Problem Statement
财务分析代写 You are going to live in the house for 4 years, after which you will sell it. The house will appreciate at 2% per year (based upon the
· For this project you will conduct a detailed analysis of a personal housing purchase involving a duplex (with two separate dwelling units). You are currently renting an apartment for $1,100 a month. After you purchase the house, you will move into one unit (about the same size of your current apartment) of the house and rent out the other unit.
· You must select a house that is listed in the MLS (www.mls.com) in Ames. The house must be "Move-in Ready" so you can't buy a house that requires a lot of repair. Also, assume that you must pay the asking price.
· You have $50,000 in your savings account, which you can apply to a down payment and associated closing costs. You have also allocated $1,800 of your pre-tax monthly income for housing payment (note that you will owe taxes on this entire amount), which you can apply to mortgage and escrow payments. Assume that you will invest all your cash into a CD account, which you need to find and attach documentation. Assume the current rate will hold for the next five years.
· Use the Story county assessor site (http://beacon.schneidercorp.com/?site=StoryCountyIA) for your property tax estimates. You can assume that house casualty insurance will be $400/ year for each $100,000 of assessed valuation. You must put 20% down payment. Depreciation and Hazard insurance deductions are allowed on half of the building at the residential rate, because you live in half of the duplex and rent the other half out. 财务分析代写
The half you live in cannot be claimed as a depreciation expense but the half you rent out can. You can deduct all of your property taxes. Your combined State and Federal income tax rate is 33%. Assume that there are no taxes on the gains from selling your house (as you will do a tax-free property exchange). For your rental income, assume that you can rent the other side out for (purchase price/200) per month for the first year, and the rent increases 6% each year afterwards. Assume that the tenants will pay their own utilities.
· You are going to live in the house for 4 years, after which you will sell it. The house will appreciate at 2% per year (based upon the assessed value - as such, if you purchase less than assessed value, you will get instant equity). You will pay a 6% realty fee, and incur an additional 3% in "Fix-up"
expenses when you sell it.
· You need to evaluation three investment options: 财务分析代写
- Keep renting the current apartment for the next 4 years. The rent was $1,100 in year 0, and it will
increase by 6% each year. - Purchase the duplex and take a 5-1 ARM with 15-year amortization (that you need to identify).
- Purchase the duplex and take a fixed rate 30-year loan (that you need to identify).
For all these three options, you put cash in a CD account (that you need to identify). Use the interest rate
of this CD as your MARR.
Rules and Requirements 财务分析代写
· This is a team project. Each team should have one, two, or three members.
· All members of the team will receive the same score for the project.
· Only one member in each team needs to submit. If the person who is responsible for submitting the project fails to submit by the deadline (Friday 5/03/2019 by 11:58 PM on Canvas), all members in the team will receive zero point for the project.
· Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Suspiciously similar submissions from multiple teams will be reported to the Dean of Students Offices for investigation.
· Submission includes a report as a single pdf document as well as a spreadsheet document (a spreadsheet template is provided).
· The report should include the following 财务分析代写
o Title
o Team members and each member’s contributions
o An executive summary that describes (1) details of three options, (2) evaluation of each option, and (3) which option you would select and why.
o Documentation of the duplex that you used for the project, including a copy of the MLS sheet and the statement from the Assessor site.
o Documentation of a CD/BOND rate from any bank (try to find a good one). You do not need to actually apply for a real interest rate as the bank would look at your credit history, annual salary, etc. to evaluate the risk to the business for the loan. You can find generic interest rates from your bank, or any bank online.
o Documentation of a bank financing estimate from any bank for a 5/1ARM @ 15-year amortization.
o Documentation of a bank financing estimate from any bank for a 30-year fixed rate loan. 财务分析代写
o Documentation of points and fees, if applicable.
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