again (30 minutes).
Day 8: Final read-through and polish (30 minutes).
The best way to get started on thisdelightfully short writing process is to walk through Prompt's freebrainstorming tools, which you can do by creating a free Prompt account and going to the Content tab.