行为金融学作业代写 The 3 questions in Section A test your understanding of the topics that we have studied, while the 2 questions in Section B test
NOTE: This file is a work in progress. It will be updated as I get more information and as I receive more questions from you.
This version: 28/11/2021
Structure of the exam (tentative): 行为金融学作业代写
• 24-hour window
• In practice, it takes 2-3 hours to complete the exam.
• Section A:
o 1 numerical question
o 3 short-essay questions
• Section B:
o Choose 1 between 2 short-essay questions.
Numerical question:
• This one will be about the material covered in lectures 2, 3, and 4. 行为金融学作业代写
• There is no word count for the numerical question.
• How to prepare:
o Practice on the questions that you find in the lecture notes and on Blackboard:
▪ Answer the questions.
▪ Compare your answers with mine.
o Practice on the numerical questions in the past exam papers (note that the answers are not available in this case!)
• Suggestions:
o In the exam, show your answers step-by-step, including the formulas that you used.
▪ Use MS Word equation editor to type the formulas: Insert tab -> Symbols -> Equation.
o Do not simply show numbers and equations in your answers, but also explain the logic behind each step of your procedure.
Short-essay questions: 行为金融学作业代写
• The 3 questions in Section A test your understanding of the topics that we have studied, while the 2 questions in Section B test your ability to apply the tools/knowledge that we have developed to a new
o As such, the latter 2 questions require more originality and independent thinking. You must answer only 1 question in
Section B: the choice is up to you.
• The word limit is shown at the end of each question: in some questions the limit is 600 words, and in some the limit is 400 words.
o Do not go above the word limit! Any words above the limit will not attract any marks.
o For example, if the word limit is 400, any number of words between 0 and 400 is acceptable.
• How to prepare:
o Practice on the multiple-choice questions that you find on Blackboard. A multiple-choice question is just a starting point to help you reflect on a given topic/issue.
o Practice on the short-essay questions in the past exam papers (note that the answers are not available in this case!)
• Suggestions: 行为金融学作业代写
o Note that, when you submit your work via Turnitin, it will be automatically checked for plagiarism. As such, it’s important that you familiarise yourself with the University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
o Write everything using your own words. If you really want to copy a passage word for word from someone else, you must put the information in quotations and cite the source.
o Do not simply regurgitate the information that you find in the lecture notes and in the two main textbooks, but rather show that you can reframe what you have learnt, put your own spin on it, and draw connections between different ideas and different parts of the material that you have studied.
o If the question is very specific, simply follow what the question is asking and answer in detail.
o If the question is very general (e.g. describe the X bias, or describe the Y heuristic), it would be good to include, at least, the following:
▪ Define the bias/heuristic.
▪ Provide an example that clarifies the bias/heuristic.
▪ Explain how the bias/heuristic may affect investor behaviour.
▪ Explain the implications of this bias/heuristic, if any, for investor wealth. 行为金融学作业代写
▪ Explain the implications of this bias/heuristic, if any, for companies.
▪ Explain the implications of this bias/heuristic, if any, for the financial market.