网络技术作业代写 Theintegrityand reliability of the game should be considered as part of the development. Common error conditions such
This is an individual project; the weighting of the project towards the overall module mark will vary depending on your current academic standing. Please contact the module lecturer if you have any questions around this.
Students are reminded that there are strict rules around plagiarism and collusion. University guidance on plagiarism can be
foundhere. Students are also asked to be mindful of copyright and intellectual property issues .
This assignment should be submitted to Canvas by 5pm on Monday 8th August 2021 as per the instructions provided.
You are currently applying for the position of a client-side web developer. For the interview you have been asked to develop a word-based game inspired by the TV show ‘Countdown’. Which you will be asked to present. Specifically, you have been asked to focus your development on the implementation of a single player word round from the game show.
A long standing popular TV game show consisting of various number and word challenges, further information on this show may be found at the following Wikipedia page,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countdown_(game_show). Episodes of the TV show may also be freely viewed online, for example, via YouTube.
You have been asked to focus on the development of a single word-based round inspired by this TV show. These rounds challenge the player to find the longest valid word (as defined by a dictionary, e.g.Oxford English Dictionary) from a set of nine randomly drawn letters . Generally, in the Countdown TV Show, the process is as follows for a word round : 网络技术作业代写
- At the start of the round, the nine letters to be used are drawn. To do this the player will states whether they would like a vowel (A, E, I, O, U) or consonant (any other letter). Which is randomly drawn from the appropriate set of letters.
- Oncethe letters have been selected, the player normally has 30 seconds to identify the longest valid word they can from the letters previously drawn.
- At the end of the round, the longest word is presented and if valid, points are awarded, usually 1 per letter of the word .
Remember, the brief is to be inspired by the Countdown game. You do not need to adhere rigidly to this format.
Broadly, it is anticipated that most implementations will consist of:
- Agame landing where the concept and key instructions are provided to the player.
- Selectionof letters to be used in the round.
- Atime limited period where players record the words they have identified.
- Theresults of the game where the players performance (score) is calculated and presented to them
It is expected that students will use a broad range of HTML. CSS and JavaScript skills in the development of this game. As this assignment aims to assess your ability with these technologies, the use of templates or frameworks is not expected, and their use may reduce, rather than enhance your coursework mark.
While a great variety in the style of game produced is expected. All should incorporate and clearly evidence the following features as part of the final submission.
- Playersshallbe able to select a set number of random consonant or vowel letters. Furthermore, they shall not be able to select more than the defined number of letters and shall not be able to enter any words until the last letter is drawn.
- Onceallletters have been selected. Players shall have a limited amount of time to identify as many valid words as they can from the set of letters drawn. Once the time available has expired, the game shall automatically end. And no further words may be entered into the game.
- Pleasenote that the checking of words against a dictionary is NOT required as part of the ‘Key Features’ . 网络技术作业代写
Oncethegame timer has expired, a score should be automatically calculated and displayed based on the words entered by the player. Additionally, the list of words entered by the player during the round shall be displayed.
- Theintegrityand reliability of the game should be considered as part of the development. Common error conditions such as trying to submit an empty field should be handled. Likewise, trying to submit a word consisting of invalid characters or one that cannot be formed from the given letters should be identified to the user and appropriate action taken.
- Arange of media such as images, video, audio effects/music. Animations and other techniques should be incorporated to enhance the players experience.
- Remember, bemindful of copyright and intellectual property. Ensure you use your own or ‘free to use’ content. If ‘free to use’ content has been incorporated within your project, ensure it is suitably referenced in the code and documentation.
- Thegame should embed a range of suitable accessibility features to ensure that the game may be enjoyed by those with additional needs.
Please note, the submitted game should be inspired by the Countdown TV Shows word rounds. However, not be a direct clone of it. Within the scope of the above requirements you are encouraged to apply your own creativity to meet the brief.
For this assignment, a score (percentage) out of 100, rounded to the nearest integer will be returned based on the following marking criteria. The weighting of each criterion within the assignment has also been listed.
Students will have access to the following support during the project:
- Onlineresources including this assignment spec and additional guidance material (including video) available via Canvas.
- Generalstudent support via email, Canvas and Microsoft Teams. Students are encouraged to contact the lecturer by email in the first instance.
After assignment work has been submitted, summative feedback is available via:
- Anindividual mark broken down by the criteria provided above.
- Theopportunity to receive further individual feedback by appointment with the lecturer.
