谈起Paper创作,就算是创作基本功浓厚的留学人员,要想在篇幅限定以内写作出一篇高水平的Paper,也肯定是一件具有趣味性的事。许多 海外留学人员都是会碰到那样的状况:在Paper改动润饰过几稿以后,本来內容早已“删没法删”,却還是超过了院校要求的篇幅限定,煞费苦心也不知道该怎样对目前版本号再次改动。paperdaixie.com做为技术专业英语Paper代笔组织就为大伙儿详细介绍好多个句子更换的小技巧,使你在不更改Paper本意的基本上,轻松把篇幅降下去,或许还能让英文表述更为正宗!做到润饰的实际效果!
be able to
"be able to"是大伙儿在创作时尤其喜欢的一个语句,可是在英语中,有措辞越来越少但含意不会改变的表达形式,例如一般现在时情境下的"can"和将来时的"will",更换后能够节约出2-3个篇幅的篇数。使我们根据案例感受一下:
Because of my strong communication skills,I am able to close more deals than others.(15字)
Because of my strong communication skills,I can close more deals than others.(13字)
With the founding,my business will be able to expand into new areas.(13字)
With the founding,my business will expand into new areas.(10字)
decided to
假如在Paper中提及自身或别人所做的决策,应当简单叙述作出决策的全过程,关键突显最后的結果。在开展这些方面內容的创作时,大伙儿多会挑选"decided to"那样的语句,但是为了更好地节约篇幅,能够立即采用别的形容词:
Once I saw the contract,I decided to call my boss.(11字)
Once I saw the contract,I called my boss.(9字)
My supervisor decided to promote me first.(7字)
My supervisor promoted me first.(5字)
prior to/in advance of
假如在Paper中叙述恶性事件产生的顺序,许多 申报人会挑选应用"prior to"或是"in advance of"这类的语句,但那样的表达形式稍显有意,并且还会继续占有文本室内空间,比不上立即应用"before"做为替代:
The club director called all the contracted sponsors in advance of the meeting.(13字)
The club director called all the contracted sponsors before the meeting.(11字)
despite the fact that
"despite the fact that..."那样的语句确实是有一些负累,英语中可以表述一样词义的语句有很多,能够考虑到用"even though"开展更换。
I was excluded from the promotion despite the fact that I had spent more hours to the project.(18字)
I was excluded from the promotion even though I had spent more hours to the project.(16字)
in order to/in order for
实际上简言之,在表述目地的情境下,"in order"的语句表述针对联接的恶性事件結果沒有一切本质实际意义。两者之间占有篇数,比不上立即挑选应用"to"或是"for",不仅简明扼要,还更为正宗。
I had to get up three hours early in order to get to the office on time.(17字)
I had to get up three hours early to get to the office on time.(15字)
I knew that in order for my team to stay on budget,I needed to find a better distributor.(19字)
I knew that for my team to stay on budget,I needed to find a better distributor.(17字)