英文写作的实质是交流信息,而不是耍酷。又长又难的文章内容总是为阅读者的阅读题导致不便,从而让她们丧失细心,果断不读。只是是这两个错误观念,就要大家好的逻辑思维和见解缺失了散播的机遇,因小失大。因此 ,大家应当该怎么办?
最先,“be relentlessly clear”。保证肯定清楚。
“When writing Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report, I pretend that I’m talking to my sisters. I have no trouble picturing them: Though highly intelligent, they are not experts in accounting or finance. They will understand plain English, but jargon may puzzle them. ”
在《The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Plain English Handbook》的序言中,股神巴菲特说要“ground your prose by having a particular reader in mind”。创作时,要想像自身是写給有一个实际的阅读者,要写的“有态度”。
“My goal is simply to give them the information I would wish them to supply me if our positions were reversed. To succeed, I don’t need to be Shakespeare; I must, though, have a sincere desire to inform.”
次之,“waste no words”。保证肯定精减。
可用一个字表述的,就无需两字。可用before就无需prior to。
可用active voice主动语态就无需passive voice被动语态。
Efficiency measures that have been implemented by the company with strong involvement of senior management have generated cost savings while at the very same time assisting in the building of a culture that is centered around the value of efficiency. We anticipate that, given this excising of unnecessary expenditures and enhanced control of other expenditures, the overall profitability of the company will be increased in the near term of up to four quaters.
[73 words]
Our senior management team has cut costs and made the company more efficient. We expect to be more profitable for the next four quarters.
[24 words]
最终,“be plain spoken”。保证表述当然和质朴。
在创作全过程中,Sandra一直说:“What are you trying to say? Just say it.” 我一直没懂她代表什么意思,直至我看到了股神巴菲特对一个金融企业的商务策划书的改变文章段落。
Maturity and duration management decisions are made in the context of an intermediate maturity orientation. The maturity structure of the portfolio is adjusted in the anticipation of cyclical interest-rate changes. Such adjustments are not made in an effort to capture short-term, day-to-day movements in the market, but instead are implemented in anticipation of longer-term, secular shifts in the interest rates (i.e., shifts transcending and/or not inherent to the business cycle). Adjustments made to shorten portfolio maturity and duration are made to limit capital losses during periods when interest rates are expected to rise. Conversely, adjustments made to lengthen maturation for the portfolio’s maturity and duration strategy lies in the analysis of the U.S. and global economies, focusing on levels of real interest rates, monetary and fiscal policy actions, and cyclical indicators. (某金融企业商务策划书文章段落)
Words: 136
Sentences: 5 (all passive voice)
Average sentence length: 27.2
Flesch Reading Ease: 8.2
We will try to profit by correctly predicting future interest rates. When we have no strong opinion, we will generally hold intermediate-term bonds. But when we expect a major and sustained increase in rates, we will concentrate on short-term issues. And conversely, if we expect a major shift to lower rates, we will buy long bonds. We will focus on the big picture and won’t make moves based on short-term considerations.(股神巴菲特的改变)
Words: 74
Sentences: 5 (none passive voice)
Average sentence length: 14.8
Flesch Reading Ease: 60.1
Flesch Reading Ease是一个英文的易读性检测专用工具。从0-100,成绩越高意味着易读性越高。融合上边几段的得分和大家的感观,能够非常好地体现出文字的可读性对吸引住专注力的危害水平。
Better Business Writing这本书详细介绍了一个趣味的角色扮演游戏架构:MACJ。这四个字母分别是Madman, Architect, Carpenter, 和Judge四个英语单词的首写。它注重在创作的情况下,要按序各自饰演这四种不一样的人物角色。每饰演一个特殊人物角色,就只搞好人物角色范畴内的事儿。
应用这一架构的头等大事是要还记得在一个时间范围内,只饰演一个人物角色。这一方式,能够把块状的创作工作压力拆分为一个一个的一小块每日任务。既有利于大家逐渐创作,防止writer’s block(文学家写出不来物品来的心理状态传导阻滞感),还有益于分拆关键,各个击破。
异想天开的创作自然是尽情的。但沒有管束就沒有随意。我自然不容易由于2次被规定调用而舍弃英文写作,反过来,我能遵循我学过到的三个标准:be relentlessly clear, waste no words, 和be plain spoken,根据饰演Madman, Architect, Carpenter, 和Judge这四个不一样人物角色,管束自身,写成易读性更强的文章内容来。