
一般来说,英文Presentation工作会占最后考试成绩的20-30%,针对期末成绩有一定的危害,留学人员假如想拿高分数,就必须好好地的提前准备。因此 文中算作系列产品里的第一篇(普及贴 highlight),教大伙儿怎样在英文Presentation工作拿高分数。


那,如何是一个达标的乃至是出色的presentation呢? 确立难题 解决困难(头脑风暴游戏) 勤加练习(英语口语表述&時间操纵)。




Task: Describe and critique a research paper

You will be randomly assigned a group and paper in week 2. These are all recent research papers which were selected to ensure they: Span a range of topics, focus on different populations, use different research designs, use different approaches to data collection and analysis.

Assignment 1: Group Presentation (20% of final coursework)

Please note that presentations will be video recorded for the purpose of examination and only your course organiser, the moderator and external examiner will be able to view these.

Students will work together in small groupsfor the presentation task and deliver a 9-12 minute presentation where they critically analyse an academic article related to the course.

以assignment为例子,主要是开展学术研究文章内容的点评与剖析,那一篇journal article由什么一部分构成呢?

Introduction-literature review-method-result-implications-conclusion



那怎样造就一个好的presentation?怎样呈现critical thinking and analyses?Relate:把这些內容与以前学过的內容联络起來。Refer:找该话题讨论有关科学研究,与别人的結果作比照(类似或有悖)Rationale:合情合理的来支持你的论点论据,理性思考。Responsible:变成一个承担责任的人,分组讨论积极开展,依照方案进行分阶段每日任务,充分发挥自身的才可以,例如宣传海报做的好,PPT做的好,拍视频等。





Knowledge and understanding of concepts;

Knowledge and use of the literature;

Critical reflection on theory (and practice);

Constructing (and presenting) academic discourse.

最重要的一点是,依据训练脚本制作控制时间,每一个人全是平分时间,一切一个人的主要表现都是会危害总体的评分,即便 本人的评分会依据随堂主要表现有区别,但总体波动不容易非常大。因此 ,训练的情况下能够删剪一些语句,精练自身的語言。


04 presentation疑难问题


Frequently asked questions

Question 1: Can I discuss other research in my presentation?

Answer: Yes, as long as you are using it to critique/explain something in relation to your article but the focus should be on the article you are reviewing.

Question 2: Will I present to the whole class?

Answer: Yes.

Question 3: I am presenting the introduction of the article, how can I critique it?

Answer: Each group member should contribute to the content of each slide, even if they only present a particular part on the day. This means that if your group has critiqued the article in other parts of the presentation this means that you have also critiqued the article. Furthermore, it is possible to critique an introduction as we discussed in class.

Question 4: Do each of us need to speak for exactly 3 minutes?

 Answer: No, this is a guide. It is up to you how you decide to present as long as each person in the group does present. For example, it is not okay for someone in your group to present for 20 seconds and the rest of the group present for 3 minutes each, but it is okay for someone to present for 2 minutes, another 2minutes 40 seconds, another for 3 minutes and 20 seconds and so on.

Question 5: There are only 3 people in my group, does that mean we should present for less than 12 minutes?

Answer: No, each group should present for a maximum of 12 minutes, regardless of how many people are in your group.

Question 6: What will happen if we go over the allocated time?

Answer: We have a strict time limit of 12 minutes per group. Going over time may be considered when marking under the 'academic discourse' component of the marking scheme and may affect your mark (e.g. could represent lack of a logical and coherent framework)

Question 7: What will happen if we go under the allocated time?

Answer: This depends. If your group finishes in 11 minutes that may be okay. However, if your group finishes significantly under 12 minutes (e.g. 6 minutes) then you may not have been able to fulfill all of the marking criteria.

Question 8: Will we be asked questions from the class?

Answer: Yes. Groups in the audience will be expected to ask a question for each other group.




