Programming in C++
C++ 编程代写 Exception to create your own exception class, use std::runtime_error or use another appropriate method. File processing uses flags
Project C++ 编程代写
- Write a C++ programme that reads a set of shapes for a given file.
- The shapes are defined in the file by a name string, a colour string, followed by a set of x,y points that describe the shape or some other data depending on the shape. All coordinate should be positive!
- There are two files to test your programme with: ‘data1.dat’ and ‘data2.dat’. ‘data2.dat’ contains errors in some lines that your programme should cope with. Start with ‘data1.dat’
- Colour is restricted to the following: red, green, blue, yellow, white, black. Your classes should store this in an appropriate manner.
- Add a function void print_name() to print the name of the shape.
- Add a function that calculates and returns the width of the object. To do this you need loop over the vectors to find the minimum and maximum x-point. C++ 编程代写
- Add a function that calculates and return the height of the object. To do this you need loop over the vectors to find the minimum and maximum x-point.
- Add a function that calculates the area (as define by the bounding box, i.e., use the width and height and calculate the area from this.)
- Print all the shape names, widths, heights and areas
- Sort the order of the shapes by area.
Suggested Solution
- See Lecture 5 for the Points/Shape example. This could form the base of you solution. They are similar but not the same.
- Create a class to hold Points and a class enum to hold the colour.
- Create a base class called Shape and a set of classes to hold the shapes, that subclasses Shape
- void print_name() should be a pure virtual member of Shape
- Test these classes, describe them in the report (why did you choose the design, what’s so good about it) and show how you tested you code.
- Add the width and height functions. Test them. Describe them in the report and show how you tested them. C++ 编程代写
- Process the file data1.dat. Read each line at a time. Get the name of the shape, and then store the list of Points in a vector. Test it and
- Implement the sort method.
- Process the file data2.dat - this file has errors so you will need to cope with them. I would suggest ignoring lines with errors. This bit is hard.
Marks are given for: C++ 编程代写
- The use of an appropriate class design.
- Correct use of abstract classes
- Correct types for storing colour information.
- All classes should have appropriate data and function access modifier levels and appro priate “getter” and “setter” functions.
- Error detection and handling correctly - (you could for example subclass std::
Exception to create your own exception class, use std::runtime_error or use another appropriate method. File processing uses flags rather than exceptions. See lecture notes.)
- All resources must be cleaned up correctly before the programme exits.
- All classes and functions should have the correct comments included.
- The correct use of RAII principles.
- The correct use of keywords (const, virtual, override etc)
What to hand in
- A report describing your code. Please explain each section of your code. Briefly outline your thinking behind why you chose the methods you did. Explain what any function does that you wrote or that you use. You can either do this in the report or as comments in your actual code. There is a word limit of 3500 words for the report. This is overkill and you will need this many. Most people only need a few hundred. Most of the marks are for the code!! C++ 编程代写
- Record your progress in your report. As you develop a routine, test it by for example printing values, and add a screenshot in your report. You should say what values you are expecting to be printed and why.
- This will be an electronic submission. Your report should be in pdf only. No Word files please. This should be contained in a zip file that includes all of your code.
- If you have a working version that partially completes the task and an uncompleted version I would suggest submitting both in dierent directories in your zip file. Please describe this in your report.