Cravings Baking a New Strategy for Growth
营销基础代写 Your primary focus for this case is to evaluate the strategic options presented to Prajakta Desai, Owner of a startup specializing
Source: SAGE Cases 营销基础代写
REMINDER – This is an individual case and, as such, must demonstrate your knowledge of the appropriate course material and your ability to effectively communicate. It is not to be worked on as a “team” effort.
Your primary focus for this case is to evaluate the strategic options presented to Prajakta Desai, Owner of a startup specializing in custom made cakes called Cravings. The case should include, but not limited to the following:
Context of Case:
The context of the case (What is happening? Why are we here? What are some of the factors that has led Desai to come to you for help?) You may want to consider using some of the tools discussed in class PESTLE, 5 C’s, Porter’s to help discuss the current environment. Remember, it is not enough to simply list context of the case, you need to explain why this is important and the potential impacts on the business (10 marks) (Recommended 2-3 slides)
Problem of the Case: VERY IMPORTANT! The problem of the case is given. There is no need to alter the problem. It should be included in your deck, but you will not be graded on this. You will lose marks if your problem is changed or different. The problem of the case can be summed as: “Desai has decided to scale up the business and will need to determine Craving’s ideal target audience moving forward.” (Recommended 1 slide)
Alternatives: Discuss alternatives that solve the issue identified. If an alternative is mentioned, it must solve the problem. Do not add an alternative that cannot solve the problem, in other words, will never be chosen. (10 marks) (Recommended 1 slide/alternative)
Evaluation of Alternatives: What are the most important criteria for this case? Use it to analyze each alternative. (10 marks) (Recommended 1 slide ie. Chart used in class)
Recommendation and Implementation. What do you recommend and why? Discuss the next steps for Desai to implement based on your recommendation. You may want to discuss some of the operation changes as well as discuss potential pricing strategy. This can be a generic discussion premium pricing, low cost etc. (15 marks) (Recommended 2-3 slides)
Do not forget headlines on each slide. Slides should flow as a story between pages. Spelling and grammar is important. (5 marks)
The case is worth 25% of your final grade. Please review the rubric posted to understand breakdown of marks. The maximum score is 50 marks.
You are free to flow the content in your deck in whatever way best communicates the “story” you want to tell. The allocation of space for each of the required areas is up to you as long as the assignment requirements are appropriately covered. For this case an 8-12 page deck is appropriate.
Remember that you must submit a power-point document on-line on BlackBoard under “Assignments” Section.
- No inappropriate repetition of irrelevant case facts, inapplicable and/or irrelevant points, missing points, poor flow and/or poor layout of individual pages.
- As with all cases in this course, all the information required to solve the case is in the case unless otherwise stated in the specific case instruction document. Searching for information and answers on the Internet is not required, nor is it permitted unless specifically required in the case instructions. You may visit the website to get an understanding of the business, but you are not required to review secondary data to support any of your strategic direction.
- Cover page with your name(s), student number(s), email addresses, the course & section, the professor’s name and the submission date on it
- Date and page numbers on every page
- Note that an executive summary is NOT required for this deck
- Proper spelling, grammar & sentence structure is essential
- Consistent fonts, font sizes, page numbers, dates, etc.
- Logical flow & structure to the deck
- MLA citation of case and any other resources
- Are the headlines interesting, well written, clear, easy to ready and add value to the reader?
- Can I follow the story & understand the recommendation strictly from reading the headlines?
- Do the headlines summarize the contents of the body of the page?
- Is the content in the body of the slide well thought out?
- Does the slide body content reflect & support what’s writing in the headline?