网络安全代考 Network Flows and Combinatorial Optimization

ISE 632: Network Flows and Combinatorial Optimization

网络安全代考 Grading will be based on about 10 problem sets, two take-home midterm exams, and a fifinal exam. The fifinal grade averages will be

Instructor 网络安全代考

Prof. John Gunnar Carlsson

Offiffiffice: OHE 310F

Phone: (213) 740-3858


Offiffiffice hours: 4:00 - 5:00 PM, Tuesday/Thursday via zoom

Optional textbooks

  • Ravindra K. Ahuja, Thomas L. Magnanti, and James B. Orlin. Network flflows: theory, algorithms, and applications. Prentice Hall, 1993. Available online at  网络安全代考

  • Bernhard Korte and Jens Vygen. Combinatorial optimization: theory and algorithms. Springer, 2008. Avail able online via USC Libraries.

  • David Easley and Jon Kleinberg. Networks, crowds, and markets: Reasoning about a highly connected world. Cambridge University Press, 2010. Available online at

  • Adam Kasperski. Discrete optimization and network flflows. Wrocław University of Technology, 2011. Available online at

Meeting time/location  网络安全代考

Monday/Wednesday 2:00 - 3:20, SGM 226

Course summary

  • Graph theory

  • Shortest paths

  • Matching problems

  • Total unimodularity

  • Network flflow problems

  • Spanning trees

  • Routing problems

  • Location problems

  • (Time permitting) Probability theory of combinatorial problems

Grading  网络安全代考

Grading will be based on about 10 problem sets, two take-home midterm exams, and a fifinal exam. The fifinal grade averages will be computed as follows:

Problem sets 40%

Midterm exam 1 20%

Midterm exam 2 20%

Final exam 20%

Students may collaborate in groups of two or three on homework, but each student must write up their own assignments. Assignments must be neatly written with all pages stapled together.  网络安全代考


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