Strive to produce original content 务求毕业论文內容原創
Academic research and writing never is 100 percent original. Even the author of a paper of profound discovery and revolutionary argument must acknowledge predecessors whose foundational work has been eclipsed by the new paper. Citation of previous work always should be complete to give proper credit, as well as to indicate where new thinking begins. The point is, even the most original of papers will incorporate old material to some extent.
Yet academic writing with the most impact is writing that has not previously been read. The interest of a reader is immediately captured and held by an intellectual argument that has not been formulated and written down before. Fresh conclusions that reflect fresh research will have a reader thumbing back through a paper for its highlights. This is the value of trying for originality in academic papers—a reward that is measured in respect and superior ranking.
殊不知,期刊论文中知名度较大 的,還是以往没人读过的一部分。不曾形诸文本的探讨,会马上吸引住阅读者的兴趣爱好,让阅读者兴高采烈地读下来。若研究方向新鮮,引出来的结果也新鮮,阅读者还会继续回首再读,找寻关键。勤奋创作创新论文的使用价值就在这里,创作者会遭受尊敬,得到优异的点评。
Striving for original content in a paper is a bulwark against plagiarism, too. A mind set upon finding “new stuff” is not nearly as likely to steal someone else's work as is a person content to cobble together “old stuff” in a way that disguises its roots. Intent separates the accidental, and often excusable, plagiarist from the person of lesser conscience who would rather expend energy swiping another's work than to labor at true discovery. Such slatternly thinking is inexcusable.
务求毕业论文內容原創也是排堵抄袭的好方法。若创作者一想着找寻新型材料,就不太可能盗取别人的心力结晶体,把旧原材料拼拼凑凑,还想掩盖原材料的出處。用心的学者即便偶然间侵吞别人材料,一般 也事出有因,相较下,欠缺品行的学者却把時间花在剽窃别人心力,不愿勤奋探寻新生事物。那样的自暴自弃就沒有任何理由了。