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卷调研数据显示,酒店餐厅的薪资智能管理系统对职工的服务质量低,这是由于酒店业出示的薪水低,职工的薪资欠缺统一的规范,她们的薪资与绩效考评的結果沒有息息相关;酒店餐厅沒有与职工沟通交流,都没有对职工开展管理方法,造成 酒店餐厅的薪水智能管理系统无法获得职工的认同和了解,酒店餐厅的薪酬管理制度无法做到预期目标。
The questionnaire results in this study showed that the employees have low satisfaction with the salary management systems of the hotels, which was because the hotel industry offered low salaries, there was a lack of uniform standards for salaries of staff, their salaries were not closely related to results of performance appraisal; the hotels did not communicate with the employees in development of salary management systems, nor did the management listen to the views of staff, resulting in that hotels’ salary management systems were difficult to be recognized and understood by their staff, the salary manage of the hotels failed to achieved the expected goal of stimulation.
The questionnaire results in this study indicated that the staff has low satisfaction with the training systems of the hotel, the reasons included: first of all, the hotel paid no attention to staff training. Then, there was a lack of investment in staff training. Again, the hotels ignored the needs of employees. Neglecting staff’s training results was the main reason leading to their dissatisfaction with the staff training systems.
Questionnaire results in this dissertation revealed that the employees have low satisfaction with the corporate culture of the hotels, as the hotels overlooked value and demand of employees, they did not establish a people-oriented business management environment; employees rarely have the opportunity to participate in business management; the management of the hotels stressed that the staff must comply with disciplines of the hotels but the staff was rarely authorized, which was not conducive to the formation of a harmonious working atmosphere within the hotels to motivate employees to work hard.
Questionnaire results and interview results in this thesis told that the employees failed to have a high degree of a sense of accomplishment, fairness and security. The correlation analysis results showed that employees' sense of accomplishment, fairness and security were positively related to their satisfaction with HRM system; employees’ low degree of accomplishment, fairness and security were related to their low satisfaction with the salary management, staff training and corporate culture of the hotels. The correlation analysis also concluded that staff turnover intention was inversely proportional to employees’ sense of accomplishment, fairness and security. High turnover intention of staff of high-star hotels in Beijing was related to their low degree of a sense of accomplishment, fairness and security.
The multiple regression analysis showed that a sense of fairness has the most impact on turnover intention, followed by a sense of security, a sense of accomplishment has the slightest impact; salary management