Narrative Essay根据叙述小故事恰当地正确引导阅读者,而不是像修辞方法性毕业论文那般批判实际,表明难题。下列是paperdaixie.com为大伙儿共享的一些方法来改善Narrative Essay,协助大伙儿得到高些的成绩。
原话:Although I have never been to the races before, I was very excited to behold them, yet also somewhat nervous, because of the type of people who go there.
改动后:I’d never been to a horse race. I was excited to go, but also a little nervous, since I wasn’t sure about the people at the track.
(2) 不必太多地叙述小故事发展趋势的每一个关键点
原话:As I went in the door,I turned and saw a TV.I looked around and saw posters on the all.As I went further in I noticed everyone was watching MAS*H.
改动后:I immediately noticed the posters on the wall, though every else’s eyes were focused on a TV playing MAS*H.
(3) 不必应用第二人称描述
记叙文叙述的是创作者真实经历的事儿,这就是为何一般 应用第一人称而不是别人称来转换角度叙述他人的历经。
(4) 为了更好地吸引住阅读者,多样化的术语是重要
原话:I am presented an array of unpleasant photos in which many casualties are shown after automobile accidents.
改动后:They showed me a book stuffed with gruesome pictures of people who’d been in car wrecks.
原话:When I first saw the comic book fans jumping up and down, I thought as they would, “Lord, what fools these mortals be” (Gaiman 1989.) I later learned why they do this.
改动后:The fans jump up and down. When I first saw this, I wondered what they were doing and my mind conjured a quote from Shakespeare that Neil Gaiman used in his“Sandman”: “Lord, what fools these mortals be.”However, I watched a bit longer and realized the company spokesmodels were throwing free merchandise. The fans wanted to get the most from their day at the convention.
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