
写学术研究文章内容Academic Writing是英国大学的关键构成部分,一是调查你对本专业学习,二是很注重学员学生自主学习的水平和工作能力,三就是你的学术研究工作能力,及避免抄袭和学术研究文件格式。Report是英国大学普遍的工作之一,那麼report怎么写?有哪些写作方法?下边paperdaixie.com为大伙儿娓娓而谈!



1.Whole Text:Task achievement


Development of ideas/argument

Paragraph structure and coherence

3.Academic Conventions:

Acknowledgement of sources

In-text citations

Reference list

4.Use of Sources:

Understanding of sources

Selection of sources






Lexical Range&accuracy

Discipline-related language

Use of language





·Double-Spacing:Your text should be double-spaced.有时规定1.5倍行间距,教师要说


·Font Size:Titles-14 point/Main Body Text-12 point(Use the same font size and font style throughout your assignment.)

·Page Numbers for Report:Each page should be numbered at the bottom on the right

·Reference List for Report:At the end of your Report put the sub-heading‘References’.List in alphabetical order all of the materials you have referred to in your Report

·Cover Page for Report:You should include a front cover page for your assignment.The Language Centre’s cover page is on the VLE in the assessment folder



明确题型之后,必须写个题纲理清思路,大概分派一下各一部分的篇幅,下边是一个有关food security的sample.

Report outline


-Context–why is this topic important?

-Definition of key terms:food security,developing countries,developed countries

-Overview of the Report structure

-Your position/stance/view

Main body 1

Factor 1 Not-for-profit regulatory systems


Developing countries-examples

Developed countries-examples


Factor 2(as factor 1)

Factor 3(as factor 1)

Factor 4(as factor 1)

Main body 2

Section 1:Developing countries–comparedifferent factors

Section 2:Developed countries–comparedifferent factors

这一plan非常简单,能够按自己的文章构造加物品越来越更详尽,写完plan就可以搜集材料写draft了。用的数最多的便是Google Scholar和院校图书馆网站,自然还可以在图书馆看纸版的书。



最先,严苛的期刊论文不可以出現I think,in my opinion,my points,we,us,这些反映自身主观性见解的词句和见解,由于大家做为学员终究并不是一个行业的权威专家,还不可以在这类家庭作业中出現自身见解,特别是在做为主见解探讨。假如的确有自身的见解,就需要把握分寸感,放得部位(一般 临末尾),说的份量,怎么讲,本人提议,千万别又说自身的见解,又很蠢的用I think等显著不技术专业的词句。

除非是毕业论文的规定里有融合your own experience来谈。




·It is noted(Lucy,2000;Lily,2001)that..括弧内创作者姓Family name,著作时代

·Lucy(2000)has said that··创作者说,创作者姓,随后著作时代

·如果是2个创作者Lucy and Lily(2000)have argue that···

·如果是好几个创作者Lucy et al.(2000)suggested that··一般 状况假如创作者逝世,用过去式形容词,不然无需


·要是没有时代,则括弧(no date)


所述句号内的內容就是你用自身得话转述创作者的见解,你能小结,你能用你的了解再次分拆句子成分再次机构语言表达能力创作者的写的內容,它是间接引用。如果你是立即一次不低的引入,只是直接引用,及copy,则·Lucy(2000,p8)explains that‘···’.引入里边就是你立即抄的內容,括弧需要标明这一段內容的在书本里边的部位,即页码就可以。

留意哦:写好文章会传入论文查重系统软件,文章内容里超出20%內容立即copy,你的文章内容就被视作抄袭,教师都不容易看着你的文章内容,立即调用,也就是说比较严重,立即0分解决了。此外便是再度注重,用了他人的见解,一定说起到底是谁的,何时的,不写清晰,也是种抄袭,而教师评分时,这些一般 和这語言分占据20%。



Report写作中的Critical thinking

Report创作中的Critical thinking

再聊一下Critical thinking,它是说对待一个难题,应当从不一样人,不一样视角去看看,事儿并不是一直非一即二的二元论。

The following questions may be usefully asked about any text you are reading:

Purpose and background

Why are you reading this text?What is your purpose?

What type of text is it:research report,Report,textbook,book review?

What do you know about the subject of the text?

What else has been written on the subject of the text?

What controversies exist in this area?How does this text fit in?

The author and the text

Who is the author?What do you know about the author?What authority does the author have?

Who is the intended audience?

What is the author's purpose?Why has the text been written?

What is the source of the text?Is it reputable?Who is the publisher?What reputation to they have?

What is the date of publication?Is it appropriate to the argument?

What is the writer's attitude towards the topic?

What conclusions are drawn?

Evidence used

Is there a clear distinction between fact and opinion?

Is evidence used to support arguments?How good is the evidence?Are all the points supported?

In an experimental study,was the sample size adequate and are the statistics reliable?

Are there any unsupported points?Are they well-known facts or generally accepted opinions?

How does the writer use other texts and other people's ideas?

Are the writer's conclusions reasonable in the light of the evidence presented?

How do the conclusions relate to other similar research?

Assumptions made

What assumptions has the writer made?Are they valid?

What beliefs or values does the writer hold?Are they explicit?

Look at the language that is used,e.g.active/passive verbs,nominalisations,pronouns,ergative verbs,articles,etc.

Look for emphatic words such as it is obvious,definitely and of course.

Look for hedges:possible,might,perhaps.

Look for emotional arguments,use of maximisers:completely,absolutely,entirely,or minimisers:only,just,hardly,simply,merely.

How else could the text have been written?

会想完这种难题,从此不必担心自身沒有Critical thinking啦~~


还有,进行这类工作,也是一个多方位的锻练吧,有总体目标,例如确立题型,确立得分规定,了解要写什么,用哪种关键字去找参考文献,从而是要静得下心来阅读文章充足量的参考文献,一般 3000字上下的参考文献,要进行比较优异,最少要15个references之上吧,至少至少不可以少过10个,剩余的便是你的introduction,main body,conclusion每个一部分篇幅遍布,內容分配都必须考虑到,写完后文件格式,英语的语法,措辞,调节也是不可以少的,做为留学人员,proof reading不可或缺,因此 这一全过程也就是你自身日程安排,本人主观因素驱动器这些的磨练。


Late Penalties

University rules on penalties for late submission of coursework require 5 full marks(on the 20-90 scale)to be deducted for every period of 24 hours or part there of(including weekends)that passes after the date of required submission.This means that work submitted within 24 hours of the deadline is deducted 5 marks;work submitted between 24 and 48 hours late is deducted 10 marks,and so on.

Extension Request

If extenuating circumstances prevent you from submitting coursework by the deadline you must apply for an extension.Deadline extensions for your assessments are normally only given inadvance and in cases of genuine medical or similarly serious reasons.


Penalties for exceeding the required wordcount

If the length of the assignment exceeds the required word count by more than 10%,the mark awarded for the work affected will be reduced by 5 marks.The word count excludes bibliography and footnotes unless specific guidance isprovided otherwise.No penalty applies to work of insufficient length(the assessor will make a judgment on the marking scale of the extent to which short submissions addressed the task set).

反复的过多就视作剽窃,因此 间接引用一定要还记得用自身得话rephrase~

Declaration of Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

By signing the declaration of academic integrity,you confirm that the work being submitted is entirely your own.Presenting someone else’s work as your own is viewed by the University plagiarism and is taken very seriously.The penalties imposed can vary from receiving a mark of zero(on the 0-100 scale)or 20(on the 20–90 scale)for a piece of work to exclusion from the University.


