行动报告代写 position paper: The Poetics of Television

The Poetics of Television

行动报告代写 Others may have their own points of entry in mind, which is welcome! Based on the position papers we have graded so far.  We recommend …

Fall 2022

Position Paper 3: How Open Narration Works  行动报告代写

Note: This is a longer prompt than usual because it contains advice based on what we are noticing in your papers so far. We can take 10 minutes to discuss this in class next week but try to digest the below some before we return     from break.  

The Big Question for PP3: How does open narration not only work to keep the story ongoing, but also to keep  characters themselves open —and what precisely does it mean to call a character open (or, for that matter, to call one closed”)? 行动报告代写

In this paper, establish a position that responds to this question by contrasting the formal strategies by which two   episodes we have watched from the following series keep both their stories and their characters open: The Killing,   The Stranger, Game of Thrones, and/or The Good Wife. All these series use open narration distinctively in their poetics and.  In so doing, engender distinct kinds of openness for their characters through formal choices. It is your   task in this paper to argue, crisply and concretely. How the poetics of openness works differently in two of these series through the formal choices they make when it comes to how they use storytelling to keep characters open.   It will also be your task to tell us what we learn from your argument about what it means to call a character “open” (beyond the fact that they are “not closed” ).


Some questions you might consider for getting your mind in motion more specifically in relation to the Big Question:

  • DoesThe Good Wife use a certain kind of beat to keep its stories and characters open.  But The Killing an entirely different one?

  • Doesthe temporal structure of The Good Wife episode contribute to the openness of any of the  characters.  And how does its structure contrast with the temporal constraints of The Stranger when it comes to characters being open (or not)?

  • Doscenes and acts seem to play a role in opening a story and a character?

  • Howdoes Game of Thrones utilize and/or undermine the reductive force of the episode in telling stories that create character arcs?

  • Doesit matter to openness on Game of Thrones that characters are spatially dispersed —and how does that relate to the spatial locations (and thus the mise-en-scène) of another series?  行动报告代写

  • Howdo editorial and cinematographic choices contribute to opening a character in a story?

  • Whatabout acting, especially the precise bodily, expressive.  And vocal decisions performers make when inhabiting their characters? How do these performances contribute to a poetics of openness?

  • DoesMittell’s idea of the “operational aesthetic” allow characters to be inflected into a narrative more or less openly for spectators?

Do not try to answer all these questions. They are points of entry for those of you who find them helpful.

Others may have their own points of entry in mind, which is welcome! Based on the position papers we have graded so far.  We recommend spending some time thinking through a strong, decisive, and concrete position that responds to the Big Question by focusing on a limited selection of formal aspects  probably no more than two from   beats, scenes, and acts to time, space, and acting (among others).

The position will, ideally, not merely repeat  what was said in class.  That is, you will articulate your own perspective. Also spend some time thinking about the   structure of your paper and how it moves from A to Z for a reader who doesn’t understand the television series or ideas about openness as well as you do.

Your paper should have a brief introduction that sets up your position and culminates in a clear statement of that position. That position should then be supported by evidence salient to your position that you describe and  行动报告代写


interpret for us in the body of the paper. And the paper should conclude by synthesizing what you have taught    your reader about how television creates more open than closed characters. This FOUR page paper is due no later than Friday October 21, 2022 at 5 PM on Blackboard. Where this prompt also appears as an assignment on the     “Course Home Page.” For formatting requirements and grading rubrics.  See the separate documents in the  “Prompts” folder on Blackboard under “Course Home Page.”


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