一、Too informal
1. Isn’t, can’t, doesn’t, would’ve. The sample isn’t….
Alternative(改成): The sample is not…..
2. The interviews were a bit difficult to schedule.
Alternative: The interviews were somewhat difficult to schedule
3. A lot of / a couple of studies
Alternative(改成): (Many/several/a great number of/eight) studies
4. The findings were kind of / sort of significant
Alternative: The findings were (somewhat significant/ significant to some degree)
5.From 2008 till 2012
Alternative(改成): From 2008 (until/to) 2012
6. You, your (i.e. the second-person point of view)
Youcan clearly see the results
Alternative(改成): One can clearly see the results. Or, the results can clearly be seen
二、Too unsophisticated words
太过度简易的词不可以应用, 由于他们沒有学术研究的觉得。假如用过多那样的词,你的创作就觉得十分初中级 (就好像中小学生写的), 应当尽可能用一些非常复杂成熟的词来替代 (自然一定要用精确)。此外,创作中尽可能用一个稍繁杂的词来替代语句,那样学术研究feel更浓些。比如:
1. A bad result
Alternative(改成): A (poor/negative) result
2. A big sample
Alternative(改成): A (large/sizable) sample
3. This model gets attention
Alternative(改成): This model receives attention
4. This chapter gives an overview
Alternative: This chapter (provides/offers/presents) an overview
5.A good example
Alternative(改成): A (useful/prime) example
6. The below figure shows
Alternative: The below figure (illustrates/ demonstrates/ reveals)
三、Too vague
应用模糊不清的专业术语会使你的创作不精准,并很有可能造成 大家以不一样的方法来表述它。防止应用下边的关系式,并尽量实际。
原: People are concerned about their stuff.
改: People are concerned about their (belongings, possessions, personal effects)
原: The report presents many things
改: The report present many(details/findings/recommendations)
四、Too exaggerated
原: Perfect, best, worst, most, always, never (or any other superlative) The perfect solution to the problem
改: (An ideal solution/one of the best solutions) to the problem
原: Very, extremely, really, too, so (or any other intensifier) This theory is extremely important
改: This theory is (important/critical/crucial)
五、Too subjective
原: ugly, wonderful, horrible, good. The literature review included many good articles
改: The literature review included many articles
原: The participants naturally wanted to know
改: The participants wanted to know
原: The results obviouslyindicate
改: The results indicate
六、Generally unnecessary
你应该勤奋使你的学术研究文章内容尽量简约。防止加上没有意义的英语单词和语句,即便 你认为他们会让你的创作产生更精美的觉得,比如:
原: This thesis has got four chapters
改: This thesis has four chapters
原: This chapter serves to explain
改: This chapter explains
七、 Generally incorrect
不恰当地应用英语单词和语句并许多见,即便 是对以英文为汉语的人而言也是这般。假如你常常碰到那样的不正确,你很有可能会逐渐觉得他们是恰当的,但关键的是不必让他们被写到你的著作中。你要应当记牢,有一些不正确与大家常常听见的不正确相关(比如,大家常常觉得讲话者说“would of instead of would have” 。
原: The students were literally dying to participate
改: The students were (dying/very eager) to participate
原: The study would of considered
改: The study would have considered