Texture Synthesis/Animation/Humanoid
Robot, and Scientific Visualization in
Computer Graphics
CMPSC 458 Computer Graphics, Fall 2019
计算机图形学代写 Markov Property (15): Describe the Markov Property in terms of its application in texture synthesis. What are the pros and cons of
The work must be your own. Write up the answers in your own words, explain all of the steps of reasoning and be neat! Also, please cite any external references you use (other than the textbook) to come up with your answers
Total points: 100 计算机图形学代写
- Interpolation (30): List at least 3 different uses of an interpolation method in computer graphics. Explain how it works in each case.
This question depends on which Project 4 you are doing (30).
• If you are doing the Texture Synthesis Project: Similarity Function: Describe and justify the similarity function for comparing image patches you are using in your programming assignment on texture synthesis.
• If you are doing the MoCAP Project: Skinning Algorithm: Describe how the skinning algorithm you are using (such as Michael Black’s SMPL model) creates the body surfaces from a skeleton? Please provide a figure in your explanation.
• If you are doing the Humanoid Robot Project: Stability Measures: defined using Center of Mass (CoM) and Base of Support (BoS) (Figure 1). Given a pose of the YanShee robot (humanoid), propose a constructive method to compute a quantified stability of the robot.Markov Property (15): Describe the Markov Property in terms of its application in texture synthesis. What are the pros and cons of relying on this property for texture synthesis? (hint: how can one be faithful to near-regular textures during texture synthesis?)
Figure 1: Definitions related to stability measures under gravity. CoM to BoS: the distance between CoM and the nearest point on BoS; CoM to CoP: distance between CoM and CoP; CoMv to BoS: under the velocity of CoM (CoMv), the time for CoM to reach the point on BoS.
- Isosurface (15): What is an isosurface (isocontour) represented by a 3D (2D) implicit function? Please provide an example with a figure.
Marching Squares/Cubes (10): Describe the marching squares / cubes method for contour surface representation. Which two of the following configurations in Figure 2 are redundant? Explain how you find it.