Character description
英国人物描述代写 My great grandfather was born in the late 80s. His father was a farmer and they lived a very happy life together for a couple of years.
I interviewed my great grandfather Mr. Simon .
My great grandfather was born in the late 80s. His father was a farmer and they lived a very happy life together for a couple of years , Where he would excitedly look forward to going out in the fields . He was a child back in the days of the Industrial revolution . And reminisced about that time when his father was one of the few people who migrated from being a farmer to becoming one of the people who worked in the industry.
He spoke about it with a mix of emotions in his eyes . You could see that he was trying hard to fight back tears . As he told us all a story which truly moved us.
我的曾祖父出生于 80 年代末。 他的父亲是个农民,他们一起过着非常幸福的生活几年,他会兴奋地期待着到田里去。 在工业革命时代,他还是个孩子。 并回忆起那段时间,他的父亲是少数几个从农民转变为从事该行业的人之一。
说到这里,他的眼中充满了复杂的情绪。 你可以看到他正在努力强忍眼泪。 正如他告诉我们的一个故事,真正打动了我们。 英国人物描述代写
Suffice to say that during that period when change was eminent
Many people had to make immense sacrifices in order to survive , And what is even more sad to hear was the story of how my great grandfather had to leave behind his best friend because his family had to move away. Simone he called him, with a smile , And said that because both of their names were similar , They would often joke about what would happen if they exchanged their lives.
But he saw the way that his friend grieved when he left , And his heart broke according to him. “I still remember the day we left. Simone was standing by the corner of our house , Crying loudly and sniffing , But then he made a gesture , He raised his right hand and put his index finger up. That was our sign and hope to each other. It meant that no matter where we may be , Our hearts and thoughts will always be with each other. After that , I never saw him again.”
译文:可以说,在那个变化显着的时期 英国人物描述代写
许多人不得不做出巨大牺牲,为了生存,什么是更伤心地听到是我的曾祖父如何不得不留下他最好的朋友,因为他的家就搬走的故事。 西蒙尼笑着给他打电话,说因为两个名字很像,所以经常开玩笑说如果换了性命会怎么样。
但他看到他的朋友离开时悲伤的样子,他的心碎了。 “我还记得我们离开的那天。 西蒙尼站在我们家的角落,大声地哭着嗅着,然后他做了一个手势,他抬起右手,把食指竖了起来。 那是我们对彼此的标志和希望。 这意味着无论我们身在何处,我们的心和思想将永远在一起。 在那之后,我再也没有见过他。” 英国人物描述代写

“But I must say that life has been kind to me.
I got a beautiful family and a beautiful wife , Who allowed me to feel strong and move forward. Since we came from a family of farmers , My father was adamant in wanting me to study and make something of myself . The proudest moment of my life was when I finished my college degree . And could see tears of happiness in my Father’s eyes.
That was the moment when I knew that I had done him proud.” He further went on to mention that after graduation , He was given the chance of being a manger in a factory , Which allowed him to provide well for his family and give some rest to his old father. He professed that he still regrets that he wasn’t able to do anything for his father,
And always felt that no matter how hard he tried , He would never be able to give him all the things he wanted to. And eventually his father passed away, so the feeling of not being able to do anything for him became even stronger , That even till his day , He feels sad about it and regrets it deeply.
Then he smiled and told me a story about his happiest memory. “When your grandfather was born, 英国人物描述代写
译文:“但我必须说,生活对我很好。 英国人物描述代写
然后他微笑着给我讲了一个关于他最快乐的记忆的故事。 “当你祖父出生时, 英国人物描述代写
I was beyond happy, but when your father was born,
I was over joyed . I had lived long enough to see my grandson . And then you were born . I can never explain the feeling in words when I heard the news , And the first time I laid my eyes on you , I couldn’t hold back my tear . You were a little bundle of joy and I was so happy that I was able . To live long even to see you being born into this world.
That is one of the happiest memories of my life.” At this point , Even I had tears in my eyes, and I smiled as he smiled his toothless smile at me , And we both sat there quietly for some time, until my mother brought in some tea with snacks.
Although his demeanor had gone soft,
And he found it difficult to breathe , I could see that talking about his life was something he enjoyed . The twinkle in his eyes, the way his lips curled into a smile , And how he remembered each and everything with exact detail showed just how much he had been bursting to share this with someone.
译文:我非常高兴,但是当你父亲出生时, 英国人物描述代写
他发现呼吸困难,我可以看出谈论他的生活是他喜欢的事情。他眼中闪烁的光芒,他嘴角勾起的笑容,以及他对每一件事情的记得很清楚,这表明他是多么迫不及待地想与人分享这些。 英国人物描述代写
We hardly ever get time to talk to our loved ones
But when we do , We realize that they actually have so many stories to share with us , And so many exciting adventures they have been on. He ended the discussion with an exciting story from his youth when he took . A tram to visit an unknown part of town and discovered a magical . Shop in which items he had never seen before were being sold.
Later on , He found out that an old lady who had no other kin was running that shop , And he helped her get more customers by designing a board for her. He remembered how fun it was to help a complete stranger and see them smile as his idea worked. Later on , He got scolded by his parents for disappearing on them , But he enjoyed that day , Discovering new things and new places that day.
In the end I would just like to say that it is the little things in life that truly matter , And listening to my great grandfather taught me how that is entirely true.
译文:我们几乎没有时间与我们所爱的人交谈 英国人物描述代写
但是当我们这样做时,我们意识到他们实际上有很多故事要与我们分享,他们经历了很多激动人心的冒险。 他以他年轻时的一个激动人心的故事结束了讨论。 乘坐电车参观城镇的未知部分并发现了一个神奇的地方。 出售他以前从未见过的物品的商店。 后来,他发现开这家店的是一位没有其他亲戚的老太太,他为她设计了一个板子,帮助她获得了更多的顾客。 他记得帮助一个完全陌生的人并看到他们在他的想法奏效时微笑是多么有趣。 后来,他因为消失在父母身边而被父母责骂,但他很享受那一天,发现新事物和新地方。 最后,我只想说,生活中的小事才是真正重要的,听我曾祖父教我说这是完全正确的。
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