essay连接词|for example用法及其替换词
英语论文撰写中,有很多学员都必须把握的写作方法,而针对英语水准不太高的留学人员,它是较为难的每日任务。写英语论文时不能随便明确提出见解,必须用不一样的直接证据和事例来证实自身的观点。英语论文撰写中,很经常会采用举例论证的方法,这就必须应用“比如” for example这一essay连词。但是假如学员仅用e.g.或for example,那麼文章内容看上去很枯燥的。“For example” 有很多的使用方法和更换词,因而今日大家paperdaixie.com就为大伙儿介绍一下怎样英语论文中更换“比如”。
1. For example使用方法
由于“for example”是较为随意应用的,因此学员都很喜欢这类essay连词。“For example”后边必须点上分号,该连词一直详细介绍广泛定义的事例。“For example”一般的影响力便是语句的开始,但它还可以应用在语句中或语句的结尾。“For example”别的的特性是它早已有“这些”的含意, 因而在句尾无需再加 “so on”,“etc.”这写词语。
«Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.»
2. Such as
“Such as”一般是用以来介绍人,事情或事儿。“Such as” 一直在语句的正中间应用的。如果我们想列举3个多事例,那“such as”前边必须点上分号,假如仅有一或两事例那么就分号是不用的。看见“such as”语句的情况下阅读者会搞清楚出示的事例并不是详细的,因此语句后边不用再加“so on”,“etc.”这种词句,像在“for example” 语句一样。
«Clients who used the Standard CRM saw positive changes for their sales teams, such as productivity increases of 15% and a 40% increase in sales revenue.»
3. e. g.
“e.g.”来源于拉丁文,是 exempli gratia的简称,它的意思和“for example”很同样。该简称一般用以详细介绍一、两或大量已在毕业论文提及的事例,还可以跟 “for example”和 “such as”交换应用。
«You have a lot of opportunities to grow, e.g., it doesn't sound like you've optimized your pricing page in years.»
4. i. e.
“i. e.”也是拉丁文id est的简称,意思是“也就是说”或 “换句话说”。主要是用以注重或论述之前提及的见解,让阅读者更加深入了解你前边的事例。“i.e.”能够跟 “specifically” 与 “namely”交换应用。
«The evaluation noted that the employee had frequently exhibited irresponsible behavior (i.e., coming to work late, failing to complete projects). »
5. etc.
“etc” 是来源于拉丁文et cetera的简称,有“这些”的含意,和英文用的“and so on”很相仿。用以出示不详细事例的明细,应用在非正规的英文毕业论文创作中。
«They ate cookies, cakes, peanuts, fairy floss, etc., and it's little wonder they ended up with stomach aches. »
6. For instance
“For instance”跟 “for example”能够交换应用。只这两essay连词能够逐渐新语句。
«Our product has several features you will love; for instance, they can schedule a series of emails …»
7. As proof
在你提及见解之后写 “as proof”,然后写成数据统计或出示事例,直接证据来证实自身的见解。
«Unhealthy snacks might be hurting employeesatisfaction more than you'dt hink. As proof, here now we see NPS score went up 10 points once we revamped their office ‘pantry'.»
8. To illustrate
如果你想证实自身的见解时,能够应用这一essay连词。和“as proof”有同样的使用方法。
"Everyone needs a good cyber security strategy – even if you're not in a ‘risky' industry. To illustrate, we just protect a client in the consumer pet space, of all things, from an extremely sophisticated attack that would've taken every single one of their 100 stores offline for hours, maybe even days."
9. In particular
你要注重你毕业论文的实际一部分吗? 那能够试一下应用“In particular”为突出主题。
«With a custom email sending IP address, your email strategy will reap many benefits. In particular, you'll see an improvement in email deliver ability. »
“Namely” 用以出示大量信息。在详细介绍基础观念以后,这类essay连词对该观念作实际表明。
«There are four sections in the game, namely, drawing, guarding, trailing and driving. »
实际上,在英语论文撰写中有许多“for example”的使用方法与更换词, paperdaixie.com上边所出示的essay联接词是最普遍的。留学人员论文代写实际上并并不是难以,只需大伙儿把握写作方法,娴熟健身运动语汇和essay连词就可以使文章内容看上去更有创意,更有易读性。大家提议留学人员们要多开展一些训练,把握一些创作基础方法。但假如時间彻底不足,而很无法写完,那不用浪费時间,能够随时随地联络QQ: 在线客服兴高采烈协助你。