Unit 6 Managing a Successful Business Project
项目管理代考 Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting point in your research – the list is not definitive.
Submission Format 项目管理代考
The submission of this assignment is in the form of a project management plan. You should write the plan using Time New Romans font and size 12. The plan should be supported with research and referenced correctly with the Harvard referencing system. You also need to provide a bibliography at the end using the same referencing style. Inaccurate use of referencing may lead to fatal issues of plagiarism.
The recommended word limit of the plan is 1200-2000 words, but you will not be penalized for exceeding the word limit.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Explain the key stages of the project lifecycle that should be considered when project managing.
LO2 Produce a Project Management Plan (PMP) for a business project using primary and secondary research methods.
Transferable skills and competencies developed
Ÿ Understanding of the project lifecycle and its stages.
Ÿ Understanding of the advantages and importance of using project management procedure.
Ÿ Ability to plan a small-scale business project, including good planning, organizing, leadership and communication skills.
Ÿ Ability to develop the project plan, including planning for timescales and the time management, cost, quality, change, risk, stakeholder communication.
Ÿ Digital skills, using different software applications to support project management.
Ÿ Understanding of different skills, including primary and secondary research and data collection methods 项目管理代考
Ÿ Selection of appropriate strategy for the research, e.g. questionnaires, interviews, observation.
Ÿ Use of monitoring tools, including WBS and Gantt charts.
Vocational scenario
Workplace transformation is the rethinking of flexible workspaces to accommodate different kinds of work, workers, and technology. Driven by new technologies and increasing globalisation the workplace has been evolving rapidly to support these constant changes. The changes in technology, roles and competencies has provided countless opportunities for enhancement and change within organisations and as the world or work changes so does the workplace.
Deloitte in their report entitled ' Workplace transformation in the digital age' identified four dimensions of the workplace ecosystem that needed to be considered in any workplace transformation strategy: 项目管理代考
Ÿ space, relating to the design of office buildings and space;
Ÿ place, relating to how the workforce is spread across different locations;
Ÿ technology and the requirements needed for employees to carry out their roles and collaborate;
Ÿ talent relating to organisational structure and culture.
In the wake of the recent global pandemic all these dimensions of the workplace ecosystem are having to be reimagined. Many organisations already have had to refocus their workforce plan to ensure a fully remote workforce has the capabilities and technologies available to continue employee connectivity, engagement and productivity. Navigating this new way of work is crucial to support business operations and far reaching implications for the future. 项目管理代考
The CEO of your company wants to make clear how the external environment affects the workplace and build a modern one that suits the company. As the operational manager, you are assigned to investigate the external environment and write a report about:
How has a major external event transformed the workplace?
Assignment activity and guidance
Your first task is to produce a project management plan (PMP) of the report. The plan should include:
1) Evaluation of the stages of the project lifecycle (PLC)
2) Examination of the factors to be considered while producing the PMP.
3) Examination of a range of research methods and strategies for gathering information and data collection.
4) A complete scope of the research, including aim, objectives, deliverables, quality, risk, resources and methods and details of each part.
5) A work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to show timescale of the project, with a detailed explanation of the design.
6) Justification of the choices made in the design of the PMP.
Recommended Resources 项目管理代考
Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting point in your research – the list is not definitive.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO1 Explain the key stages of the project lifecycle that should be considered when project managing
P1 Explain the stages of the project lifecycle (PLC) and their importance to the success of a project.
P2 Examine the factors to be considered when compiling a project management plan (PMP).
P3 Examine a range of research methods and strategies and their importance to project management. 项目管理代考
M1 Evaluate the stages of the PLC and the factors, (deliverables, quality, risk, communication and resources) to be considered in a PMP.
M2 Evaluate a range of research methods and strategies for gathering information and data collection.
D1 Critically evaluate the project-management process, PMP and research methods for gathering information and data collection.
LO2 Produce a Project Management Plan (PMP) for a business project using primary and secondary research methods
D2 Justify the choices made in the design of the PMP for completing the aims and objectives of the project.
P4 Produce a PMP that covers aim, objectives, deliverables, quality, risk, communication resources and research methods.
P5 Produce a work breakdown structure and a schedule to provide timeframes and stages for completion.
M3 Produce a detailed PMP, a schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project. 项目管理代考
A template of project proposal
- Background and significance of the project:
- Research aim and research objectives:
- Scope of the project (what contents this project covers, using a breakdown structure to illustrate the contents, including the resource to be used and the data to be collected):
- Research methodology:
1) Qualitative methods:
2) Quantitative methods: 项目管理代考
- Processes and activities of the research work (using a Gantt chart to illustrate the stages and the timeframe of the research work):
- Consideration of the risk and cost of this project:
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