Competency List by Section
齐次线性方程作业代写 Distinguish linear from nonlinear equations (1)Perform Elementary Row Operations (17)Determine if a linear system is consistent
Chapter 1 齐次线性方程作业代写
Section 1.1
- Terminology
- Homogeneous linear equation
- Linear system
- Unknowns
- Solution of a linear system
- Augmented matrix
- Distinguish linear from nonlinear equations (1)
- Perform Elementary Row Operations (17)
- Determine if a linear system is consistent or inconsistent (19)
Section 1.2
- Terminology
- Reduced row echelon form
- Row echelon form
- Leading one
- Leading variable
- Free variable
- Solve linear system of equations using Gaussian Elimination (5)
- Solve linear system of equations using Gauss-Jordan Elimination (9)
Section 1.3 齐次线性方程作业代写
- Terminology
- Matrix
- Linear combination of matrices
- Matrix Transpose
- Trace of Matrix
- Represent matrix product as linear combinations
- Represent linear systems in matrix form Ax=b
Section 1.4
- Terminology
- Identity matrix
- Determinant of a 2x2 matrix
- Understand Properties of Matrix Arithmetic
- Understand Properties of Zero Matrices
- Calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix
- Calculate the inverse of a 2x2 matrix
Section 1.5 齐次线性方程作业代写
- Terminology
- Row equivalent
- Elementary matrix
- Equivalency Theorem
- Determine inverse of a matrix using elementary row operations
- Determine if a matrix is invertible
Section 1.6
- Terminology
- Equivalency Theorem
- Solve linear systems using matrix inversion
Section 1.7
- Terminology
- Diagonal matrix
- Triangular matrix
- Symmetric matrix
- Determine powers and inverses of diagonal and triangular matrices
Chapter 2 齐次线性方程作业代写
Section 2.1
- Terminology
- Determinant
- Minor of an entry
- Cofactor an entry
- Calculate determinants using cofactor expansion
Section 2.2
- Calculate determinants using row reduction
Section 2.3
- Terminology
- Equivalency Theorem
- Determine invertability using determinants.
Chapter 3
Section 3.1 齐次线性方程作业代写
- Terminology
- Vector
- Vector Component
- Ordered n-tuple
- N-space
- Be able to add, subtract and translate vectors and multiply vectors with scalars.
Section 3.2
- Terminology
- Norm of a vector
- Unit vector
- Dot Product
- Be able to perform vector operations.
- Calculate dot product of two vectors
Section 3.3 齐次线性方程作业代写
- Terminology
- Orthogonal vectors
- Point-normal form of the equation of a plane
- Calculate orthogonal projections of vectors
- Use vectors to derive equations of lines and planes and solve basic geometric problems
Section 3.4
- Terminology
- Parametric equations of lines and planes
- Vector form of the equation of a plane
- Dot product Form of a Linear System
- The relationship between Ax=0 and Ax=b
Section 3.5 (Optional)
- Terminology
- Cross Product
- Orthogonal vectors
- Understand relationships between dot and cross product of two vectors
- Calculate determinant form of cross product
- Understand geometric interpretation of cross product
- Calculate scalar triple product
Chapter 4 齐次线性方程作业代写
Section 4.1
- Terminology
- Vector Space Axioms
- Be able to determine if a set in a vector space.
Section 4.2
- Terminology
- Subspace
- Linear combination of vectors
- Span of Vectors
- Be able to determine solution spaces of homogeneous systems.
Section 4.3 齐次线性方程作业代写
- Terminology
- Linearly dependent and independent
- Wronskian of a set of functions
- Span of Vectors
- Be able to determine if a set of vectors is linearly (in)dependent
- Be able to determine if a set of functions are linearly (in)dependent
Section 4.4
- Terminology
- Basis of vector spaces
- Coordinates of a vector relative to a basis
- Be able to determine if a set of vectors forms a basis
- Be able to determine coordinate vectors relative to a basis
Section 4.5 齐次线性方程作业代写
- Terminology
- Dimension of a vector space
- Fundamental theorems
- Be able to determine the dimensions of a vector space
Section 4.6
- Be able to determine the transition matrices for changing basis
Section 4.7
- Terminology
- Row and column vectors
- Null, row and column spaces
- Particular solution
- General solution
- Understand the relationships between the solutions of Ax=b and the null, row, column spaces of A
Section 4.8 齐次线性方程作业代写
- Terminology
- Rank of a matrix
- Nullity of a matrix
- Equivalent Statements
- Over and underdetermined systems
- Understand the relationships between the solutions of a linear system and its dimensions
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