Process Modelling II
金融建模代写 For example, if “student information” flows into the system from an external entity in the Context Diagram, that information must
Introduction: 金融建模代写
This module continues to explore process modelling techniques. You have learnt that DFD is a set of hierarchical diagrams. Level 0 DFD depicts the highest level of processes. Level N DFDs decompose some of the
processes in a Level (N-1) DFD, showing the sub-processes of a process in a lower level DFD. One important requirement that you need to comply with is to ensure that the data flows in the set of DFDs and Context
Diagram must be balanced. That is, if the Context Diagram indicates that a flow of data flows into the system, the same data flow must also be reflected in the Level 0 DFD.
For example, if “student information” flows into the system from an external entity in the Context Diagram, that information must also flow into some processes in Level 0 DFD. You may split “student information” into pieces that flow into different processes in Level 0 DFD and the composition of all the pieces represents the entirety of “student information”. For example, “student demographic information” may flow from an external entity into one process in Level 0 DFD, and “student payment information” from the same external entity may flow into another. This set of DFDs is considered balanced as long as the aggregation of “student demographic information” and “student payment information” is “student information” that flows from that external entity into the system in the Context Diagram. 金融建模代写
Apart from Context Diagram and DFDs, activity diagram is used to model stepwise activities and actions in a business process flow. Activity diagrams model processes at a finer level and it has greater capacities to
model various aspects in a process. For example, a process may contain different branches depending on whether a condition is being met. This is modelled by the decision points in an activity diagram. Activity Diagram also have the capability to split a flow process into a set of parallel or concurrent flows of activities and merge them back together into one.
Essential Resources: 金融建模代写
Logical versus Physical Models Read the following sections in Chapter 6 Structuring System Requirements: Process Modelling: Please read page 145 in Tilley (2019). It is important to understand the difference between the logical and the physical models. Logical models show ‘what’ the system does whilst ‘physical’ models show how it is done. Used in conjunction, they help the analysts to better understand the systems being built. Tilley, S., (2019). Systems Analysis and Design. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral-proquestcom.torrens.idm.oclc.org/lib/think/reader.action? docID=6351084&ppg=165
Data Flow Diagrams symbols and notations Please read pages 143–149 in Tilley & Rosenblatt (2016). This section will help you to understand the required symbols and notation technique required for documenting a data flow diagram. Please pay attention to the examples that show you correct and incorrect techniques so that you can improve your practice. Tilley, S., & Rosenblatt, H.J. (2016). Systems Analysis and Design. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral-proquestcom.ezproxy.laureate.net.au/lib/think/reader.action? docID=4748476&ppg=163 金融建模代写
Amazon's logical process model
This brief video explains Amazons logical process model. Of course, this video does not present a complete solution but surely gives a broader idea of how business processes can be transformed into a context and a DFD diagram. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch? app=desktop&v=46cpudedD7E
Learning Activity:
Learning Activity 1: Interactive Knowledge check Please click the link below to complete Module 3.2 Knowledge check. You can attempt this as many times as you like.
Learning Activity 2: Discussion Forum Post – Activity Diagram 金融建模代写
- Download and read the latest version of Academic Integrity Procedures (the “Procedure”) from Torrens University Policy Portal. Note that you should download and read the Academic Integrity Procedures NOT the Academic Integrity Policy. Study Section 4 of the Procedure. This section lists the business process for dealing with academic misconduct.
Draw an activity diagram for the procedure of detecting, investigating, reporting and adjudicating academic misconduct cases.
Post your answer to Module 3 Discussion Forum – Activity Diagram.
Read other students’ posts. Do you agree or disagree with their diagram? Provide constructive feedback to at least two students’ posts. To participate in the Discussion Forum, click here to scroll to the bottom of this page then click on the "Module 3 - Discussion Forum" link.
Note: The Learning activities above are not part of summative/graded assessment; however they are designed to prepare you for incremental graded assessment and expand your learning.
These activities encourage a community learning experience between peers, and provide opportunities for facilitators to offer formative feedback, throughout a module, to the student cohort. 金融建模代写