Please note that feedback will be returned as soon as possible, subject to marker availability and other constraints. 网络技术作业代写
- 1. Website, toincludeall files and folders needed to view your game (HTML, CSS, JS, Images, Sound, Video, etc.)
- 2. PowerPointslidessummarising your game, guidance follows below.
- 3. Recordedvideodemonstration of game in operation, guidance follows below.
In deliverables 2 and 3, it is important that you clearly highlight where you have implemented HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The aim of the PowerPoint is to provide a clear reference guide for the key deliverables of your project and should have the following structure.
- Coverslide showing project title, your name and student number .
- Aslide with an annotated screenshot showing the welcome/landing screen for your game.
- Aslide with an annotated screenshot showing how the letters are selected for the game, this may include annotated screenshots of both the rendered page in the browser and corresponding code.
- Aslideillustrating the operation of the JavaScript timed event, this may include annotated screenshots of both the rendered page in the browser and corresponding code.
- Aslide illustrating how the player submits words in the game, this may include annotated screenshots of both the rendered page in the browser and corresponding code.
Aslideshowing a screenshot of the scoring for the player. Annotations briefly explaining how the score was derived should be included.
- Aslideshowing how you have protected against user input error conditions (e.g. empty fields) and ensured accurate scoring of the players submitted words (e.g. only valid words get scored). This may include annotated screenshots of both the rendered page in the browser and corresponding code. 网络技术作业代写
- Aslide with annotated screenshot(s) showing the operation of accessibility features that have been incorporated in the game and the issues they are designed to mitigate.
- Aslide briefly outlining, as you deem appropriate, the top two or three features of the game in terms of technical complexity and/or quality of user experience. Annotations and code snippets should be included.
- Aslide summarising where game images have been sourced and confirming their use is in line with copyright/IP rules.
For the above, a maximum of TWO slides per point is permissible. For clarity, your complete PowerPoint should be no longer than 20 slides.
The video demonstration should cover the points highlighted in the PowerPoint submission. Specifically, this should be a practical demonstration of the game in action, the slides are not expected to be used. Additionally, the focus should be on the operation of the game in the browser, any inclusion of the underlying code is expected to be by exception and minimal.
The video shall last no more than 10 minutes (though this is a limit not a target, for most videos 6 -8 minutes will be fine - the absolute max is 11 minutes), should consist of screen recording with a corresponding student narrative, and will normally have the following structure: 网络技术作业代写
- 1. Videoopeningshould briefly introduce and contextualise the game (max 1 minute).
- 2. Atleastone complete playthrough of the game, however, more may be needed to ensure that you can demonstrate all of the key features. Ensure you take enough time so that the environment created through the game can be appreciated and graded accordingly. Rushing over parts may impact your grade.
- Thevideoshould conclude with a summary of ‘best bits’ in terms of technical complexity and quality of experience.
Important Notes:
- WithinPoints2-3, all of the areas described in the PowerPoint presentation must be covered.
- Itis your responsibility to ensure the quality of the video is sufficient to clearly see and hear all elements of the demonstration. A poor-quality video will likely have the corresponding effect on final marks!
Firstly, before recording the video, you are strongly advised to plan what you will show and talk about. For example, by making a series of bullet points with approximate timings beside each. Use this outline to make sure you cover all the required areas and show off the best of your project within the 10-minute limit.
The video may be recorded using any suitable software, however, OBS Studio (https://obsproject.com/) is freeware that works well for screen recordings etc. and has been used successfully for similar work in other modules. Note, on Macs, high resolution screens have been known to cause some problems with OBS, in this case, using QuickTime Player’s screen recording function works well.
Again, please bear in mind that the quality of your video recordings is important to ensure that your work can be accurately marked. To this end, it is recommended that you use a minimum recording resolution of 720p (ideally 1080p) and a video format of mp4. Note that if you are using QuickTime, this records in .mov by default, but you can export to mp4.
Please follow these instructions carefully for submission of the CSC1030 coursework
- Firstly, review all assignment guidance and make sure that you have completed all the required work.
- Compile your work into the following folder/file structure.
- 4.Uploadthe ‘CSCzip’ file to the ‘CSC1030 Summer Coursework’ assignment area on Canvas. Note:
- Pleasedonot leave uploading the assignment to the last minute, be mindful that submissions are likely to have a substantial file size. The submission time is based on the completion of a submission, not the start.
It is your responsibility to ensure the coursework is uploaded in time, presented in line with the instructions above and is not corrupted in any way. You should leave enough time to upload, then verify your submission for your own piece of mind and to avoid any loss of marks.